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Too Hot To Handle!
Too Hot To Handle!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Heat (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro
Location: Bathroom
Date: May 21, 2006
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/100
Galleries: Nude, Studio
Date Uploaded: May 21, 2006

This wasn't my first choice for this challenge but as my first take didn't have the impact that I was after I quickly shot this the night before the challenge closed.

And yes....my butt(??) did get burnt a few times...yeow!!

Place: 87 out of 158
Avg (all users): 5.4144
Avg (commenters): 7.1667
Avg (participants): 5.0303
Avg (non-participants): 5.6348
Views since voting: 5210
Views during voting: 413
Votes: 181
Comments: 19
Favorites: 1 (view)

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07/15/2006 06:25:32 PM
Nothing like suffering for one's art. This one deserved at least a 7 just for the butt burns.
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07/09/2006 06:06:51 PM
Very cool. feel the heat.
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06/02/2006 06:43:45 AM
Greetings from the Critique Club. My critiques are generally geared towards trying to help you improve your score within DPC, and not on any true "artistic" merit of the photograph itself, unless it relates to DPC voters and scoring. Please keep that in mind as you read this.

Initial Thoughts
Amusing, but difficult to tell exactly what body part it is.. I thought knee at first!

Compositionally, it's wonderful. I love the off-centered candle, and there is just enough "skin" to let the viewer know it's there. What's confusing for me however, is that taken together, one is left a little confused as to *why* you're burning your butt. "Jack jump over the candlestick"? For DPC voting, as you are well aware, you generally need to really convey your message quickly, and without doubt. I don't think that that was done very well in this case. You mention that it wasn't your first choice, had the impact you wanted, and was shot quickly.. so you probably know what I've just told you as much as I do, but it shows, so I had to mention it.

Quite a nice background for what it is. Very neutral and not distracting. However, in a "heat" challenge, I think that using a warmer background would have helped sell the shot a lot better.

Camera Work/Technical
Beautiful focus, good exposure. I'm not too sure about the lighting though. I think it detracts from the "heat" feel a little, being quite "cool" in nature, and not doing much to convey "heat" in any real sense.

Digital Processing
You didn't leave any details on your processing, but what you did do looks pretty good. Great sharpening, spot on. I like that you left texture in the skin. The urge to neatimage to death is a little strong these days, and I admire that you didn't go that route there.

Fits the Challenge
While the flame of the candle certainly portrays "heat" to a small degree, I think the rest of the photo works against that, and probably contributed to your lower score. The over-all feeling of the photo, to me, is "cool".. not "heat", and mostly because of your lighting and background choice. However, the fact that you went a humorous route cannot be ignored, and I congratulate you on that. Humor is something that DPC sorely misses far too often.

My Opinion of the Photo
I laughed. I love humor and I think it's a funny shot. It may have missed on a number of technical aspects or challenge meeting aspects, but how can you go wrong with nudity over a candle. Congratulations for sticking to the humor aspect despite all else.. nobody can fault you for that.
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05/29/2006 08:02:05 AM
ouch! but a quick way for tough hair removal. ;-P

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05/29/2006 07:16:15 AM
I think you just created a new icon for "dodging and burning" tools in PS. lol Once again I compliment you on your daring imagination and a fun, eye catching image.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/28/2006 05:26:17 AM
great bum.
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05/26/2006 05:04:45 AM
Now that's what I call 'burning the candle at both ends'... :) Fun and dangerous image. Great imagination.
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05/23/2006 06:13:06 PM
Careful!, You might knock over that candle! It's tough to tell from the photo exactly what you are toasting over the candle. (Knee, elbow, buns?) I'll assume the later. I like the lighting and colors in the photo, but maybe just cropped a bit close as I find it hard to get a perspective for size here.
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05/22/2006 08:51:37 PM
What? Is that a butt?? OK - if you had actually caught the flaming fart...I'd give ya a 10. :)
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05/22/2006 06:24:56 PM
LOL - that's funny! 7
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05/22/2006 05:30:21 PM
oh.. ow.. dang... serious pucker factor
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05/22/2006 04:18:37 PM
This image is so cool and so completely out of the norm that I can't help but give a high score for imagination and originality. Well done and good luck.
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05/22/2006 02:23:54 PM
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05/22/2006 01:37:13 PM
This amazing pic really put a huge grin on my face.
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05/22/2006 01:15:26 PM
Everytime I look at this it makes me smile. Certainly stands out for being so different! Hope you do really well it deserves it.
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05/22/2006 10:31:44 AM
OMG! fotoman forever?
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05/22/2006 08:08:03 AM
8 for the humor
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05/22/2006 03:17:50 AM
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05/22/2006 12:33:51 AM
I don't even want to think about the outtakes :-/ Nice clean shot and the colours work well.
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