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failed attempt
failed attempt

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Failure (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Kodak Z740
Location: Rainelle, WV
Date: May 22, 2006
Aperture: automatic
ISO: automatic
Shutter: automatic
Galleries: Snapshot, Nature
Date Uploaded: May 23, 2006

just found the unfortunate fellow on the sidewalk. No editing needed

Place: 112 out of 129
Avg (all users): 4.1498
Avg (commenters): 3.6250
Avg (participants): 3.8542
Avg (non-participants): 4.2390
Views since voting: 781
Views during voting: 325
Votes: 207
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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06/06/2006 03:05:12 AM
*** C R I T I Q U E C L U B C O M M E N T ***

This is actually an interesting image, from my perspective, since it seems so much to look like a fossil, when in fact it's a dead and dessicated baby bird, if I'm not mistaken.

The image as a whole is sharp, so that's good. The composition is utterly matter-of-fact, bang-on-centered, and most would see that as a flaw, but for this image I don't see it that way. The fact that the leg (?) is cut off on the right side is a negative, compositionally; I wish it had an equal border of cement all around, so left, right, top, and bottom were the same "framing".

Because this is a basic editing challenge, there's not a hell of a lot you can do with that bright BG, since the bird itself has so many equally-bright spots on it. But in advanced editing, I'd burn in the corners/periphery fairly significantly to contain & isolate the bird.

I believe your very low score on this is a result of a profoundly unappealing subject and an utterly deadpan, in-your-face 'scientific" presentation; the combination doesn't give people much to like unless they're "quirky appreciators" like me. But I see what youw ere after, and I think you had it heading int he right direction.

 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/30/2006 07:37:51 PM
05/30/2006 05:06:32 PM
I feel like quail tonight...
05/30/2006 01:48:57 AM
Very interesting and good subject for failure.
05/29/2006 09:23:57 PM
Sorry, that's just gross.
05/29/2006 07:41:55 AM
This is "ontopic" but I lack to fail the art in it.
05/27/2006 10:22:29 AM
Not a pretty sight - 7
05/25/2006 01:50:33 AM
Great idea, but it seems a bit overexposed. It looks like some detail was lost. Also adding to that effect is the image's small size. Always try to use the full resolution that DPC offers.
05/24/2006 02:25:15 PM
unpleasant, but I guess that's the nature of the challenge...
05/24/2006 02:22:14 PM
Seems overexposed and composition could be better.
05/24/2006 09:17:57 AM
aww...now that is sad.

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