*A critique club comment*
Hello, I'm JP and I'll be doing your critique today. If you have comments or questions regarding this critique please feel free to pm me.
Enjoy your critique.
First impression:
Hmmmm - why isn't anyone sitting on the benches.
The inclusion of the benches/barrier dealy in the foreground is a distraction for me, they don't add to eye flow on the image. I would suggest getting closer to and have a more "looking up" perspective by you may have been limited by the field of view of your lens. I'm a huge fan of centered compositions when they are suited by the subject, but I don't think that is the case here, it appears you didn't want to cut the tree in lower right in half during cropping, but I think it may have helped the composition by cropping just to the left of the tree (you would have to include some of the tree branches but they would have been minor).
I love the alternating light/dark/light aspect of the windows - I think it would have helped immensely to find a way to draw the eye to that aspect of the photo. Maybe a crop where just the windows are visible, showing them off and the relfection of the two buildings.
I disagree with the perspective correction comment - it's not always needed and I feel it's not needed here, skewed perspective can be a positive making the image flow, it gives a sense of height.
Technicals (color,focus,light,etc)
The focus seems a bit off, and it seems noisey ... or maybe the hues just don't seem quite contiguous in some areas of the windows. The building seems soft.
lighting is good
I think the contrast and brightness need a little boost to help make the building pop out from the nice blue sky.
Relevance to challenge:
This is a form of architecture so it meets the challenge quite nicely.
I feel the image received a score right around where it deserves. I think with a slightly different crop and a little more color management in processing you may have added to the score.
Keep up the nice work, I look forward to seeing your future work.
-jp |