The subject, certainly, is interesting. With perspective and composition nearly coinciding, a marked order of planes (lawn > steps > arches > mural > roof etc.). The hatted pair of onlookers in the left third is well used to offer a needed variation of overall symmetry.
The lighting, although advantageous in part (emphasis on hats and the gables distinguishing the the 'planes'), is quite harsh and fails to reveal much of the rich and intricate detail on the facades. I could also imagine a slightly tighter crop (right, bottom to top), to exclude some redundant information (tree leaves, several rows of tiles, part of right tower). Not an easy photo to compose in a fully satisfying way, really.
The inclusion of the foreground (lawn) or the given amount of it is something I'm still pondering...
All in all, a worthwhile capture. If it was mine, I'd consider re-shooting it at different times of day, if practical, under varied light. |