Hey Doug - greetings from the critique club.
Well, everyone commented on it just about, and I'm sure you thought it yourself, but the contrast range is the major issue with this shot: it just cries out for some of those tones to get closer to white (I've just made the same mistake myself, in the repetition challenge, without the excuse of no editing too).
The toning works for the scene, of course, and beyond the brightness/contrsat issue it's a fine shot: evocative - perhaps more of an imagined past than one that seems very real to me. I never trust these re-creation places, always ask myself how diffferent it would be with twenty shouting kids in it, for example (surely never this clean!).
I think it lacks something to kick it into the 6's scoring-wise. Something dynamic, either in subject matter or the way you've dealt with it. It's a very straightforward shot at the moment. Couldn't tell you what that thing is, though :-)