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Feeling Tipsy
Feeling Tipsy

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Bokeh II (Basic Editing III)
Collection: Successful Challenge Entries
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D
Location: My kitchen sink
Date: Jun 18, 2006
Aperture: 1.4
ISO: 500
Shutter: 1/8000
Date Uploaded: Jun 19, 2006

I got the idea for this image from another shot I did in the past (not for dpchallenge). This circular effect is easilly generated with water drops on the inside of a sink as long as you have a shallow DOF. The table-like surface is a copper bottom pot up-side-down. The main problem is getting focus and DOF correct on the subject to be in focus ... I was close on this one. I used Noise Ninja to pump up the sharpness while reducing noise ... also added to the contrast. The color is pretty close to how it came off the camera and I felt it reflected the tobacco-stained feeling of a smokey alcohol-saturated-bar or a night scene. I like the end result but if I did it again I'd use a bigger area so my Fstop could allow for more DOF - hence more focus in the glass itself.

Place: 16 out of 432
Avg (all users): 6.5404
Avg (commenters): 8.6842
Avg (participants): 6.5455
Avg (non-participants): 6.5352
Views since voting: 1799
Views during voting: 436
Votes: 285
Comments: 22
Favorites: 1 (view)

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12/07/2007 02:40:08 PM
I LOVE the textures created by the shallow DOF! This is splendid... the contrasts, tones, and lights are perfect.
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06/30/2006 12:48:25 AM
I think this picture is absolutely gorgeous and should have scored much higher than it did.
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06/28/2006 05:58:01 AM
excellent bokeh! should have finished higher, just on technical merits alone.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/25/2006 10:29:04 PM
It is like friday night at the bar, spots and all. I thought I used to see stars, but it was Bokeh all along! Great Job.
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06/25/2006 06:08:08 PM
interesting bokeh and the framing works very well with the title
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06/25/2006 08:03:46 AM
Creative with great bokeh complement and that tilt just tops it off for me. Good luck!
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06/24/2006 03:21:48 PM
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06/24/2006 09:05:05 AM
The "Bokeh" circles in the background work well...
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06/24/2006 04:38:29 AM
Wow...this just shimmers...beautiful work. 10.
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06/24/2006 12:39:16 AM
Great Bokeh!
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06/23/2006 05:30:51 PM
wonderful bokeh ! 8
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06/23/2006 11:05:08 AM
Great interpretation of theme
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06/22/2006 09:55:04 PM
WAIT you mean that it wasn't a rule to use flowers for this challenge????

THANK YOU! Not only is this a unique shot among the other sumbissions, but it's a great way to make a thematic use of the challenge's rules. Very well done... I love the colors and the glistening feel. I hope this ribbons!
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06/22/2006 04:37:41 PM
Back for comments...Great shot! Love the feel of this image! 10
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06/22/2006 02:14:01 PM
Bery nice!
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06/22/2006 02:11:40 PM
This shot is fanstastic! Color, composition, lighting, the water drops in the glass, everything. As for the bokeh, you've nailed it. Superb!
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06/21/2006 09:35:48 PM
This is so good and different than what I'm seeing, so far. I love the tonality and tilted composition. Great BOKEH and nice focus. Awesome shot!
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06/21/2006 08:15:16 PM
I usually can't stand these water/glass shots, but this one it different. Great feel to the photo- it really does capture the essence of "tipsy"! and the color is great. 9
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06/21/2006 09:42:52 AM
At first I did not get this shot. But I will not score a shot low until I have viewed it at least 3 times. Now I really love this shot. The background is perfect Bokeh. The movement makes me want to vomit.... and I love the sepia tones. Good Job 8
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06/21/2006 08:28:26 AM
Bokeh is nice...The angle sort of throws it off a tad.
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06/21/2006 05:25:46 AM
excellent bokeh and nice shot (pardon the pun!)
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06/21/2006 02:33:17 AM
Meets challenge very well: "... take a photograph whose subject is enhanced by the bokeh of the background." Nice, life affirming. Same subject, better than my own entry - top ten?
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