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He loves me, he loves me not
1st PlaceHe loves me, he loves me not

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Superstitions & Urban Legends II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM
Location: Hvalfjörður, Iceland
Date: Jun 27, 2006
Aperture: 1.8
ISO: 250
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Portraiture, Rural
Date Uploaded: Jun 27, 2006

Her name is Aldis Arnardóttir, first time modeling for me for DPC. Wasn´t going to enter this challenge but then I saw that earlier today only about 60 people had submitted so I thought I should give it a go and called Aldis and she was able to come model for me on short notice. This was the best I could think of, took a shot with the same theme a long time ago for the "three" challenge. Taken pretty last minute or about 11:00 pm on june 27th.

Lit with a bowens esprit head and a 75° softlite reflector and ambient lighting. Post processing was really just standard raw conversion, adjusting WB, contrast and saturation + curves and sparpening in photoshop.

Well yeehaw! Didn´t really expect a ribbon but I sure was hunting for one, if there had been more entries in this challenge I don´t know if I had bothered going out shooting this but I am glad I did :) Mental note, next time use daisys, what the heck is a daisy anyway? Oh and I disagree with comments about the composition, if anything, that is the thing I like the best about this photo but as always, respect and grateful for everyones comments.

Place: 1 out of 97
Avg (all users): 7.1111
Avg (commenters): 8.1132
Avg (participants): 6.7872
Avg (non-participants): 7.1584
Views since voting: 23053
Views during voting: 839
Votes: 369
Comments: 109
Favorites: 32 (view)

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07/15/2006 07:53:14 AM
Til hamingju með 1 sætið
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07/11/2006 02:43:43 PM
Til lukku kappi...Enn ein skrautfjöðrin
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07/11/2006 07:23:48 AM
Daisy is what we know as Baldursbrá :)
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07/11/2006 05:03:59 AM
I suppose it would be non-democratic or some travesty of privacy to suggest people who vote shots like this below a five (5) should be shot?

(with a camera I mean, for us to see who they are, of course :)
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07/11/2006 04:18:39 AM
Wonderful shot! Congratulations Lárus!
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07/08/2006 07:37:16 AM
Superb composition. Light and colors are very good. Title just matches the facial expresion. Congrats.
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07/07/2006 07:02:51 PM
Frábær mynd. Bið að heilsa Aldísi.
Kveðjur frá Selfossi, Dagur
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07/07/2006 03:07:45 PM
Beautifully done Larus. Congrats on the ribbon.
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07/06/2006 05:44:14 PM
Cool shot Larus, congrats! Remember my money is on you this year!
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07/06/2006 11:33:01 AM
you always doing a great job, Larus. Many compliments!
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07/06/2006 02:45:20 AM
Great photo, didnt vote on this, but I still love it....
Into my favorites too ;)
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07/06/2006 01:18:04 AM
Congratulations on a lovely image
and your Blue Ribbon, well done!
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07/05/2006 10:19:01 PM
Congratulations on your win.
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07/05/2006 06:30:46 PM
Congrats Lárus beautiful image. Þú slærð ekki slöku við :-)
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07/05/2006 05:59:44 PM
Really well deserved! Congratulations.
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07/05/2006 05:17:41 PM
Ok Icelander, you've been hogging up all the ribbons, lol J/K, you deserve it, this is just one more supa sweet photo, nice work, I'm sure you'll keep it up
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07/05/2006 04:49:03 PM
Congratulations on a well deserved Blue with this wonderful shot so well done!
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07/05/2006 03:26:11 PM
Bara æðisleg mynd. Go Lalli!
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07/05/2006 02:26:42 PM
Tilhamingju hehe þetta er magnað hjá þér og mér finnst þetta BARA æðislegt..Framfarirnar hjá þér eru orðnar þannig að þú ert nánast alltaf í topp 10 sem er miklu betra en þú þorðir sjálfsagt sjálfur að vona...
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07/05/2006 02:06:30 PM
Great shot Lárus, congratulations on the ribbon!
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07/05/2006 12:44:09 PM
Way way way way way better than a Volvo V60. :)
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07/05/2006 12:32:34 PM
So glad you chose a centered composition, I think people are so cracked up on 'rules of thirds' anything that doesn't have it seems wrong to them. It's mystical admist all this scenary.

I really dig that lighting look you get with the bowens too, really professional.

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07/05/2006 11:22:24 AM
congrats on ANOTHER ribbon!
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07/05/2006 11:17:47 AM
Running away with the ribbon again I see :P Great shot buddy! As you said, I gotta put the pedal to the metal if I am to catch up with you :)
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07/05/2006 11:01:39 AM
Wow, excellent picture, Congratulations!
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07/05/2006 10:47:23 AM
Wondeful, very glad this ribboned. Congratulations Larus :)
Might I add I had a hunch this was yours, that sounds like such a deja vu to you already doesn't it ;)
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07/05/2006 10:39:19 AM
congratulations on the blue! simple, effective, good editing.
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07/05/2006 10:27:40 AM
Wow! VERY deserving of blue -- to compliment the amazing blues in this photo! Stunning!!!! Congratulations!
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07/05/2006 10:25:56 AM
Amazing shot!! Love everything about the shot!

Color of flowers match the ribbon so well ;)
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07/05/2006 10:12:29 AM
Til hamingju með þetta. Þessi mynd minnir mig mikið á vinningmynd í sumarkeppni Vikunar (fyrir 20+ árum), en hún var tekin eins, en með strák og stelpu að kissast.
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07/05/2006 09:48:00 AM
Great picture Lárus. You hereby prooved that even the least interesting things/flowers can look good if you only put your mind to it. Well done as always :o)
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07/05/2006 09:35:56 AM
Þú ert meistarinn! Það verður ekki tekið af þér að þú hefur náð ótrúlegum árangri hvað varðar notkun á ljósum og hönnun á lýsingu. Glæsileg mynd! Kveðja, Hrannar
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07/05/2006 08:39:54 AM
congratz to Aldis :-)
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07/05/2006 08:24:47 AM
congratulations again, my friend
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07/05/2006 07:17:19 AM
excellent shot my friend. Personally I love the centred composition, Colours and model are fantastic. Gotto start taking my bowens out!!!!

Message edited by author 2006-07-05 08:30:51.
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07/05/2006 06:37:15 AM
Lúpínur eru merki hins góða. Lúpínufólkið sigrar alltaf.
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07/05/2006 05:04:14 AM
Og lúpínukonan sigraði!
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07/05/2006 04:37:04 AM
Well done...again!
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07/05/2006 03:56:58 AM
Great job with this photo. Congrats!
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07/05/2006 01:48:19 AM

I thought I told you to stop winning ribbons for a while!

Excellent shot, and congratulations on your blue!
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07/05/2006 01:46:39 AM
A really nice shot, Congrats.
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07/05/2006 01:29:26 AM
I kinda figured this was yours. Congrats!
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07/05/2006 12:33:36 AM
Didn't have time to vote on this challenge,had a quick look and this and it stood out,congrats on your blue.
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07/05/2006 12:23:10 AM
Nice going, vey nice image, colors rock!
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07/05/2006 12:10:22 AM
Chalk up another 2 ribbons for the Mag 7. Too bad they didn't count. ;) Gonna have to see where this puts us in the ribbon chase...
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07/05/2006 12:09:02 AM
I picked this as the best in the challenge, gave it a 10 and now you won...you owe me Larus!!!

Congratulations, it's superb. A clear winner!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/04/2006 11:31:27 PM
Nothing more to say than, Excellent capture. 10 :)
Would be fun to find out if the photog of this photo is who I think it is.
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07/04/2006 11:15:18 PM
Now this is much more interesting than the other shots dealing with this superstition. It adds a lot more depth and emotion to have a real human being there. Good job, this is a great shot.
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07/04/2006 05:51:23 PM
very nice
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07/04/2006 01:36:25 PM
Well this is certainly ribbon material. Well done. Good luck in the challenge!
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07/04/2006 01:07:18 PM
The superstition involved in this photograph is one of trepidation, it involves two starkly different possibilities being left up to chance (the superstition being, of course, that this chance is actually fate). But that drama is missing from this photograph. Without the title, it's impossible to tell what she is doing. She seems to be merely admiring a flower, just as the photographer is merely admiring her.
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07/04/2006 12:51:48 PM
Nice picture
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07/04/2006 11:56:20 AM
Technical: 3/3
Aesthetic: 3/3
Personal Tilt: 3/3
Wow!: 0/1
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07/04/2006 03:37:28 AM
Lovely. It could only be improved were she to be picking on an actual daisy though, as the superstitions go.

But wonderful work!
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07/03/2006 05:49:15 PM
Looks familiar :o) Nice photo, love how you make the "lúpínur" surround the girl..
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07/03/2006 12:30:13 AM
very nice
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07/02/2006 10:42:27 PM
Thoroughly charming - the bokeh really enhances the subject. Your composition is slightly unconventional, and I like it!
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07/02/2006 04:06:39 PM
Excellent photo, but I thought the flower was supposed to be a daisy. I guess these will do in a pinch.
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07/02/2006 12:44:41 PM
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07/02/2006 12:26:21 PM
One of the best in the challenge, should ribbon for sure :) 10
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07/02/2006 11:24:44 AM
Must be a Canadian thing. Never used a lupine for that. Anyway, your model is lovely, and your detail is really good on the face and hair. I like the darker background with just hints of lupines coming through in the out of focus technique.
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07/02/2006 02:26:26 AM
Very beautiful. First place in this challenge. 10!
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07/01/2006 10:18:00 AM
Just because the girls is pretty
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07/01/2006 08:20:06 AM
Nice shot ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10
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07/01/2006 02:11:08 AM
Best in challenge. Sharp, nice DOF, well composed, and professionally done!
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06/30/2006 11:55:00 PM
nice composition.
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06/30/2006 11:50:59 PM
Beautiful ..... both the pic and model ;)
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06/30/2006 11:13:26 PM
Love the DOF in this. Would have made a great Bokeh entry. The only thing different I would have liked would be to have your model slightly off center. Still a beautiful shot.
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06/30/2006 02:28:45 PM
What a delicate photo !
The model is very beautiful , I like the dof and composition , so my vote : 8.
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06/30/2006 02:26:18 PM
Not the typical flower that comes to mind with this. Pretty girl though and good image.
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06/30/2006 11:46:22 AM
Best one of these shots so far
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06/29/2006 10:09:23 PM
wow! would love to meet her ;) and yes, I love her :P
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06/29/2006 08:32:36 PM
That's a field of lupins. The daisy is the flower to which this saying refers. You can't pick lupin petals like you can from around a daisy flower. It is a very nice photo though. How about, "Flowers take your breath away." Alluding to the old superstition that flowers placed in the room of a sick person removed the oxygen from the air thereby hastening the demise of the patient?
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06/29/2006 07:16:32 PM
Lovely photograph... but I thought this was usually done with daisies? Oh well, gotta compliment the originality then...
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06/29/2006 06:59:49 PM
Ribbon winner? I think so! Nice model, excellent DOF and sharpness. I love the colors of this and the lighting seems perfect. 10, good luck!
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06/29/2006 05:51:53 PM
Very nicely done. This is a beautiful shot. Back to bump.
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06/29/2006 03:47:56 PM
Lovely pic.. though I'm not too sure the pic should go towards the back. The forground should have been in the back.. Makes more interest since the back space seems wasted. still nice catch:)
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06/29/2006 01:49:30 PM

The subject is very centered but that doesn't matter. It's awesome! I love how she is much brighter than the background.

Góður Lalli!
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06/29/2006 01:23:59 PM
Nice picture, good compo and good bokeh ;-) Does this fit into superstition? Why not. 8
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06/29/2006 12:46:51 PM
Very nice image. The composition, choice of setting and colours, lighting and focus, all combine to make the subject truly stand out.

This image should in my opinion do very well in this challenge.
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06/29/2006 10:36:22 AM
Lalli blessaður..
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06/29/2006 07:09:16 AM
the best shot in the challenge 10
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06/29/2006 02:36:36 AM
the model is beautiful ^___^ hmmmmmm a 9
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06/28/2006 11:36:21 PM
isn't illegal to pick bluebonnets?
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06/28/2006 10:21:56 PM
She'll be there for days!!! Nice DOF.
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06/28/2006 10:16:04 PM
The photo quality is great, but i dont like this composition at all.
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06/28/2006 09:48:40 PM
Ohhhh, just so great! I could defiently see on my wall. It's just so great
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06/28/2006 07:24:52 PM
Great colors, great DOF, fantastic model! More please.
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06/28/2006 06:56:32 PM
Ah, where are those fields with such angels in them? Any within M25? I think the lore has it with camomile-based plants, but with this chick I am ready to accept bending the rules.
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06/28/2006 06:49:53 PM
I love this type of image. Have seen a few.
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06/28/2006 06:29:56 PM
pretty model. I've never seen this done with anything but daisies, but it's a lovely picture.
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06/28/2006 06:21:01 PM
Well I don't know if that's the kind of flower you usually use, but it's a really nice shot anyway. I think a slightly tighter composition (to avoid the OOF top seeming like so much) would have improved it even more.
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06/28/2006 06:15:57 PM
This is a lovely photo but she's using the wrong type of flower for this superstition. It's supposed to be a daisy.
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06/28/2006 02:48:51 PM
This is a stunning photograph, though not the most original idea. Well done though. My only criticism (and this is a bit picky!) is that I immediately noticed the wedding ring on her hand, so the idea of "he loves me, he loves me not" is a bit strange - presumably he does!. I'm not one to vote low just because a shot has been "shoehorned" into a challenge though, so I'm voting high for this - it's one of my favourites.
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06/28/2006 02:38:11 PM
Very beautiful photo! I can't believe the quantity of lupine(?), row after row of them. Great expression from model as well. Excellent!
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06/28/2006 01:51:37 PM
Aww, really pretty picture.
Pretty model, pretty flowers.
This would've been a really good entry for Bokeh, as well. Just thought I'd point it out.
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06/28/2006 11:40:23 AM
Very pretty image, but doesn't sell me the plucking of flower to know love superstition. But it is a nice image alone.
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06/28/2006 11:38:58 AM
Lucky him ;) Nice picture. Although even it would be soooo classic, daisy would be nicer on her hand, in current field :D 7
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06/28/2006 11:29:03 AM
Adorable dress =) If that brown part on the dress was purple, it would be that much better for the picture, but that would be too perfect of a find. 7.
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06/28/2006 10:59:18 AM
Excellent shot love the lighting and the model!!!! Thinks its a winner
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06/28/2006 10:26:03 AM
I've never seen "she loves me, she loves me not " done with this type of flower usually the kind whose petals stick out to the side but this is a beautiful photo. great DOF
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06/28/2006 10:23:03 AM
Very nice shot! Great light and beautiful model ;) She seems happy like a little child... really in love. 10p
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06/28/2006 09:40:10 AM
með lúpínu.. tja já já ok :) mjög góð mynd samt (Lárus?)
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06/28/2006 09:34:34 AM
You must be in Texas to have all of those bluebonnets! Very pretty! But they're not the best flower for he loves me not plucks. :)
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06/28/2006 09:17:03 AM
Beautiful! 10
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06/28/2006 08:09:31 AM
Ribbon material.
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06/28/2006 04:27:17 AM
Stunning photo, love the depth of field, and absolutely stunning model. !0 and a ribbon for you I hope.
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06/28/2006 03:23:33 AM
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06/28/2006 12:59:41 AM
Amazing composition!
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