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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: On the Beach (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L USM
Location: Grotta Reykjavik, Iceland
Date: Jul 18, 2006
Aperture: 8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 2 sec
Galleries: Water, Seascapes
Date Uploaded: Jul 18, 2006

Technically taken the 19th of July here in Iceland or about 1 am the last day of submission. Went out by myself just over midnight as it was the only time I have had to shoot for this week and got in at about 2am, would never have gotten around to it had it not been for the WPL, have been WAY too busy lately. Was refreshing to be out that late by myself, really took my time with this shot.

Taken at 16mm with a polarizer and a tripod. Post processing was minimal, WB adjustment, contrast and saturation boost in raw conversion. Shadow/highlights and curves in photoshop and finally sharpened after resizing, added the frame after sharpening.

Place: 25 out of 326
Avg (all users): 6.3898
Avg (commenters): 8.0000
Avg (participants): 6.2150
Avg (non-participants): 6.4806
Views since voting: 2850
Views during voting: 504
Votes: 313
Comments: 23
Favorites: 4 (view)

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07/26/2006 07:19:56 AM
HelvXXX tvistar, þristar og fjarkar....hvaða rugl er það?!?
Snilldar mynd að mínu mati, átti skilið að fara mun hærra en þetta.

Not a ribbon but a great shot anyway.
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07/26/2006 05:46:36 AM
Great shot Larus! I can't believe how much daylight there is at 1am!!! heard about it, but couldn't believe it...I only gave this a 7 and I don't know why!!!

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07/26/2006 03:30:12 AM
Lárus? Snilld, ég bjóst ekki við að þetta væri þú. Þessi mynd fékk hæsta atkvæðið hjá mér og ég bjóst við að sjá hana í top 3.
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07/26/2006 01:52:40 AM
Deserved a higher finish for the work involved,your air is so clean and clear,even at the time of shoot,great Finish.
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07/26/2006 12:24:47 AM
I can't believe this didn't score higher.....A breathtaking image and I loved it.....
Who in tbe world gave this a score of "3's" and "2's".
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/25/2006 03:23:34 PM
Very pretty!
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07/25/2006 02:23:28 PM
just enough detail. strong colors make strong feelings
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07/25/2006 01:32:32 PM
Great job! This photo would have been a little better had you removed teh telephone polls in the distance. It is very nice, with great movement in the sky, great use of color, and for creating a feeling that comes with being outside alone at night. The other thing that distracts from the overall beauty of this photo isin the middle right side of this photo extending to the center, it's hard to tell what those black outlines are. They appear to be rocks or seaweed, but they just look kinda 'blobby'. I gave this a 5 for meeting the challenge without leaving me to have to guess about how it fits the theme.
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07/25/2006 07:44:59 AM
Another stunning image here.....Just so perfect in every way..... Another "10" from me.....Deserves to be in the top three.....
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07/23/2006 10:19:46 PM
This is a beautiful shot..... i love the depth of this picture.......the pink/orange/yellow colors really bring the eyes all the way through the shot, and the blues are amazing and powerful. Great job. 9
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07/23/2006 03:19:01 PM
Amazing colors
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07/23/2006 05:26:00 AM
Aye, this will do well. Wonderful composition and colors.
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07/22/2006 04:43:46 PM
Pretty but just a tad too dark for my taste. Still worthy of a 6 tho.
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07/22/2006 07:42:43 AM
Wow, This must be Grótta. I love it!

Ég ætlaði einmitt að taka mynd á Gróttu en ég var úti á landi og hafði ekki tíma. Ég held þetta sé mun betri mynd heldur en ég hefði tekið. Notaðir þú ND grad filter eða eitthvað svipað?
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07/21/2006 08:04:55 PM
One of many extrodinary seascapes in this challenge. Yours stands as good of chance for a ribbon as any of the others.
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07/20/2006 04:35:51 AM
Ahh Grótta. Where nice.
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07/20/2006 12:05:14 AM
Awesome...well done!
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07/19/2006 07:31:28 PM
10 :) wonderful sweeping movement. fantastic colour and light.
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07/19/2006 11:29:46 AM
It's overwhelmingly dark even for a nightfall shot imo. Also looks to be oversharpened perhaps. Otherwise nice. Maybe lose some of the darkness on the left and add more of the sunset on the right.
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07/19/2006 08:45:33 AM
It's very nice picture,clouds are very nice and the sunset color at the top is marvelous.
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07/19/2006 03:37:24 AM
brilliant deep colours and a wonderful composition...love the red of the cky and the way it contrasts all that rich blue...good luck
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07/19/2006 01:53:00 AM
Love the way you captured that last minute before sunset
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07/19/2006 01:43:10 AM
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