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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Gold (Advanced Editing IV)
Galleries: Nude
Date Uploaded: Jul 21, 2006


Views since voting: 5493
Views during voting: 870
Comments: 21
Favorites: 4 (view)

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08/02/2006 06:32:43 PM
OK, what did this guys say? Obviously wasn't 'you suck' ;D
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08/02/2006 06:32:06 PM
Well Larus - I guess the voters were probably thinking that if she is dedicated enough to be covered in gold she's probably dedicated enough to engage in a little selective hair removal :). Alternatively, it was an advanced editing challenge - perhaps a little cloning to remove them ? Anyway, the image itself is definately still nice - like the way you've made her eyes stand out (whether in post or not, its still cool). Perhaps a black background would have provided a better contrast with the model and emphasised the gold a little better.

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07/31/2006 10:58:33 AM
Flott pæling en pósan og lýsingin er eithvað skrýtin.
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07/31/2006 05:14:58 AM
Mögnuð mynd en mér finnst þetta líta aðeins of sápuóperulega út. Ég veit ekki alveg hvernig það er en það væri kannski hægt að bæta það með svörtum bakgrunni. Annars er hugmyndin rosaleg, þetta var ein af hæst metnu myndunum mínum.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/28/2006 12:59:12 AM
i wish the lighting had a little more "mood" to it... it's just so stark and bright, but that's just my little ol' opinion... but it's excellently well done...
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07/27/2006 09:47:17 PM
Very nice shot!
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07/26/2006 08:09:52 AM
I am not a nude expert, butperhaps a shawl or gold silk draped over the middle would have looked a heap better than the gold painted underwear...I love the pose and she is rather stunning...but I'd better move on before my wife enters the room ... ;-)
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07/25/2006 04:01:12 PM
Terrific expression. The hair makes the shot to me. Gives it a goddess feel. As a woman its hard for me to say this but I would have lost the underwear. :D It takes away a bit from the image, but I still gave it a 10.
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07/25/2006 01:59:22 PM
Nice model and very good lighting but I guess the panties don't really help, you probably should have used tighter ones or some cloth or other thing instead, they look strange. 7
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07/25/2006 08:12:55 AM
While the photo fits the challenge I'm not to fond of this type of photo. The title goes well and it is very clean and crisp just not pleasing to look at IMO. Be it as it may I vote it a <7>
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07/24/2006 11:01:38 PM
Well posed and executed photo. My only suggestion would be that the bikini bottom (especially the wrinkles) really draw the eye and distract from the smooth curves of the model. If either you or the model don't want to do a full nude shot I would suggest a sheet or some sort of drape to cover the waist and hips or a tighter, more form fitting bottom.
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07/24/2006 05:31:43 PM
While I see how you could get Cleapatra from this... I totally get a sense of 'Goldfinger' the James Bond film... although perhaps not enough people would have gotten the refernce? Regardless... Nicely done... decent lighting and I love the hint of blue in her eyes. -9-
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07/24/2006 05:25:03 PM
i like the composition and lighting, well-done.
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07/24/2006 12:16:03 PM
WOW - this is cool. Makes me think of Goldfinger, the James Bond movie. Nice lighting. I wonder what it would have looked like with the same light, and a black background. Hmm just a thought. 7
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07/24/2006 11:59:30 AM
the eyes just pop in this one
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07/24/2006 01:39:45 AM
That's pretty damn gold! :-P
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07/24/2006 01:16:24 AM
That was a lot of paint right? I liked it a lot :D
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07/24/2006 01:06:29 AM
Meets Challenge:2
Total Score: 6
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07/24/2006 12:38:24 AM
beautiful, but I think you could've managed w/out the panties if she had crossed her legs more, which I don't think would've loked bad. Would also like to see more depth/shadows in the brightness.
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07/24/2006 12:36:32 AM
Great Job!
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07/24/2006 12:16:26 AM
very interesting! love her pose!
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