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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nostalgia (Classic Editing)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7i
Location: The library at chatsworth House in Derbyshire UK
Date: Sep 7, 2003
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1 sec
Date Uploaded: Sep 9, 2003

The library at Chatsworth House in Derbyshire UK
photo slightly desaturated

Place: 15 out of 250
Avg (all users): 5.9806
Avg (commenters): 7.2632
Avg (participants): 5.8350
Avg (non-participants): 6.1262
Views since voting: 1007
Votes: 206
Comments: 23
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/16/2003 07:23:30 PM
This place is beautiful. Nice crisp colors, and I like the glow of the lamps.
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09/16/2003 03:52:39 PM
What a grand vision of Old World splendour!

The lighting from the various lamps, chandeliers and respective surface reflections are a little stronger, perhaps, than one would expect in a reading room. The focus, IMO, could be less ambiguous, especially on carpet and ceiling.

Subtracting this, what remains is an exclusive pleasure in brass, leather and mahagony, reserved for the few, not the many (I'll digress and speculate that the truly erudite likely do not thrive in such spectacular airs).

Very topical, grand perspective, great historical record.
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09/15/2003 10:51:46 PM
No kidding! We've come a loooong way ... good shot! ~9
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09/15/2003 03:24:23 PM
How I would love to own that room...you aren't selling it for free by any chance are you?
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09/15/2003 02:54:33 AM
Good concept with a nice clear image.
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09/14/2003 04:09:37 AM
And still is...
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09/13/2003 08:20:26 PM
Great capture, I like the use of lighting.
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09/12/2003 01:21:55 PM
like the doors framing the picture! nicely done!
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09/12/2003 03:46:55 AM
OMG, I've taken this exact same picture... it's Chatsworth House if I'm not mistaken. In my photo, you can tell that the picture at the far end is of Henry VIII. You also seem to have picked up loads of glare. Very hard picture to expose for because of all the lights and shadows. Because of your over-exposure, you've lost loads of detail on the bookshelves. The photo could definitely do with sharpening. The composition is a bit boring... one of the shots I tried of this room involved moving to the side more and changing to portrait orientation rather than landscape so I could capture more of the ceiling and floor. I would then have been tempted to crop it so that the far end of the room would be at the bottom of my frame to emphasise the luxuriousness of the ceiling.
I found the entrance hall with the staircase a much more photogenic place... if you take a photo using a column as support, the motion blur on all the tourists is delicious. 5
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09/11/2003 09:35:46 PM
Love the color and DOF
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09/11/2003 07:10:57 PM
lovely shot and it really captures the feeling of
nostalgia :)
I would have loved to see it with all lamps turned on though.
Still, you did a great job ! 9
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09/11/2003 01:53:29 PM
great great image. woudl maybe have cropped 30 pixels off the left to even teh doors up. 8!
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09/10/2003 09:49:57 PM
This communicates the concept and is well executed. Well done.
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09/10/2003 06:16:47 PM
I like the composition, and the woordwork, but I would have rated higher if the lighting fixtures hadn't been so bright (and casting a bright white spot on the left door).
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09/10/2003 05:36:26 PM
This is a beautiful room. All the light, seems a bit overpowering to me. Nice job though.
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09/10/2003 03:22:51 PM
Wow, great photo! Love the wide-angle perspective, and the fact that you included the open doors in the foreground.
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09/10/2003 11:10:05 AM
Good idea for the challenge. Great perspective for the set up. The only thing I can complain about is that the candle lights on the left side seem a little "hot".
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09/10/2003 10:55:08 AM
bravo for this...lovely library and nicely reproduced
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09/10/2003 09:57:31 AM
Nice shot. Good fit for the challenge, too. Nicely framed as well.
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09/10/2003 06:49:59 AM
Stunning picture and very well done. I like the perspective and detail you've captured, but it doesn't say nostalgia to me.
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09/10/2003 05:05:41 AM
Very classy, I love it
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09/10/2003 12:24:19 AM
This is a REALLY NICE photograph. Excellent lighting and depth of field.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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