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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Life (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus E-10
Location: Lido Isle, Newport Harbor
Date: Sep 10, 2003
ISO: 100
Galleries: Family, Candid
Date Uploaded: Sep 10, 2003

This couple was totally unaware I ever took their photo. I had been standing on the dock taking some pictures of the sunset and was just leaving when they walked up. They asked if I was waiting for a boat. I said no, I was just leaving, so they walked down the gangway and sat on the end. I watched them as they sat there together watching the sun set. I'm guessing this was there afternoon ritual and have probably been doing it together for about 40 years. They hardly spoke a word to each other. They just sat there, together, totally at peace with one another. You could tell they've spent most of their lives together. It gave you the feeling that if anything ever happend to one of them, the other one would just die of a broken heart. The photo says it all.

Place: 37 out of 231
Avg (all users): 5.7788
Avg (commenters): 6.8400
Avg (participants): 5.5652
Avg (non-participants): 6.0000
Views since voting: 1268
Votes: 226
Comments: 31
Favorites: 0

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10/01/2003 05:22:23 PM
Thanks for the 8 Pat. And honestly, thanks for taking the time to comment also. As for people not wasting their time to be nasty, I think that's true most of the time although I have seen exceptions in other challenges. In this challenge however I agree commenters were trying to be helpful though I suspect the four people who voted this a 1 were not among the commenters. I have a tendancy to look at the persons portfolio before deciding whether or not to give creidence to there critique. Perhaps, as you suggest, I should pay more attention to how the non-artist percieves the work since, after all, they do account for the voting majority.
09/26/2003 11:22:20 PM
I gave this one an 8. The border didn't cause the score to be lower, there were just some very good photos in the contest and some were better than this one. I like it. When I looked at it the first time, I thought, oh, two peas in a pod. How they are sitting so close to each other suggests they are very intimate, they are almost crowded into the space. They must like each other a lot to be that close. The symetry works wonderfully also.
As far as the comments go, you would only be doing yourself a favor if you pay attention. People don't waste their time to be nasty. They, perhaps, want to be able to help you improve your skills. Try out the things they suggest instead of being defensive. The frame does look awkward.
09/24/2003 05:54:11 PM
To all the artists that were able to quickly recognize how the frame emphasized the symmetry of the image and then move on to view and evaluate the art, I thank you for your comments. To the rest of you that are still losing sleep at nights because the frame disturbed you, I apologize. And to those of you who voted this artwork a 1 or 2, may I suggest to you that you take up a different hobby which requires no creative thinking. Stamp collecting comes to mind.

And, after viewing the profiles of those that commented, I'm flattered that those who actually enjoyed this piece also have some of the best portfolios themselves (some even past challenge winners).
09/24/2003 11:57:58 AM
Now that I look at this more, I think it would have beneffited even greater from using the rule of thirds. Tilt that lens skyward a bit and put the couple in the bottom third of the photo to create a great effect. (Just trying to teach myself with your work here) I really do like the photo!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/23/2003 09:09:24 PM
10 and nothing but 10.
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09/23/2003 01:36:10 PM
what's w/the giant border?
09/22/2003 09:04:19 PM
The white rails lead the viewer's eye right to the subjects and the texture of the walkway behind them contrasts nicely with the texture of the water in front. The overall image seems a bit blurry and I wish the man's jacket wasn't white. The gaudy frame actually works here.
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09/20/2003 11:46:34 PM
nice perfect simplicity
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09/19/2003 09:49:02 PM
Charming! Great colors. Very balanced shot. Looks slightly out of focus.
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09/19/2003 05:41:40 PM
This border...is hideous. What were you thinking? LoL The pic itself is great. I think you did it a huge disservice.
09/19/2003 03:28:03 PM
great photo, horrible border
09/19/2003 02:14:22 PM
Great Photograph, I like the color, lighting, rails.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
09/18/2003 10:00:57 PM
Nice shot, but frame seems a bit over the top.
09/18/2003 05:12:20 PM
The pic speaks for itself. No need for that much border.
09/18/2003 02:12:08 PM
This is awesome....
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09/18/2003 12:36:17 PM
Neat shot, a tad bit clearer would be good.
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09/18/2003 10:59:43 AM
Like many of the best photos I find it hard to say why this is so evocative, but it stuck in my mind after viewing hundreds - well done!
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09/18/2003 04:40:01 AM
Oh my god, the second great image I have seen in the last hour, and the second which has the worlds most awful border. Sorry, but this border is rank. It's way too thick, it's un even, it's colours don't compliment the image.

The image, is perfect (maybe a little bit out of focus) the red shirt really draws the eye, and the leading lines enhance that too. The subject has feeling and a certain warmth, even though it looks cold?!?

woudl be a 10, but an 8 becasue of the border. Nice image and good eye.
09/17/2003 11:14:49 PM
This is a really good picture but the border is bigger than my monitor! This would have looked great (and scored better) with just the pic alone.
09/17/2003 08:47:44 PM
Good concept, but wish they were more connected with each other. Looks like they are each thinking about what could have been instead of what is. Top ten maybe.
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09/17/2003 07:53:53 PM
Oh dear, I loved the thumbnail of this, but where has this huge border come from? Totally unnecessary, and has resulted in losing 2 points from me. The photo is much too small now. 6
09/17/2003 05:08:01 PM
Border too big!
09/17/2003 03:07:16 PM
This is a nice representation of the challenge. I like this very much. The focus is a wee bit soft and the colors a little flat. Still I think this is done very well and I like the frame. The perspective and frame draw the eye to the couple. NICE work!!!!!!
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09/17/2003 12:20:01 PM
Greetings :) This is a beautiful photo. This photo is about love, and love is a major element of life :) I don't know anything abou tthese people, but the image seems to be telling me that they are enjoying an early morning sunrise on the beach together... sharing a moment... maybe sipping on a hot cup of coffee... silence... no discussion... just the pure enjoyment of each other's company at the beginning of a new day. Great work :) = 10
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09/17/2003 10:44:08 AM
A little overboard on the boarder, but a wonderful photo.
09/17/2003 08:27:49 AM
My pick of the week. 10 Morgan
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09/17/2003 08:26:09 AM
Were you trying to use the border to tunnel our eyes to the end of the dock? I think it would have been much nicer without.
09/17/2003 06:38:22 AM
Beautiful picture But whats with the frame?
09/17/2003 03:48:46 AM
The symmetry of the photograph makes the image look peaceful. I also enjoy the conflicting colors of the white and red jacket and with the water in the background. Good photo!
09/17/2003 01:04:30 AM
I don't care for the wide uneven border with this shot, also the color of the border does not do anything for the photo.
09/17/2003 12:42:26 AM
Although I don't particularly care for the large grey frame, the picture itself is very well done. The railings lead the veiwer's eye to the two people very nicely.

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