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Two American Icons in One
Two American Icons in One

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Texture (Classic Editing)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7
Location: Bowling Green, KY
Date: Jul 20, 2002
Date Uploaded: Jul 21, 2002

Corvette's 50th Anniversary

Place: 201 out of 218
Avg (all users): 3.9811
Avg (commenters): 4.6429
Avg (participants): 3.9497
Avg (non-participants): 4.0283
Views since voting: 1346
Votes: 265
Comments: 28
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/28/2002 12:43:00 AM
I love it...well illuminated, crisp colors, fluid lines, smooth texture.
07/27/2002 10:55:00 AM
Very nice car and paint job, wish it was mine. The texture in the shot is pretty lacking.
07/26/2002 07:33:00 PM
I think you could have improved this image a lot in your 'digital darkroom' I am probably not the first to say "Why did you leave those ugly wires in the sky?" and the half eaten sandwich or piece of junk on the grass could have gone too, Use the clone tool to paint sky and grass and the image looks much better, it's a shame to have that stuff detract from the subject. Also is that a self portrait in the wing mirror? I think it might be. ...and the two boys with hats on peeping over the dash! All this stuff could easily be hidden or disguised with a couple minutes work. What's the point of doing digital photos if you don't make use of the tools on offer to turn a good pic into a better one.
07/26/2002 02:04:00 PM
Quite a patriotic picture, but I don't see texture as a primary element in this photograph. *4* -balynch
07/25/2002 06:16:00 PM
Nice car, and nice paint job. Did you try taking it from the front to keep the power lines out? karmat
07/25/2002 02:05:00 PM
Wow, I'll bet that paint job cost a few bucks! Nice capture, and I like the texture in the painted flag. The power lines are a little distracting, but you probably had no choice there and we can't clone them out.
07/25/2002 01:16:00 PM
great subject but not enough texture being shown.....5...hokie
07/24/2002 09:13:00 PM
Awesome car!!!!
07/24/2002 08:30:00 PM
fascinating work...It just doesn̢۪t get any better...
07/24/2002 05:20:00 PM
The powerlines are a BIG distraction..............
07/24/2002 03:44:00 PM
I see the texture of the car finish, of the grass, of the sky...and yes, the car is well-painted, but (perhaps since I'm a girl and cars seem to be a guy thing) the subject doesn't really do it for me. I likethe angle and the way the car is entering the frame. It's the subject that doesn't say Wow! TO ME
07/24/2002 03:20:00 PM
Great shot and cool car.. too bad you couldn't get that wire junk out of the way
07/24/2002 02:41:00 PM

Technical Aspects6
Meets Challenge6
Total Score8

For those that are just learning, like me.

Composition: Scoring in this area is based on basic composition of a picture and includes the rule of thirds, balance, cropping, and curved and diagonal lines. Subject matter that does not lend itself to the picture or otherwise unwanted is also considered here.

Originality: Scoring in this area is based on pictures or concepts that I have seen, as well as how much effort you have invested in the picture. Usually a little something that sets it aside from a snapshot. Does it make me want to come back for another look? You know things like that.

Technical Aspects: Focus, exposure, lighting, and other special effects (done by the camera), and post processing are all considered in this category.

Meets Challenge: This is based on my interpretation of if you, have/have not, met the challenge. This is fairly simple but quite important for this site.

There are many sites that can give you assistance in achieving better skills in photography, but I think the best way to learn is to take pictures and show them to other people. Believe me when it is a good one you will know it.

Good luck!

07/24/2002 12:41:00 PM
I know that the flag painted on the car is implied texture but I just can't see where this meets the challenge very well. Also, you need to watch your background for telephone wires and such..maybe if you had shot it a little closer to the car.
07/24/2002 12:23:00 PM
I like this photo, in general. The face in the mirror, is that u? If so, kinda cool, if not, lump in with the next comment. The two extra faces in the window not good. If they were activily engaged with the car, that would be another thing. Next, the texture, everything has texture, but this is a bit of an odd mix. The paint is smooooth, right? The flag is painted is if it were fluttering. (Not really certain were I am going with this, bear with me, just odd) Isn't that more than technically somebody else's work? (canvas=car) And then there are the power lines......
5 Swash
07/24/2002 10:11:00 AM
Decent crop, but maybe putting the exotic car somewhere more exotic could help?
07/23/2002 07:03:00 PM
nice paint job :) good show of a 3d texture on a 2d surface as well... = 6 - jmsetzler
07/23/2002 04:32:00 PM
hm. this is an interesting take on texture, and i'm not quite sure what to think of it. the texture of the flag is really not there. apart from that (and, btw, NICE car!) you could have chosen better as to where to photograph this car (unless of course it isn't yours so you couldn't move it). the powerlines at the top, and the parking lot to the left are not the best places to show off the car. just my 2cents. -- gr8photos (3)
07/23/2002 03:45:00 PM
the power lines in the background are horrible!!!!a get rid of them.
07/23/2002 11:54:00 AM
The phone wires in the background are a problem, you could have tried a different angle to remove them from the picture.
07/23/2002 06:47:00 AM
Zoom on detail - like tyre and part of chassis... Sky, road, grass, it's not important.
07/22/2002 07:32:00 PM
Nice pix,but where's the texture part? The flag is an image--flat no texture to it,unless it was done with a 4 inch brush and house paint.
07/22/2002 06:49:00 PM
Very..patriotic. Looks expensive.
07/22/2002 05:56:00 PM
Cool car, too bad the background and foreground are so ugly.
07/22/2002 01:57:00 PM
Good placement of the subject but the power lines are distracting and much more imoprtantly I don't see any possible connection to the theme here. 2-ClubJuggle.
07/22/2002 12:00:00 PM
Love the paint job...but doesn't really speak 'texture's' to me. The setting could be better too. 5 Lisa
07/22/2002 09:54:00 AM
Nice paint job but I completely miss where you are going with the 'texture' theme?!? The phone lines in the background don't help much either.
07/22/2002 01:59:00 AM
Doesn't really convey "texture".

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