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Tax Laws
Tax Laws

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: The Corporate World (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-720UZ
Location: San Francisco, California
Date: Jul 24, 2002
Aperture: AUTO
Shutter: AUTO
Date Uploaded: Jul 24, 2002

Taken in our firm's library

Place: 60 out of 116
Avg (all users): 4.9234
Avg (commenters): 6.0588
Avg (participants): 4.7753
Avg (non-participants): 5.0063
Views since voting: 1021
Votes: 248
Comments: 17
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/04/2002 10:17:00 PM
This pic would've been better as a black and white. But what you did is OK.
08/04/2002 08:47:00 PM
Good idea... I like how the books seem to go on forever. However, the photo seems to be very grainy, and the shelf is a bit too exposed... perhaps a different angle would help, or taking the photo at a different time of day (assuming this was sunlit) might help.
07/31/2002 06:09:00 PM
tax laws=giving loopholes for the rich while the rest of us poor bastards gotta pick up the tab. 50% goes to military spending, i say fuck it. To learn more about the detramental effects of capitalism and statism, go to www.infoshop.org
07/31/2002 04:05:00 PM
I don't know hat colour these books were originall but I am sure it wasn't anything like this. If you did this yellow thing on purpose then I apologise but it doesn't enhance the work for me. If not then you needed to choose the correct white balance setting on your camera. You could have corrected the colour in photoshop or similar, I tried it and ended up with dark brownish books with gold lettering, quite natural looking. Alternativly it looks good in balck and whit - very stark and foreboding. Really nice copmosition and a great idea for the challenge. The shelves are overexposed though and detract from the image. It's a pity the books aren't lined up perfectly.
07/31/2002 10:20:00 AM
I hate taxes, but I like this photo.
07/31/2002 08:54:00 AM
Could have been portrait-oriented and called 'Cover you tracks'...
07/31/2002 07:42:00 AM
Very much on topic!
07/31/2002 06:42:00 AM
07/31/2002 05:43:00 AM
Oh, how I hate taxes, so many, so annoying and so complex – a clever and subtle picture that tells a story instantlyâ€Â¦ This picture was (I think) a lot harder to take than it would first seem – you have achieved a great depth of field in what is a very close up image, you have fully captured the essence of the challenge and it's a great picture (10)
07/30/2002 10:26:00 PM
I wonder what the year 2002 volumes will look like... In fact, I think a stack of more recent volumes might have been more dramatic.
07/30/2002 09:08:00 PM
the tone is a bit yellow, but nice photograph anyway -6
07/30/2002 05:35:00 PM
I really like the idea but I don't care for the lighting on the shelf
07/30/2002 10:23:00 AM
This yellow caste has to be deliberate. It's interesting but Im not sure what it has to do with the subject matter. The shelves themselves seem over exposed and there is evidence of sharpening on the words on the edge of the books. Overall I like your subject matter and it's nice to see some creativity with colour.
07/29/2002 11:17:00 PM
Excellent shot... 10
07/29/2002 05:05:00 PM
This is a neat image.. I like the framing and composition with one minor exception... one 'rule of thumb' that I try to follow when possible is that a photograph should read like a book... from left to right and from top to bottom.. once again, it's a rule of thumb and not a requirement by any means. If you open this image in your photo editing software and do a horizontal mirror, you will see what I am talking about... for some reason, it's more natural for the eye to move from left to right in a photo than from right to left... good work :) - jmsetzler
07/29/2002 03:43:00 PM
Good angle on an otherwise boring topic.
07/29/2002 01:35:00 PM
Fits well with the challenge. I like the composition. I'm not crazy about the yellow cast, but honestly am not experienced enough with technical issues to really speak to that.

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