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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Soft Focus II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 APO DG Macro for Canon
Location: on the beach
Date: Aug 19, 2006
Aperture: 5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/3200
Galleries: Abstract, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Aug 20, 2006

editing was : USM , neat image, levels, saturation and cropping..

Thanx for everyone who sent great comments on this picture, sure beats a higher score. im pleased it was received the way it did.

Place: 185 out of 252
Avg (all users): 4.7735
Avg (commenters): 5.6774
Avg (participants): 4.5972
Avg (non-participants): 4.8519
Views since voting: 1205
Views during voting: 411
Votes: 234
Comments: 39
Favorites: 12 (view)

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09/03/2006 12:35:26 AM
Great shot. I love this.
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09/01/2006 11:31:52 AM
A piece of art.
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09/01/2006 09:02:49 AM
I think this is a great image. way to underrated.
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08/30/2006 12:09:34 PM
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08/30/2006 09:25:36 AM
this is a fantastic image Rami, and I think the voters just didn't get it...
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08/30/2006 12:43:55 AM
Absolutely underated. Congratulations on genius and guts! One of my favorites and if other people can't see it then they need to study more photography and less advertising.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/29/2006 05:54:37 PM
I love this photo. Strictly speaking, this is an out-of-focus, rather than soft focus photo, but I love it nonetheless.
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08/29/2006 01:53:11 PM
I would be surprised if You get high position but I consider it very good: 7
08/28/2006 07:37:36 PM
even if it is more out of focus than soft focus, I like it! 8. You have some courage if you posted this on DPC - a technically inclined voting majority. What a heck...9!
08/27/2006 11:29:07 PM
My 2nd favorite photo here. An excellent use of Soft Focus. Good luck.
08/27/2006 10:05:49 PM
This picture keeps growing on me and I'm bumping up. I love how the figure is recognizable yet so abstracted. The effect lends the image an ethereal and very alluring quality.
08/27/2006 08:26:52 PM
Suppose to be softfocus not no focus.
08/27/2006 07:34:11 PM
Neat picture, but I see it as blurred, not just a soft focus.
08/27/2006 05:53:38 AM
I like it... very original bit abstract photo with shapes of girl...could imagine such in the frame.
08/26/2006 05:09:24 PM
love degree of abstract created
08/26/2006 02:43:32 AM
ok i've come back to this one after some thought, and now i can say without hesitation i like this photo very much, the shape captures my interest from her shadow to her finger tips, easy 9 !! good luck
08/26/2006 12:49:00 AM
beautiful soft shape conveys not just humanity, but poise. fascinating interaction with the horizon line. it's all barely there, but there nonetheless. 10. I know this won't ribbon, but it is one of my ribbons.
08/25/2006 05:34:18 PM
Ooh, I love this one. Very nice take on this challenge.
08/25/2006 10:57:49 AM
already voted on this; gave it a 6. but here's the thing - i love this photo hugely. the only problem i have with it is that, to me, it just doesn't fit the challenge appropriately; it's massively out of focus and not really "soft". it's basically a guilt thing - i want to give it a 10, but then i feel bad for everyone else who i feel met the challenge.

this picture is fantastic for a large number of reasons; firstly is the feeling of summer, than there's the real sense of joyous freedom and love that comes from her pose and posture. the monochrome, principally bright shades of grey and whites works tremendously well given the beach setting. composition is perfect for the pose. the level of noise and grain is sublty lovely. i'll bump to an 8. really great stuff.
08/25/2006 12:17:43 AM
Soft focus is designed to leave important details clearly evident, but to soften context and unimportant details. You've gone too far, IMO, to really meet the challenge.
08/24/2006 07:49:58 PM
I'm sure you've already heard this but it's a smidge too soft...
08/24/2006 06:58:13 PM
IMHO this is far too blurry, with just a touch of softness I am sure this would be a nice image
08/24/2006 12:25:13 PM
Soft Focus? Who cares...

I love the form in this image. The overall feel of the image has a liberating effect. I fear that it won't do well because it's more "out of focus" than it is soft but that's that. Good Luck!
08/24/2006 10:08:03 AM
I think its a little to blurry.. if it was just a tad more in focus i think it'd be a great photo!
08/24/2006 09:44:17 AM
too blurry ... no detail left
08/24/2006 08:01:33 AM
08/23/2006 11:39:36 PM
I think that this is too blurry - might have been better with more focus.
08/23/2006 10:31:53 PM
08/23/2006 05:14:57 PM
This is more Out of Focus then Soft Focus, but I love it. It is visually striking. Well done, I just hope that other voters will not bring it down. Good luck.
08/23/2006 04:58:12 PM
this shot is too blurry...could be sharper...Just Kidding!!

Actually, this is completely out of focus, kind of hurts my eyes.
08/23/2006 03:47:22 PM
WOW......soft x's 100
08/23/2006 02:30:57 PM
it has an ethereal quality which i really like
08/23/2006 01:04:23 PM
I Think this is not a Soft but an out of focus.
08/23/2006 12:50:24 PM
Interesting, minimalist, and daring. I would be glad to know that this was done in-camera, as opposed to with post work, but either way, this is a lovely, evocative, dreamy photograph. Thanks for this, a refreshing change.
08/23/2006 12:11:47 PM
Sorry, this is too far away from my understanding of soft focus.
08/23/2006 11:13:18 AM
wow...really original. love it!
08/23/2006 10:38:22 AM
Somewhat 'softer' that expected...perhaps even 'out of' rather 'soft' focus...but I like the semi-abstract look of it.
08/23/2006 06:58:53 AM
perfect...this is awesome for this challenge and I hope you ribbon...the suggestion of her body and figure is awesome and it looks great in b and w 9
08/23/2006 01:16:55 AM

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