Author | Thread |
09/12/2006 03:38:38 PM |
Critique Club:
Fyrsta skipti àlangan tÃÂma sem ég kÃÂki hérna àKrÃÂtÃÂkklúbbinn og fæ ÃÂslenska mynd. Ekki slæmt að byrja að geta tjáð sig á ÃÂslensku :)
Kemur mjög vel út að nota silhouettuna til að ramma inn viðfangsefnið. Maður fær á tilfinninguna að strákurinn/maðurinn sé að klást við alkahólisma eða eitthvað svoleiðis og að hann sé svona lokaður af hjálpar. Vonandi skilst þetta :) Það er ekki mikið sem mér finnst mætti betur fara. Lýsingin er pottþétt og myndbyggingin fÃÂn. Eina sem mér finnst að mætti betur fara er ef þú hefðir tekið myndina aðeins ofar og þá verið með lÃÂnurnar hægra megin og vinstra megin við hann alveg beinar en ekki smá á ská. En svo gæti bara vel verið að þú hafir þurft að taka hana svona smá neðan frá til að fá hreinan himinn en ekki jörð með. Gaman að sjá mynd sem segir einhverja sögu. Ekki bara eitthvað að splasha àvatn :) FÃÂnt mynd àalla staði. Gangi þér vel ànæstu keppnum.
kveðja, árni |
09/06/2006 01:29:56 AM |
Great use of the silhoutte with a transparant subject to round out the experience. Congratulations on your top 20 finish. |
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09/06/2006 12:33:38 AM |
How awesome is THAT! I wonder where that window was he was sitting on. It looks like it must be pretty high to see all those clouds outside. As always, this photo fits right in with your incredible work!
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
09/05/2006 10:18:24 PM |
Nice framing, and the spot of color in the bottle adds a lot of interest. |
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09/05/2006 07:16:43 PM |
Nicely composed and highly emotive. |
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09/05/2006 07:48:39 AM |
Don't quite understand the reference to Stormy Petrel, but love this pic, |
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09/05/2006 04:30:16 AM |
I love the touch of colour in the bottle. Lovely dark silhouette too. |
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09/04/2006 01:06:01 PM |
i love the little bit of color in the bottle...nice touch. |
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09/04/2006 12:16:18 PM |
Bad day, eh?
Wanna talk about it? |
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09/04/2006 11:28:14 AM |
This is such an emotional image. I love the framing with the silhouettes on the side. THe stormy sky brings out so much mystery. Very nice. |
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09/02/2006 05:50:01 PM |
Nice framing, I like the sky and the mans silhouette... the red spot in the bottle is a great addition to a good picture.. |
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08/31/2006 05:58:22 PM |
Really nice shot, the red in the bottle definitely adds to the overall image. I like the framing factor too. |
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08/31/2006 09:23:42 AM |
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08/30/2006 10:51:41 PM |
Nice Framing...I like the composition too.
But the grains in the sky turns me off a bit. |
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08/30/2006 10:11:27 PM |
Like the silhouette with a touch of color in the bottle |
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08/30/2006 05:27:09 PM |
I love the atmosphere in this shot. Well done! |
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08/30/2006 12:21:17 PM |
I wonder what the shot might have been like if it were a liquor bottle, and the subject's head were hung a little more. Great job! |
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08/30/2006 09:41:20 AM |
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08/30/2006 07:04:33 AM |
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08/30/2006 12:25:22 AM |
don't fall out of that window! |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
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