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A Bunch of Clowns at the Wheel
A Bunch of Clowns at the Wheel
Brazen Angel

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: The Corporate World (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-2040Z
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Date: Jul 27, 2002
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/650 s
Date Uploaded: Jul 28, 2002

I know this photo is complete crap. It's not interesting, not sharp enough (even with sharpening) or well-framed. Basically, I was at the circus and thought this would be amusing as hell. The only reason I submitted it was because I thought other people might too. I certainly expect poor scoring because it's a bad photo.

Place: 97 out of 116
Avg (all users): 4.3306
Avg (commenters): 4.7308
Avg (participants): 4.2706
Avg (non-participants): 4.3631
Views since voting: 897
Votes: 242
Comments: 28
Favorites: 0

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08/05/2002 04:54:00 PM
Despite the quality of the photo, I think it is the best interpretation of the challenge :)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/04/2002 12:37:00 PM
no relevance to the theme??
08/03/2002 02:21:00 AM
focus is a little soft, but its a great photo idea. made me hoot out loud. well done. ~mcmurma
Meets Challenge...8
08/02/2002 04:13:00 PM
Fresh, original and hilarious interpetation of the challenge... The background is a bit cluttered, but i don't imagine you had a lot of control over it.
08/02/2002 08:25:00 AM
Could have been much sharper. A little bit of stretch to meet the challenge, but I see where you're coming from.
08/01/2002 05:17:00 AM
Cute, but not a captivating image of a bunch of clowns. 5 sjgleah
07/31/2002 08:33:00 PM
Great colors! I wish it were more in focus and of course, it'd help if there was some company logo on the car or something. 7 Lisa
07/31/2002 06:29:00 PM
Only the title -- and barely that -- links the viewer to the challenge.
07/31/2002 05:01:00 PM
Good, colorful characters and prop. The black background on the left is good. The yellow on the right competes with the subject for attention. My eye gets drawn there rather than the purples and reds, then it goes to the truck. Different cropping would have eliminated the distraction. This pic still has appeal though.
07/31/2002 09:04:00 AM
This is an OK photo, but I think the corporate connection is extremely tenuous.

Oh, and very unfair to Clowns :)
07/31/2002 07:03:00 AM
yep that says it
07/31/2002 03:31:00 AM
07/31/2002 02:01:00 AM
Now here's where we need an Enron or Worldcom logo. ; )
07/30/2002 11:55:00 PM
Composition - good. White box on right bothers me a little
Technical Aspects - good
Meets Challenge - not without title
Visual Impact / Originality - good
07/30/2002 08:51:00 PM
Depends on the title to fit the challenge too much. Cute pic thought, but a bit of a blurr...
07/30/2002 04:27:00 PM
I like the colors, but the focus is a little off, and I think the car needs to be further to the left, so that it has somewhere to "go" before it leaves the picture. karmat
07/30/2002 10:17:00 AM
What a fun photo and perfect title. Colors great.
07/30/2002 07:35:00 AM
Good concept but the focus is a little off and the colours a little too flat. Clowns should be colourful!
07/30/2002 12:40:00 AM
The shot is pretty grainy... almost looks like digital zoom is on. The corporate world connection seems weak at best to me. I'm also not a fan of the centering of the car in the frame -- too much space on the left.
07/29/2002 09:08:00 PM
07/29/2002 05:55:00 PM
a bit out of focus but the humor fits the challenge.
07/29/2002 04:19:00 PM
The dead center approach makes things bland. Rule of thirds is not set in stone, but it could have helped things here
07/29/2002 02:44:00 PM
This does not say corporate to me in any way. lhall
07/29/2002 01:52:00 PM
A bit out of focus. Lighting looks good. Reminds me of some of the "Corporate Clowns" I see at work....
07/29/2002 01:32:00 PM
I see no connection of this picture to the challenge.
07/29/2002 12:43:00 PM
vey humourous, these must be the sadest bunch of clowns I've ever seen, they must have shares in America. Obviously it's not the sharpest image in the world which is probably due to compression rather than focus. deserves good points for the idea though (which one is George Bush?)
07/29/2002 09:41:00 AM
Great analogy!
07/29/2002 02:06:00 AM
Now you're talking LOL

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