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A litle lunchbreak at work,made by christian 12 years
A litle lunchbreak at work,made by christian 12 years

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: The Corporate World (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 900
Location: in my kitchin
Date: Jul 28, 2002
Aperture: 1:2,6
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60 s
Date Uploaded: Jul 28, 2002

it wasn't easy to get my cat s

Place: 108 out of 116
Avg (all users): 4.0042
Avg (commenters): 4.6429
Avg (participants): 3.6588
Avg (non-participants): 4.1948
Views since voting: 1195
Votes: 239
Comments: 14
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/02/2002 05:50:00 PM
interesting photo :) The graphs make the cat look like a real 'business cat' :) - jmsetzler
08/02/2002 04:58:00 PM
this is a great idea. the only suggestion i would make is to get the camera down lower and make the shot so that you can see more of the cat's face. Great idea. karmat
08/01/2002 10:54:00 PM
good job, christian! keep taking pics. cute kitty !!! :) .. mag99
07/31/2002 04:57:00 PM
Not a bad effort for a 12 year old, you need to learn how to get lighting sorted out in your photos, this one is way too dark. Maybe a less busy background would help also. Nice idea with the cat ( I hope he doesn't mind you implying he is a fat cat) does he/she always get fed off a silver tray?
07/31/2002 03:56:00 PM
I'm a softy for anything with four legs. This critter looks like it hasn't missed too many meals. :-) I like how you took the time to set everything up. I'm learning how important it is to carefully plan. Keep having fun with your camera and with the help of this site you will see your plans work out. This is a cute picture. "5" Gracious
07/30/2002 11:53:00 PM
Composition - OK. I would have straightened up the cat's tray
Technical Aspects - good. The rear area needs to be lit a little more
Meets Challenge - sort of. It would have been better to see the chart titles more clearly, maybe added a newspaper.
Visual Impact / Originality - average. No colors jump out.
07/30/2002 11:28:00 PM
What a fin idea:)
07/30/2002 08:56:00 PM
I wish my work days were so simple! Keep taking pictures Christian and have fun!
07/30/2002 06:52:00 PM
What the...?
07/30/2002 10:17:00 AM
A very light hearted slant on the subject matter - I really like your idea. There have been so many stuffy, negative images this week. It's nice to see a fun one for a change. Your photograph needs a little more light to really make the cat stand out. And if you'd got down on the floor and take the picture at eye level with kitty then it might have been more dramatic. Other than that - a good idea and and fun photo. Well done.
07/29/2002 09:41:00 PM
The picture itself is cute. It might have worked better if you dressed the cat up a bit and put him/her on a table in front of some papers and titled the picture corporate fatcat.
07/29/2002 05:10:00 PM
Where do I start.....First the shot is on the dark side. Is that what you wanted? Is there some sort of message or feeling you are trying to convey? Next, the background (the floor) is too busy/distracting/takes away from the real subject. O.K. now what is the cat doing? I don't really mean to tear you apart like this, sorry. Still have to go with a 4, Swash.
07/29/2002 08:43:00 AM
Indoor photography with a flash always causes the background to be too dark. Try getting someone to hold up some silver foil or white card, its a cheap version of those reflective brollies the pros use. Nice subject, I like the humour.
07/29/2002 02:37:00 AM
Such a long title and actually more confusing than helpful. The charts presumably must reflect the corporate world, graphs of stocks or economic indicators but it could really be graphs of anything. The lighting is too dark and the angle at the top is rather unfortunate; don't care for the radiator showing. Carpet and napkin on tray rather clash.

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