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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Camera: Canon EOS-30D
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
Galleries: Portraiture, Self Portrait
Date Uploaded: Sep 24, 2006

Viewed: 2380
Comments: 42
Favorites: 4 (view)

Yeah, not so beautiful. Seems I'm a single girl again. Sometimes life just sucks.

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05/07/2007 02:12:11 PM
I wouldn't think you would have any worries...you are way to beautiful to stay single...and this is a pretty old shot...don't know if things have changed for you or not. Either way...your pretty even when you cry.
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05/04/2007 01:55:22 PM
Looks like you need a hug.
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05/03/2007 09:52:35 AM
More fool him.
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05/02/2007 09:53:41 PM
Very brave image. I have wanted to do this same thing but I am too self-conscious. We have all been there with a broken heart. Sometimes the grief is too much to bear.
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04/25/2007 02:04:39 AM
You inspired someone.. :-)
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12/10/2006 05:18:28 PM
pain can be beautiful.

but you're a creative soul who has loads of talent and beauty.

i'm sure you will be ok.

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12/10/2006 04:50:40 PM
oh, I'm sorry for this! I hope life is better for you now! this is the most true and touching photo I've seen here.
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10/20/2006 12:42:45 AM
So sorry, Cindi, big hug!
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10/15/2006 05:09:47 PM
When I saw this shot in the list I was stunned ... it is an extremely beautiful shot ... and creates what all pictures should a real emotional response. Horrid that this has happened ... But it is awesome you have chosen to share.
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10/15/2006 02:02:16 AM
Cindi, first of all this is a very emotive and well executed shot. I applaud you for being brave enough - human enough - to share it with us.

Now about the single problem....did you know there are something like 5 single guys to eveyr single woman here in Alaska/ And since I'm not looking , you can have my 5 too. Now come on over here, get your hug, and go find yourself an Alaskan. {{hug}}
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10/15/2006 01:39:21 AM
You move me so much with emotion, with this shot.....
Thank you for sharing it with us.....
I love it, sadness, and all.
I do hope better things are coming your way soon, as you have a beautiful soul.....
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10/15/2006 01:28:13 AM
Aww, I'm gonna cry :-(

Some guy is gonna be lucky when he stumbles across the amazing Cindi :0)

*crosses fingers, let it be me* ... Love ya Cindi *hugs*

Had to add more, because I really can't take my eyes off of this. Such a tender moment showing here for us all to see. It takes a wonderful person to open herself up at her most vulnerable moments. It's really a touching photo - one that even with years of photojournalism experience is tough to capture of another person, let alone one's self. I applaud you Cindi.

Message edited by author 2006-10-15 01:33:00.
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10/15/2006 01:04:38 AM
This reminds me of Daffy Duck's magic trick. I don't remember the details exactly, but it was quite spectacular. He basically blows himself up. It's a real showstopper, but he can only do it once. You've managed to take a very emotional photograph simply by photographing yourself when you're very emotional. It works quite well. It has that tension for the viewer that most good photographs have: how did she do it? how did she capture this moment, which looks so fragile, so unselfconscious? Of course, as an artist, you can't keep beating yourself to create the emotion you need. But a moment like this, captured as it is, can be a guidepost for you on your road to being an artist, which is a road I believe you're on, because this is not the only guidepost of yours that I've seen. Look back at this photo and think of it as a standard you have set for emotional honesty, emotional frankness, even when you are finding the emotion in a bowl of fruit.
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10/01/2006 01:27:54 AM
Nicely captured. Sorry to hear that Cindi, but it's lucky for someone else in your future.
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10/01/2006 12:05:19 AM
Awww man. I'm so sorry. But, yeah, life sucks sometimes. Hang in there. And thanks for showing us how "raw" life can be.
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09/29/2006 05:18:02 AM
Men are pigs. *ouch!* I think Shannylee threw a rock at me. :)
Hope you're able to keep smiling, Cindi. You are an awesome woman who anyone would be lucky to have a relationship with. I'm not much good at encouraging people, but I guess I can at least jump on the *hugs* bandwagon.

Hang in there, Cindi.
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09/25/2006 04:27:58 AM
Dear Cindi, You have such energy that I am not really worried cause I know you will come out of this even stronger!!!

Thanks for showing your emotions, your expression makes me so vulnerable cause I've been going through alot of stuff lately (but not about the heart). I really want to cry...
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09/25/2006 01:34:25 AM
Aww heck. Just saw this. Tell me where he's at and I'll go pound on him or something, if you wish. Lovely pic, btw.
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09/25/2006 12:27:44 AM
Thank you for this Cindi. This is a very beautiful image.
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09/24/2006 10:38:00 PM
You ARE beautiful in soooo many ways. Big *hugs* to you, hang in there you deserve the best!
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09/24/2006 10:19:59 PM
Hey... sorry to hear the sad news... hang in there and let me know if there's anything I can do.


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09/24/2006 07:42:27 PM
Aw, babe. Sorry to hear. His loss. As I said with jeannybeany, Thank you for turning the camera on yourself at this vulnerable moment. Very raw moment captured and shared. Thank you.

Message edited by author 2006-09-24 20:39:20.
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09/24/2006 07:31:06 PM
best. one. yet.

why? because it's you. not a character, or an act. It's you, and it's real. It's no longer art imitating life, it's life becoming art.
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09/24/2006 07:11:08 PM
EVERYTHING happens for a reason Cindy, and this is but a short stop along your path to happiness. You are a strong, confident, and VERY talented woman, who also happens to be beautiful. Enjoy the things in life that ARE good - your children, your health, a gorgeous sunset... and all of the many friends here who wish you the best.
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09/24/2006 06:37:07 PM
i feel bad looking at you- sorry for your pain but you & your art are beautiful...
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09/24/2006 05:25:41 PM
My heart breaks for you ... here is a cuddle as Judi would put it. Life does suck sometimes for sure but your art is always beautiful Cindi!
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09/24/2006 05:09:03 PM
Virtual hug to a friend. Hope things brighten up for you soon.
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09/24/2006 04:35:13 PM
This is beautiful. It is real and it is true. I remember after the first week of this challenge you spoke of your new b/f seeing your sp's...and you were going to great lengths to make sure they were good. And now this. This is heartbreaking...I often sat here at the computer thinking of you and how you were bending over backwards for him...and they were YOUR sp's! Well now Cindi...take the photos for you. No one else. You are beautiful....you might not agree...but trust me. You are! Don't let them get you down.
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09/24/2006 03:01:44 PM
Keep your chin up. You'll be OK. With your looks and your talent, you'll go far, kid.
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09/24/2006 12:08:59 PM
HONEY!!!!! I hope you're ok.
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09/24/2006 12:00:58 PM
Oh, Cindi, I'm so sorry. You've shared part of the story with us, so I know how hard this must be. Hang in there! Hug your kids, spoil yourself, and just keep telling yourself happier times will come. *hug*

Edited to add: it's still a very well-done picture. Even in your sadness, your talent shines through!

Message edited by author 2006-09-24 12:01:29.
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09/24/2006 11:58:32 AM
Very strong portrait, perfectly lit to evoke the mood. :(
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09/24/2006 11:34:41 AM
Hope your feeling better soon.. Very emotional portrait!
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09/24/2006 11:28:44 AM
oh honey no!! I'm so sorry for you...!

Sometimes life just sucks, and for me it helps to take pictures. I hope this one helped you a bit too..

Hope you're gonna feel better soon, and if you want to talk, you know where to find me! x
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09/24/2006 10:42:27 AM
i love that when I look at your eyes there still seems to be this spark of hope. I'm serious!! By looking at the mouth and the hair and of course the tears..... I see pure sadness.... but lookin' at the eyes I can tell that you're still hangin in there and and don't feel completely defeated.

PS: boys suck, throw rocks at them :) :) :)

Message edited by author 2006-09-24 10:42:35.
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09/24/2006 10:13:35 AM
Even when you're heartbroken you're still incredibly beautiful.
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09/24/2006 10:08:06 AM
outstanding portrait - I really hope you feel better soon...and move on to whatever wonderful things are in store for you next!
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09/24/2006 09:53:25 AM
Sorry to see you sad. Oddly enough I was going to shoot one of me crying yesterday, but it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. Yours is much better anyway. Nice raw emotion.
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09/24/2006 09:50:45 AM
I hope you're feeling better now.. reminds me of my sad days :(
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09/24/2006 09:23:02 AM
Oh no!! That's really sad! *hugs*
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09/24/2006 09:21:39 AM
Guess that makes 3 of us. This has been pretty much my mood for months, but for a slightly different reason. I want to be single, but the big D is being dragged out. Been separated since January and I want the whole thing to be over. But my life has been turmoil. Thanks for opening up with us and shoing how you are feeling.
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09/24/2006 09:15:01 AM
Me too honey.... me too. not sure about single just yet but if it happened soon I wouldnt be surprised.((BIG HUG)) and I applaud you for opening up.
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