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Going somewhere
Going somewhere

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study XIII (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM
Location: Laugardalur, Iceland
Date: Sep 27, 2006
Aperture: 1.2
ISO: 800
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Portraiture, Travel
Date Uploaded: Sep 27, 2006

Well, like I "promised", this is the fall version of a shot I have done previously and I will do a spring version somewhere around march 2007 too and probably put it in a challenge at the time. The model is of course Kristin as usual :) Here are the two previous versions.

Same as the previous shots, I only used ambient lighting and was actually out too late shooting this, as you can see I shot it at iso 800 and actually underexposed a bit, should have rather put the iso at 1600 and then darkened in a raw converter as it´s too noisy although that is hard to tell in this resolution.

Many thanx to Ragga2000 for lending me her 85mm 1.2 II for this shot, have always wanted to try out that lens and it´s now officially "next on the list" whenever that is, absolutely love it!

As for post processing goes, was a bit. Removed a trashcan that was attached to one of the trees to the right and a lightpost that was just barely visible there and another one wich was just barely visible over her right shoulder. Closed the pathway behind her as it lead out into the light and drew too much attention from her face in my opinion. Shadow/highlights, curves for contrast, did a hue shift layer for a sepia effect with low opacity to give that brown toning to it and finally sharpened after resizing. Added the vignetting as has become a rule with this series and brightened up her face a little bit.

Place: 13 out of 615
Avg (all users): 6.8651
Avg (commenters): 7.6296
Avg (participants): 6.7066
Avg (non-participants): 7.4167
Views since voting: 10129
Views during voting: 538
Votes: 215
Comments: 57
Favorites: 31 (view)

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05/26/2007 07:53:43 AM
What are you using for light on these shots. It looks as if you have something on them to really bring them out.
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01/21/2007 04:33:04 PM
Beautiful series Larus...shots I wish I'd taken myself. That's gotta count for something :-)
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01/01/2007 11:07:00 PM
Hey I'm new here (as you can tell by my scores ha ha) just looking through your stuff(Great I might add) and saw you have the 85 L. I rented it for 2 weeks and had to buy one for Christmas. Is it a great lens or what
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11/14/2006 05:11:09 AM
I looked at most of your pictures and this series of 3 is my favorite, with this one being tops among them all. My only criticism would be the model and her outfit. To me she seems entirely prearranged like something out of a fashion catalog, rather than a unique human being. But, I really like the concept, I just think there is so much more opportunity to explore how the person changes as opposed to the superficial coverings.
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10/19/2006 03:56:10 AM
great shot, but are you sure this is Iceland, there are so many trees! ;P
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10/11/2006 02:44:25 PM
You just had to list that you used a 85mm f/1.2 didn't you??
Been drooling over that one for such a long time now.

Great use of it too - perfect for this shot!
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10/11/2006 12:35:53 PM
Can't wait to see the spring version. I love them all.
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10/09/2006 11:48:10 PM
This is the first time I am ever leaving a comment on this site. But this picure simply blew me away.

Unbelievable. Awesome job!!
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10/08/2006 11:27:07 PM
What happened to 'I'm taking a break from DPC'? :) good to see you back!
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10/08/2006 06:00:43 PM
Another fantastic shot from you, I was really surprised that this one didn't ribbon, making it a fav., how could it be anything else!
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10/08/2006 05:20:01 PM
Congratulations on your top 20 finish with autumnal beauty.
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10/08/2006 03:30:12 PM
Originally posted by Pedro:

the best of the series so far. Spring is going to have a tough time beating fall, I'm afraid :)

Very well done, Larus


I'm surprised you said that. I think the other two are better. The road on the right there detracts a bit where as the other two were in "perfect" locales, IMO. However that said, I'm surprised this didn't make Larus' front page.
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10/08/2006 09:46:58 AM
I can imagine these three portraits hanging on a wall side by side. Four will be even better. I cannot wait for your Spring version. Kristin is a perfect model, and this series is just...WOW!!!
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10/08/2006 04:57:41 AM
Congrats Lárus on a perfectly done image. Love the colors of the fall, good pp you did to bump up the fall colors - great results :o)
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10/08/2006 03:07:03 AM
Thought this must be my 'take a break' friend Larus! You have a real series going on here with these images...they are exceptional...gave this a 10 and hoped you would ribbon...but, 13 out of 612 is quite and achievement
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10/08/2006 02:57:30 AM
the best of the series so far. Spring is going to have a tough time beating fall, I'm afraid :)

Very well done, Larus

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10/08/2006 02:28:30 AM
I love it Larus. I knew this was you. I didn't realize you were doing a season thing though and think it's a great idea...
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/07/2006 11:21:55 PM
10/07/2006 11:00:11 PM
Looks like a Larus shot. Good job. - 10
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10/07/2006 10:50:53 PM
Now where have I seen a shot like this before. It seems vaguely familiar. Oh yes - and this rocks just the same. While the model is beautiful (as always) its the back path and tree lines that really make this shot for me. Nice work.
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10/07/2006 10:38:54 PM
Larus? oh and 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
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10/07/2006 07:19:04 PM
Rosalega íslenskt og líkt og annað sem þú hefur gert!
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10/07/2006 12:59:24 PM
Excellent shot and very nice location and real the model clothes give a cold feeling about fall
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10/07/2006 01:43:34 AM
your artistic signature is in this photo good job
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10/06/2006 04:59:12 PM
this is incredible. 10!! beautiful model.
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10/06/2006 11:21:17 AM
So you continue with your somewhere, nowhere seris.
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10/06/2006 11:16:43 AM
awesome... love everything about it!
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10/06/2006 05:17:38 AM
Looks like you got two of the four seasons on your front page now.
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10/05/2006 08:40:10 AM
Love it! Can you share your workflow, and equipment used? The use of DoF
is incredible! GREAT WORK! 10
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10/04/2006 10:05:26 PM
she doesn't look like she's going anywhere
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10/04/2006 07:03:02 PM
Lovely model. I like the way you've separated her from the background. A version with her somewhat closer in the frame with the camera lower would be nice too. A shame the background to our right has the high contrast pavement. But detracts very little from this excellent image. Bumped it to a 9.
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10/04/2006 07:33:52 AM
ready for fall? oh yes! this is greeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaat! 10
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10/03/2006 11:38:32 PM
Great use of DOF, very direct and strong. The Vignetting is a nice touch too.
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10/03/2006 05:48:21 PM
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10/03/2006 03:52:33 AM
well, what can be said? this is no doubt going to finish very highly...you've got a gorgeous model, the lovely moody colors of Autumn, the texturized ground with its own spattering of color, the lines, and the absolutely perfect wardrobe selection
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10/02/2006 04:08:12 PM
Good sharpness on the model, the colours are well-chosen against the background.
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10/02/2006 02:17:45 PM
Really enjoy the composition for this photo. Looks like it could be an ad in Vogue or another fashion type magazine. I can almost hear the leaves crunching under her feet.
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10/02/2006 01:57:36 PM
Beautiful model with the golden trees.
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10/02/2006 11:44:05 AM
As out of a fashion magazine, well done! Good luck for the challenge!
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10/02/2006 08:32:20 AM
woweee! that is stunning...the colours the leaves, the dof, the vignetting, the composition, the light, the connection with the eyes...has to be a 10
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10/02/2006 08:17:49 AM
Nice DOF. Model looks a bit tense but overall great shot
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10/02/2006 06:11:36 AM
Simply stunning! Great use of colour, love the DOF, and a beautiful model. 10
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10/01/2006 09:39:09 PM
Good story and title, with strong colors,...
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10/01/2006 07:51:47 PM
Finally, a photo with a center composition that works! Great lighting, composition, color, exposure. Fantastic.
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10/01/2006 06:10:36 PM
youve taken the exact same shot already. except for the clothes and specific background. but identical concept
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10/01/2006 01:42:05 PM
Looks like a cover shot for Vogue. Well done.
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10/01/2006 01:29:36 PM
Amazing shot! Love the DOF used!
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10/01/2006 12:02:15 PM
I like this.
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10/01/2006 11:03:02 AM
I looovvveee this 10
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10/01/2006 09:46:00 AM
This is excatly like the shot Larus sent to a couple of challenges. It's not cool stealing ideas! :)
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10/01/2006 09:41:12 AM
Nice colours and location. There is always a road on the right of such esplanades, isn't there. Nice vibrant, autumnal efect. 9.
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10/01/2006 07:32:09 AM
A very nice fall shot. Love the colors.
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10/01/2006 05:01:58 AM
DOF spot on :o)Amazingly done, apart from the girl the picture looks like a beautiful painting... Glæsilega gert, þú átt eftir að skora hátt með þessari :o)
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10/01/2006 04:12:44 AM
Perfect yet again Larus :)
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10/01/2006 02:10:13 AM
Another winner here.....
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10/01/2006 01:44:57 AM
haha, after so many ribbons in a similar pose its not hard to tell who this is. ;) Good luck to you! Love the fall setting.
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10/01/2006 12:12:29 AM
I'm sure I've seen her before on another road...
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