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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study XIII (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 12-24mm f/4.0G IF-ED
Location: Cowtown, Alberta
Date: Sep 23, 2006
Aperture: 4
ISO: 800
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Portraiture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Sep 30, 2006

I only have time to shoot weddings these days, and actual wedding photos never seem to do all that well unless you're Grigrigirl. So this is about the only photo I have for the month that's not too wedding-ish, and despite the fact that it won't score well, I freaking love it. So I'm entering it.

so there.

I know it's not technically very sound...there are blown out highlights, and noise, and some artifacts...these are some of the things I love about it :D

5.5 here we come.

Post Challenge Edit: Hm. well, I spose it did better than 5.5 - I'm surprised, tho I can't say I'm disappointed. A few people said they didn't see the Bogart in my photo, so I browsed the net a little, and found this --> . Is it me? Dunno...seems kinda similar. Then again, maybe it's the JD. :)

Place: 104 out of 615
Avg (all users): 6.1518
Avg (commenters): 8.0556
Avg (participants): 6.0884
Avg (non-participants): 6.3636
Views since voting: 1364
Views during voting: 319
Votes: 191
Comments: 31
Favorites: 4 (view)

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06/21/2007 10:46:46 AM
You truly inspire me to be a better artist, not just a photographer.
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10/09/2006 10:35:26 AM
Great shot Pedro! I wondered whose this was. Terrific mood and PP. Should have finished higher.
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10/09/2006 01:49:44 AM
can't believe this finished so far back. it's a very classy and elegant shot and definitely has your style. silly, silly DPC voters!
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10/08/2006 10:07:09 PM
Classic/Timeless. Awesome.
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10/08/2006 09:50:53 PM
even more than bogart, the man has the look, clothing, hair and jaw of a 40's actor. I think that is what stands out the most in relation to the title and to Bogart specificly.
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10/08/2006 09:29:01 PM
Art isnt always rewarded in these parts it seems... still ~ not a bad score at the end of the day...

I think it was a brilliant chance re-creation of a time gone by and it screamed Bogart to me from the first second..

I'm glad you know what the crowds want ..but still enter the images that move you.. afterall if we stop shooting to please our tastes n passions.. what is the point..

loved it P.. and had I voted would have been up in the top scores.
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10/08/2006 09:44:05 AM
certainly Bogartish to me...nice job!
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10/08/2006 08:58:28 AM
LOve it! I actually think the highlights and the noise add to the chemistry of mood in this image
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10/08/2006 04:15:29 AM
Great mood in this one. Love it!
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10/08/2006 02:57:27 AM
brilliant artwork
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10/08/2006 12:19:45 AM
Dig it brotha'! Out did your prediction!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/07/2006 07:07:12 AM
Wow, great portrait. Love his facial expression.
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10/07/2006 01:59:48 AM
well done, it's got a lot of style!
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10/06/2006 12:42:35 PM
Not really Bogart-esque in my opinion.. :) But a cool portrait, excellently done. Lovely duotone, beautiful contrasts, and I particularly like the unusual persepctive, making his hands appear very large. Nice work, 8.
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10/05/2006 07:36:42 PM
everything works together to create devil-may-care 1930's attitude. Masterful. 9
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10/05/2006 07:34:52 PM
Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow

Added to faves. Great portrait! Perfect grain, good exposure (the whites are hot, but it doesnt bother me in this instance), great pose.
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10/04/2006 10:15:45 AM
taking another look, yup still 10
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10/03/2006 09:19:55 PM
very stylish
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10/03/2006 05:55:38 PM
Awesome!! Love this!! 10
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10/02/2006 09:21:50 PM
how funny.. the hand with the cigarette almost looks like it doesn't belong to him.. nice idea 7
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10/02/2006 10:34:11 AM
Even before I saw the title, I thought of Bogey! Very nice, I think you captured his spirit very well.! 8
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10/02/2006 02:03:12 AM
amazing, I wish I could shoot wedding like that. 10
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10/02/2006 12:13:14 AM
Cool shot, love his expression, very fitting for the title. GQ-
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10/01/2006 10:06:30 PM
a very nice old school shot
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10/01/2006 07:35:43 PM
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10/01/2006 05:12:11 PM
Nicely atmospheric shot.
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10/01/2006 02:54:42 PM
This is so classic and traditional, yet so very unique. Amazing photograph!
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10/01/2006 10:20:29 AM
Awesome. the white is al little overexposed. but awesome
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10/01/2006 10:12:38 AM
Nice creative image. 8.
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10/01/2006 06:01:56 AM
I little to overprocessed for my liking, but I like this concept very much.....
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10/01/2006 01:12:32 AM
Brilliant. Love the sense of nostalgia. Wonderful and a nice variance from the sunsets and flowers (although they are good too).

Best of luck. You get an 8 from me.

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