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1st Placedespair

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Woody (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di for Canon
Location: Helena, MT
Date: Oct 8, 2006
Aperture: f/4
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/5 sec.
Galleries: Emotive
Date Uploaded: Oct 9, 2006

very little processing - no crop and only slight level and brightness/contrast adjstment

Thank you to all for your great comments and support. It has been a wild couple of weeks with two ribbons and a DQ because of my own laziness.

Briefly, the day I shot this I had attended a funeral for a father of one of our soccer players. It was all very sad and my good friend suggested that I go and spend some time alone with my camera. The “Woody” challenge was going on and I figured something like this might not go very well with all of the funny stuff I was hoping to see. Anyway, I was really trying to get the Woody in a position that would depict “grief” as that is what the day was all about, but the dumb thing would bend like I wanted it to for that kind of depiction. Thus this position of “despair” was all I could get out of him. Regardless, this photo will always be special to me as was born out of genuine emotion.

For the lighting, I recently purchased a 30 watt spiral fluorescent lamp to go in one of my continuous studio lights (because I keep burning myself and melting things with those tungsten lamps) – this probably explains the “blue” cast some folks saw as I didn’t use the RAW file or adjust the white balance like I should have. I made a snoot out of aluminum foil and kept shaping the snoot until I got the right light on the figure and the backdrop.

Thanks again to everyone.

Place: 1 out of 106
Avg (all users): 7.2159
Avg (commenters): 8.5294
Avg (participants): 6.9180
Avg (non-participants): 7.2917
Views since voting: 12952
Views during voting: 595
Votes: 301
Comments: 65
Favorites: 13 (view)

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10/24/2006 09:22:46 PM
I just realized I never told you how great this was. I love the back drop - where did you get it? Excellent lighting - perfect to set the mood. Congrats on your blue!!
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10/20/2006 10:16:47 AM
It is truly amazing how an object like Woody can portray such a strong emotion. It was powerful to me even before I read your description. Great job on this photo, deserving of a ribbon. I was sorry to read of your loss.
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10/20/2006 12:17:24 AM
great job chris! it was one of my top pics for this challenge and probably my wife's favorite. sorry to hear it was born of real sadness, though...

here's more proof that you'll make a fine addition to team underexposed... ;)
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10/19/2006 03:30:33 PM
Excellent shot, congrats on your ribbon!
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10/19/2006 08:15:27 AM
Congrats, well done!
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10/19/2006 02:08:56 AM
Congratulations on your Blue. It's amazing how you conveyed a human, heartfelt expression by using a wooden human figure.

Out of grief comes art. (sorry to hear about your loss)
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10/18/2006 10:26:47 PM
This picture is really great, I love the way it captures the emotion, even though it's a simple wooden man. I like it even more because it's capturing my current emotions, so thank you.
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10/18/2006 10:25:40 PM
Excellent shot - Congrats on the blue ribbon!
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10/18/2006 07:25:26 PM
I never expected a seriously good photo to come out of something as silly as a Woody Challenge... but here it is. I liked it as soon as I saw it: beautiful lighting, pose, etc. Then I read your photographer's comments and now I like it even more! Congrats on a very well deserved blue ribbon.
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10/18/2006 05:45:41 PM
I find it amazing that a wooden figure can convey such deep human emotion. I love this picture. Good work.
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10/18/2006 01:01:41 PM
Congratulations Chris! This was a very moving and human image..well done.
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10/18/2006 12:35:26 PM
WTG Chris!
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10/18/2006 11:59:16 AM
congrats on the blue - fine image. as far as despair goes, the week before this challenge was announced, my poor woody was devoured by a 90 pound dog named Grimm... ;}

i suppose i could have entered 'the pieces' anyway...

keep it up !

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10/18/2006 11:48:45 AM
Wow, just when I think most of the voting population on this site is "off their rockers", the winner truly deserves it. I had this one as a 10 (along with the other 25 people) and it was a much deserved Blue Ribbon.

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10/18/2006 08:37:00 AM
Well deserved accolade for a thought provoking image. I am glad to see you told the story of the day. In the end, it is all about the story.
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10/18/2006 07:20:43 AM
Congratulations on your blue, wonderful shot!
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10/18/2006 06:16:57 AM
congrats on your second blue Christopher...well done
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10/18/2006 05:25:52 AM
I was hoping this would take the blue. It really stood out to me as the obvious winner during voting. My favorite in the challenge and now that I read your story I'm even more pleased that you did so well. Very well done and congratualtions!
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10/18/2006 05:03:47 AM
This is wonderful - full of emotion. Congratulations on the well deserved blue.
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10/18/2006 02:01:55 AM
congrats, looks like a drama scene.
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10/18/2006 01:31:25 AM
To evoke so much sentiment and emotion from a woody is just like drawing blood from a stone and this you have accomplished with very artful craft and artistic rendition! Congratulations on your Blue.
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10/18/2006 12:37:09 AM
Excellent shot, congratulations :o)
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10/18/2006 12:29:43 AM
Great setup - flawless execution! Congratulations!
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10/18/2006 12:24:04 AM
I knew it! That's so well deserved!!!
Congratulations on your blue ribbon!
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10/18/2006 12:17:24 AM
very nice endeed. Congrats
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10/18/2006 12:12:02 AM
wonderful shot and you DEFINETLY should have won the blue! as I said in comments earlier, I really liked the way the "object" takes on a personality in this shot. Congrats and very well done.
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10/18/2006 12:11:25 AM
excellent shot! congrats on the Blue
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/17/2006 09:01:35 AM
I like the light from above and the darkness around. Despair well portrayed.
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10/16/2006 09:14:07 PM
best of show
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10/16/2006 08:23:36 PM
Nice lighting.
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10/16/2006 06:59:24 PM
Great shot, looks so real. 10
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10/15/2006 11:55:12 PM
Are you sure it's not a model shoot for the Nude section? :}
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10/15/2006 11:10:54 PM
Perfect. I vote a 10. Great job.
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10/15/2006 09:53:10 PM
Wow! Great lightning effects.
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10/14/2006 09:43:36 PM
very nice, I actually feel you've brought this wooden "object" to live. Excellent. Love to see this win the blue...gl 10+ btw lighting is great also.
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10/14/2006 11:13:54 AM
I like the balance of low horizontal figure and a large 3/4 background. Just something about the light on Woody makes him just too grey, and although it's a shot of "despair" maybe his highlights could have been picked up more. I can imagine that with some tweeks, this could make a great enlargement poster!
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10/14/2006 07:17:44 AM
I didn't think you could create emotion from a woody, but you did a fine job in this image. The lighting adds to the emotion of despair. Composition is really the best I've seen so far on the woody's.
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10/14/2006 02:46:53 AM
perfect lighting, composition etc. It raised an interesting question for me, that it just didn't 'rock my boat' as much as a couple of others photos have. 7
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10/14/2006 12:43:30 AM
Nice use of directional light and posing. For such a warm background, the light looks a little blue to me (maybe by choice). Composition is well done as well.
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10/13/2006 11:22:57 PM
I love this picture. I can really feel the woody's "dispair". Nice job!
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10/13/2006 06:27:32 PM
What a wonderful scene. The lighting and pose are great here. Appears to me that the lighting on woody has a blue tint to it though.
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10/13/2006 12:09:14 PM
it's OK Woody, tomorrow will be better
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10/13/2006 08:29:27 AM
Excellent lighting and tone! 10
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10/13/2006 07:21:31 AM
Photo is nicely done - great use of a woody! Even I feel bad for him! 9
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10/12/2006 10:29:26 PM
I really enjoy this image. Very nicely done with great balances.
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10/12/2006 03:00:44 PM
Nice mood (lighting, use of negative space)
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10/12/2006 11:53:04 AM
It looks so "real"! Amazing how an inanimate human-formed object can express "emotion". Great job of posing Woody and kudos also for a perfect background and lighting setup to go with it. Well done!
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10/12/2006 09:23:27 AM
AWESOME. Man, perfect lighting too. This is great!! 9
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10/12/2006 12:41:09 AM
Great title and image matching I could feel this emotion from this photogragh. Great!
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10/11/2006 10:07:13 PM
The pose looks really natureal.
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10/11/2006 09:51:46 PM
Nicely executed!
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10/11/2006 09:18:04 PM
Oh great lighting and background.
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10/11/2006 08:33:48 PM
Great positioning and accompanying title.
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10/11/2006 05:09:26 PM
nice colors in background
good lighting
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10/11/2006 04:07:26 PM
great pose.... you really captured the emotion
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10/11/2006 03:59:11 PM
poor woody!
this is extraordinary!
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10/11/2006 03:00:11 PM
You passed that emotion with this composition: woody position, colors and light.
A true artwork. 10.
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10/11/2006 12:35:59 PM
My guess is that you are in for a ribbon. I hope anyway - I like the emotion of this shot. Perfect positioning, crop and background. Lovely light. Bumping up to 8. Good luck.
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10/11/2006 10:04:37 AM
Wow, this picture really has something, i like a lot the lighting. Great pic.8
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10/11/2006 09:07:13 AM
Good lighting job.
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10/11/2006 08:56:16 AM
Greatlighting here.....
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10/11/2006 01:55:17 AM
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10/11/2006 12:29:31 AM
Sensational - 10
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10/11/2006 12:25:25 AM
nice lighting and coloring this shot is very creative for a woody shot! 10
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10/11/2006 12:21:49 AM
This is good! Love the light.
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