Author | Thread |
06/14/2007 07:58:21 PM |
Originally posted by philup:
Why even bring this diputs picture back up? And why am I giving this diputs picture a comment! |
Because it's fun :-) |
06/14/2007 07:44:24 PM |
Originally posted by fotomann_forever: I was kinda against this shot at first, but it's kinda growing on me :-) |
Why even bring this diputs picture back up? And why am I giving this diputs picture a comment!
06/14/2007 07:21:22 PM |
I was kinda against this shot at first, but it's kinda growing on me :-) |
03/29/2007 10:55:02 PM |
Yeah.. See, other than the cleverness of the name, I don't see the artistic side of this. It made me feel nauseous, but then again I have a weak stomach. I don't know. You have a nice camera. That's about the most I can give you. I'm sure your other pictures are very nice. |
01/02/2007 03:35:45 AM |
What were her feelings on this experince? |
01/01/2007 10:46:56 PM |
One of the finest captures I've seen anywhere.... Well, either way, it's a photograph... (that I personally like) and a few people gave feedback and suggestions that will help the rest of us do better work, my thanks. |
12/22/2006 07:47:50 AM |
Originally posted by BradP: Originally posted by OmanOtter: Wow. What a lot of uptight people are out there! |
hmmmm...member for 12 days, no site input except for this.
Come back in a few years and you will understand why we are protective of this site. |
I've changed my mind. BradP: What you said about me and its application to this pic was spot-on. I don't mind this kind of picture at all; but, having been on this website for a little longer, and learning a bit more about it, I now agree that it doesn't belong here. It's a question of the appropriate forum for such a thing, and I now agree that you were correct that this website isn't it. As for everyone who keeps defending this picture based on their belief that it is art, I would say that you can decide for yourself what you think is art, but your opinion that something is art does not mean that the art should not be censored. Censorship is not all bad. There are perverts out there who may believe that a picture of child molestation is art; but we are quite correct to censor such things. It comes down to a reasonable time, place and manner for expression. E.g., you can (depending on the country you live in) speak your mind about your country's government. But you don't have the right to do it on a bullhorn at 2:00 a.m. in a residential neighborhood. So, bottom line, I don't mind this picture, but I don't think it's art, and even if I did, I think it's a bit over the line for this particular site. |
12/12/2006 07:54:34 PM |
Interesting. Pretty cool photo.
Wish the color and contrast are better.
Maybe it's your original intention to blend the
two together. Maybe cropping the photo to
remove the belly button portion would help ?
or place the octopus a bit more to the right ?
Something's a bit off about the photo, just
can't seem to pin point it..... hmm. |
12/08/2006 04:05:23 PM |
ya im not liking this at all, im all for nudes, as long as there tasteful, this is nothing more thank takin a pic of your crotch for the hell of it, theres nothing artistic about it. If i could vote id give it a -5 |
12/05/2006 10:12:49 PM |
Just boring. What part of it says "ART"? |
12/04/2006 10:21:29 PM |
12/04/2006 08:49:38 PM |
I work with my brother who's taking a doctorated degree in
philosofy so i helpe him by looking on the web for art/and masturbation, or vulv or other kind of "sholking" art. In stetics a road of philosofy that studies art, this photo is ART, and only the viewer can say Ãt.
But the comments of routerguy666 are perfect perhaps some contrast betwen the models will give a point.
Nice photo. |
12/04/2006 02:14:31 PM |
I have to re-comment on this one. I think what makes this photo shocking/artistic/gross etc. is the color palette (a little un-pleasing) as well as the two unlikely subjects together.
It's just gross, but you can't not look at it. I wouldn't say it was meant to be artistic but rather a statement of somekind. I don't claim to know or care what statement that was. I just think it's funny in an icky sort of way.
So it's shocking. Atleast he pulled that off. Not something I can really claim to have done on here. |
12/04/2006 01:12:21 PM |
Originally posted by Jmnuggy: WOW! I can't believe the narrow mindedness of the commenters of this image. I thought this was a site for artists. How can anyone claim they are an artist if they are not receptive to all styles? All art has its place and purpose and should be respected. If you don't like it, stop looking. Asking for removal or chastising the photog is what most call censorship.
Lighten up, take a look and see what emotions this image brings up. If you find it vulgar, close your eyes, there are plenty of sunsets and water drops to look at if you need G rated material.
To the photog, nice job taking a photo you wanted to take and not caring what conservative idiots have to think. Keep up the good work. |
That's a very arrogant comment. "All art has its place and purpose and should be respected." Nonsense. I'm reminded of a quote by Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmore. Something along the lines of "Giving a person a Les Paul guitar doesn't make him Eric Clapton." Applied here, just cause someone takes a picture doesn't make it art and doesn't make the person who took the picture an artist. "All art should be respected."???!! What the hell makes art (or so-called art) so above reproach?
Message edited by author 2006-12-04 13:34:34. |
11/27/2006 04:18:58 AM |
I'd like to see those people that are complaining about bad execution (not topic) take a better picture. |
11/22/2006 04:21:13 PM |
Okay, no sheep here.
I'm not offended so much as bored. This reminds me of the various "shock jocks" on radio who do stupid stuff just to get others to act offended.
In your comments, you claim the idea is to make people think. Think about what? Seafood and sex? |
11/14/2006 02:45:58 AM |
beautiful photo, my friend. i was reading through some of the insane comments but had to stop because of the sheer ignorance. art is subjective. period. there is no questioning that. yet all these cornballs wanna shoot u down saying that this photo is "porn" or trash. i think most people are so used to having "normality" defined for them they can't freakin think for themselves and outside of the tiny box our smallminded society has created for us!!!
personally i would like to have seen more contrast. granted it's ur vision and u portray it how u like. |
10/27/2006 03:18:41 AM |
I definitely don't think this is porn. Do I like it? Not really. But that doesn't mean it's not art. Unlike some people here, I don't think I own the truth.
I think you're taking this too seriously. If you don't like it, don't look at it. Nobody is forcing anyone. I read some pretty lame excuses on why this picture should not be on DPC, like children entering the site. Well, I've seen some photographs much more explicit than this one on this site, and with more sexual content. Besides parents are probably aware that if ou let your kid enter the "nude" section, he will probably see some skin.
I think it's kind of funny, in a bizarre way. I don't know, maybe I'm just sick and perverted for not seeing this photography as aberrant as you do. It's just my opinion.
PS: Sorry about my english, I'm a spanish speaker. ;) |
10/27/2006 01:43:27 AM |
in my opinion ... porn no ... interesting yes ... a few things I might have done if I was the photographer... increase the DOF and put it in black and white, would have worked well with the contrast between the skin of the lady and the skin of the octopus |
10/26/2006 10:03:21 PM |
I find the lighting and colouring unappealing and the idea unoriginal.
It doesn't shock me by any means, but neither do I find any artistic merit in it. |
10/26/2006 09:38:56 PM |
Message edited by author 2006-10-27 06:14:46. |
10/26/2006 09:20:55 PM |
My initial reaction is "that's gross" which is certainly a response, perhaps even the one you were looking for, but the image never goes beyond "that's gross" to capture my interest. I think the juxtaposition of sealife and the nude female form could be presented in a much better way. There's simply no drama, no excitement and little to hold my interest beyond the initial shock value.
If you were trying to provoke, then you have obviously succeeded. Art can provoke, but provocation alone does not imply art.
10/26/2006 07:23:55 PM |
3165 views... Wow.
I don't mind the subject of the image.
Ways the image could look better:
1 - a more athletic model
2 - airbrushing/neatimaging or in some other fashion getting rid of the skin detail
3 - either using a different squid or editing the image so that there is a greater contrast between the color of the squid and the color of the skin
4 - change dof to get the whole squid in focus
5 - crop it differently and/or shoot from an angle so there is not such a wash of skin around. I see this working a hundred times better if the girl is standing upright and all you see is the squid over her nether regions.
6 - finally, and this would border on ruining the concept and would certainly negate the shock value, I wonder if this wouldn't look better if she were wearing panties. That would give more contrast to the image as a whole and solve the overall 'blah' look it has. |
10/26/2006 06:11:20 PM |
Personally, I don't find this artistic....Creepy is the first word that comes to mind. I am a nurse specializing in OB/GYN, so I'm not shocked by it, seen better in my medical journals. I just don't care for the feeling of violation it gives me- so maybe it's porn???? |
10/26/2006 05:49:25 PM |
Originally posted by Jmnuggy: Conservative is not only a political word. You may be conservative, but also be a democrat. I wasn't referring to conservative as a political party, just an adjective.
As for me being narrow minded for my comment, I disagree. I do not approve of people asking to censor this photo because of their personal feelings toward it. I was just amazed that people could be so put off by someone elses depiction of art. Inappropriate or vulgar are all in the eye of the beholder. If something is vulgar to you, don't look, but don't ask for it to be censored. If you think I am narrow minded becuase I don't respect people's complaints about this photo crossing the line, so be it. |
A little shallow... go a bit deeper. Motives and intent and taste and art are not always as obvious as blacka and white. You're preaching to people that believe it or not have a bit more insight than you're giving them credit for. Good is good and bad is bad... not a matter of taste or personal stance on political, moral or whatever.
I could wear a swastika on my arm to my friends kids barmitzva and excercise my right to free expression and say I'm doing it in the name of art... but I'm still a no talent hack who's trying to provr a point no matter how much I deny it.
Message edited by author 2006-10-26 17:56:25. |
10/26/2006 12:54:48 PM |
Conservative is not only a political word. You may be conservative, but also be a democrat. I wasn't referring to conservative as a political party, just an adjective.
As for me being narrow minded for my comment, I disagree. I do not approve of people asking to censor this photo because of their personal feelings toward it. I was just amazed that people could be so put off by someone elses depiction of art. Inappropriate or vulgar are all in the eye of the beholder. If something is vulgar to you, don't look, but don't ask for it to be censored. If you think I am narrow minded becuase I don't respect people's complaints about this photo crossing the line, so be it.
10/26/2006 12:39:03 PM |
Not sure if your serious our just being stupid??? Getting people to talk is not the point of a photo.... |
10/26/2006 08:23:56 AM |
Originally posted by Jmnuggy:
To the photog, nice job taking a photo you wanted to take and not caring what conservative idiots have to think. Keep up the good work. |
I resent that comment. I am conservative and I was one of the ones that said I thought the photo was funny.
You have a narrow mindedness about conservatism. Sometimes art/photography trancends political boundaries. |
10/25/2006 05:07:33 PM |
I think you are being narrow minded at the others narrow mindedness. Seems to me by you bagging on them you are pointing the finger right back at yourself. I guess you are not an artist either ...
Seems to me all are welcome to their opinion.
Hummmmm food for thought maybe? |
10/25/2006 05:03:40 PM |
WOW! I can't believe the narrow mindedness of the commenters of this image. I thought this was a site for artists. How can anyone claim they are an artist if they are not receptive to all styles? All art has its place and purpose and should be respected. If you don't like it, stop looking. Asking for removal or chastising the photog is what most call censorship.
Lighten up, take a look and see what emotions this image brings up. If you find it vulgar, close your eyes, there are plenty of sunsets and water drops to look at if you need G rated material.
To the photog, nice job taking a photo you wanted to take and not caring what conservative idiots have to think. Keep up the good work. |
10/24/2006 10:50:37 PM |
James Bond would be proud, You know when its good. Some would say don,t be creative, conform, be like us cows, Cows uncreative cows, I say Bull be a bull and fu#$@ the cows |
10/19/2006 06:31:49 PM |
You should do one with the octopus censoring the rectum. You could call it "Octobuttcrack".
Why does this image provocate the "fine line between porn and art" debate. Do they consider the image bestiality?
Porn is art. |
10/19/2006 04:08:08 AM |
didn't need to be said - just ignore me.
Message edited by author 2006-10-19 04:14:35. |
10/19/2006 03:38:52 AM |
Photography is an art in itself, of course you're not offending me. Well done for being different my friend, hope to see more original images from you. |
10/18/2006 10:58:47 PM |
I assume by now this photo was brought to the attention of the SC/admins so how about we just let them decide if this breaks the TOS?
I agree with those who said neolestat's only goal with this photo was to ruffle feathers. Well mission accomplished thanks to US! Perhaps ignoring this photo or quietly reporting it and moving on would have been the proper thing to do.
Message edited by author 2006-10-18 22:59:53. |
10/18/2006 09:43:47 PM |
so my question is... where are the limits between art and porn?.. haha i mean its not that i hate porn.. i love porn sometimes haha but this pic is not what i'd expect to see in this site.. period. |
10/18/2006 07:41:55 PM |
Classic, LMAO!
Can you do Plenty O'Toole & Pussy Galore next?
I find it amazing how we can pass no comment on the names Octopussy, Plenty O'Toole & Pussy Galore etc. in a James Bond movie considering the rather obvious images they conjure up, yet we start panicking and circling the conservative wagons when confronted with the image directly. Not something I'd ever hang on my wall but fair play to you for stirring up a debate.
10/18/2006 03:15:02 PM |
Originally posted by BRCPRES: If this is what this site is coming to, I don't think I'll renew. Inappropriate, and not a very good photo at that. |
Then don't go to the nude gallery.
Edit to say I think this photo is just too funny!
Message edited by author 2006-10-18 15:17:39. |
10/18/2006 01:44:05 PM |
Sorry if I offended anyone with my uptight comment, but it's what I believe. I may be new to this site, but that's not a reason to discount my opinion. The thing is, I live in a country where everything is censored. In fact, I don't even have any idea why I am able to access the nude portion of DPChallenge. It must be that the government here hasn't figured it out yet. Because, trust me, you can't get to any other nude sites. In fact, my wife just had a baby. She tried to look up breast feeding information but the government had blocked all sites referring to that as being in violation of public decency standards. So you may imagine how I feel about censorship. Is the picture raunchy? I guess so. But is it as bad as you say? I don't think so. |
10/17/2006 11:51:40 PM |
Nice idea, provoking, yes, and since it is still here, I guess OK for the rules.
Why hasn't anyone asked yet whether or not animals were hurt in the shooting of this photography? Me assuming the poor animal is already dead, or would it otherwise be using its suction cups?
I saw a postcard once that looked like a hairy wolfs eye, at first glance, but then it appears it is a glass eye in the middle, and what is around the glass eye is not from a wolf, and it is not an eye! Mist funny thing about it were the viewers who could only see it as a wolfs eye. To them there was no joke!
10/17/2006 09:27:09 AM |
Originally posted by OmanOtter: Wow. What a lot of uptight people are out there! |
I shoot a lot of nudes and I've shot stuff a LOT more graphic than this. Uptight wouldn't be the right word to describe me.
Message edited by author 2006-10-17 13:32:37. |
10/17/2006 08:41:20 AM |
Originally posted by OmanOtter: Wow. What a lot of uptight people are out there! |
I don't think people on here are uptight, maybe they are just a bit woriied that
1 it does not fit the rules of this site
2 that there are children who look at this site
3 as i said before that this pic is crap and does not belong here |
10/16/2006 11:54:17 PM |
Originally posted by OmanOtter: Wow. What a lot of uptight people are out there! |
hmmmm...member for 12 days, no site input except for this.
Come back in a few years and you will understand why we are protective of this site. |
10/16/2006 11:40:25 PM |
Wow. What a lot of uptight people are out there! |
10/16/2006 09:31:11 PM |
Tell your model to soak her razor in alcohol the night before she shaves. It will prevent razor bump! |
10/15/2006 08:04:50 PM |
If this is what this site is coming to, I don't think I'll renew. Inappropriate, and not a very good photo at that. |
10/15/2006 01:29:03 PM |
Great title made me laugh. Interesting photo; you must have one hell of a model to pose with an octopus like that. :) |
10/15/2006 11:29:34 AM |
I don't believe this image is about art or good photography.
I believe the image, especially combined with the title are 100% about provoking a reaction as can be seen in the comments and that it has 700+ views. It is meant to make people gasp and whisper.
The definition of art is a moving target, so I don't think it is fair or logical to say it is or isn't art.
However, it is an image meant to be nothing more than shocking and offensive. I don't think a lot of people would see this and go, "Wow, what an amazing shot!"
As a photo, it seems like the focus is off - stuck somewhere between totally sharp and deliberately soft - which makes it just look out of focus. The colors are fairly uninteresting since they are all in a similar range. The lines aren't interesting as an abstract image, the only thing the lines might cause is for some people to want to see what is under the octopus, in other words - porn.
A similar image could be done with more interesting lighting and from a different angle/not so close up, and would be truly an interesting image. How would it look shot from the side, a couple feet away, with directional lighting, a soft focus, and perhaps black and white? Might be interesting and beautiful. |
10/14/2006 11:22:51 PM |
I don't see anything wrong with the idea itself, however, the execution could be much better, but this is just my opinion.
It does push the envelope as far as site rules, but other than that I definitely think that you have every right to present your artwork the way you see fit, and I don't think its anybody's business to ask you to remove it from the site just because they don't agree with it or because they don't find it artistic to their taste. |
10/14/2006 11:07:22 PM |
This could have been shot from so many different angles and had more artistic effect, but this particular composition, though funny in an odd sense, is just plain too close-up, detailed and rude. I mean to count hair folicles and/or determine if there is any razor burn is just plain too close in my opinion. Back it up a tad, soften it up, shoot from a higher angle and make it more like a decoration or a curiosity.
In regards to what is said on the other site, great! Keep it there for the positive support, as you can see you aren't gtting it here. Please.
Any plans on entering a challenge here or just getting your works viewed by as wide of an audience as possible?
Just curious.
10/14/2006 10:51:58 PM |
Originally posted by Alain:
I have nothing againts nude and even nothing againts porn (like many, I even like well done porn). |
I love porn. :-)
Some decent porn here :
10/14/2006 10:27:27 PM |
OOF (Out Of Focus). Colors seems faded.
Message edited by author 2006-12-04 20:57:09. |
10/14/2006 10:14:50 PM |
I totally agree
Originally posted by fotomann_forever: Originally posted by neolestat: That is what art should be. I'll say it till I'm blue in the face... I am an artist first and a photographer second.
I sorta like your style, but that sort of attitude disturbs me...
This is by no means artistic. It's not really all that shocking or creative. Outside of this site, it's just another bad idea. It's quite trite in concept and as I said earlier poorly executed.
You can do better than this.
Just because you can come up with an idea and point a camera at it, doesn't make you an artist... if so, I could call all the porn I created in my earlier years art. There is a lot of stuff more evocative than this that came from my camera, but that doesn't mean I want to claim it. And, I damn sure won't claim that it is art.
Well, I suppose I could go piss in a jar and hang a crucifix into it and call it art and get US federal grant money, but .... ehhh... to each his own. |
10/14/2006 10:06:33 PM |
Originally posted by neolestat: That is what art should be. I'll say it till I'm blue in the face... I am an artist first and a photographer second.
I sorta like your style, but that sort of attitude disturbs me...
This is by no means artistic. It's not really all that shocking or creative. Outside of this site, it's just another bad idea. It's quite trite in concept and as I said earlier poorly executed.
You can do better than this.
Just because you can come up with an idea and point a camera at it, doesn't make you an artist... if so, I could call all the porn I created in my earlier years art. There is a lot of stuff more evocative than this that came from my camera, but that doesn't mean I want to claim it. And, I damn sure won't claim that it is art.
Well, I suppose I could go piss in a jar and hang a crucifix into it and call it art and get US federal grant money, but .... ehhh... to each his own.
Message edited by author 2006-10-14 22:12:51. |
10/14/2006 07:22:39 PM |
Originally posted by neolestat: Originally posted by Qart: O.K. So I've noticed some of your recent portfolio additions and thought you had some talent. Of course going in you MUST have known that you'd get some negative feedback. It's expected... and you did. So now what I think you've done is thumb your nose at everyone and said to yourself... 'I'll show 'em porn'.
Prety much the uncoolest move I've seen here for a while. Think you're trying something new? Buster you're just the next in a very long line waiting to make a statement here and you could have done so in so many better ways. The pic isn't good on any level and if it was, I'D BE THE FIRST TO TELL YOU. But as it is now, I'll be the last to click on your name. You didn't offend me dude. Just offended alot of good people here.
Rudy |
Strange comment for a man that has the following quote on his own page... "you see, you can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself."
Negative feedback doesn't hurt at all. It's why we use sites like this. We use the commentary to improve. This isn't payback. What a daft thing to say. I'm not thumbing my nose at anybody I am just posting what I shoot and what I shoot won't be to everybodies taste.
As to trying something new... show me something even remotely similar! I bet ya can't my friend. I bet ya can't. Making a statement? Nope, not even that... I'm not posting up the web content I shoot to pay for the gear. I am posting the stuff I shoot designed to make people stop and think. |
Since you're reading, look around at the number of times I've argued for the sake of expression and open mindedness. Made a few enemies along the way over the subject of nudity and tastefulness etc. So you're aiming your sites at the wrong person.
And yes I can find 100 variations of your image... just have to go to any fetish site that specializes in 'seafood'. Not hard to find at all... there's always a place for any 'bent', and this my friend ain't Fun On The Farm or Ocean... The lack of images even close to what you submitted should have told you that... :) |
10/14/2006 06:41:17 PM |
Originally posted by Qart: O.K. So I've noticed some of your recent portfolio additions and thought you had some talent. Of course going in you MUST have known that you'd get some negative feedback. It's expected... and you did. So now what I think you've done is thumb your nose at everyone and said to yourself... 'I'll show 'em porn'.
Prety much the uncoolest move I've seen here for a while. Think you're trying something new? Buster you're just the next in a very long line waiting to make a statement here and you could have done so in so many better ways. The pic isn't good on any level and if it was, I'D BE THE FIRST TO TELL YOU. But as it is now, I'll be the last to click on your name. You didn't offend me dude. Just offended alot of good people here.
Rudy |
Strange comment for a man that has the following quote on his own page... "you see, you can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself."
Negative feedback doesn't hurt at all. It's why we use sites like this. We use the commentary to improve. This isn't payback. What a daft thing to say. I'm not thumbing my nose at anybody I am just posting what I shoot and what I shoot won't be to everybodies taste.
As to trying something new... show me something even remotely similar! I bet ya can't my friend. I bet ya can't. Making a statement? Nope, not even that... I'm not posting up the web content I shoot to pay for the gear. I am posting the stuff I shoot designed to make people stop and think. |
10/14/2006 06:18:42 PM |
Originally posted by goodman: nothing nice about this, colour subject, its porn. the end |
Define porn? Porn is designed to turn you on... Does this turn you on? It doesn't me... I'm sure it doesn't turn you on either but like the best art it provoked you into thinking and commenting whether you liked it or not.
As to colour... a lot of people on another site commented on how the colours compliment one another... truly, art is subjective :) |
10/14/2006 06:14:55 PM |
Originally posted by jaded_youth: O.M.G. I certainly wasnt expecting to see that. Yikes! i'm not sure how this fits TOS rules, its walking a fine line. but you have balls man. and so does whoever let that on thier.....(well you know) I think i'm in shock. lol. cant....stop....loooking. |
Thank you! I really appreciate the compliment :) |
10/14/2006 06:14:03 PM |
Originally posted by CalliopeKel: I am not that put off buy it. I think its kinda funny. |
Thank you for your compliment! Really... |
10/14/2006 06:13:05 PM |
Originally posted by brettt83: Dude, you have done some good work and now this...Your Biography says " London based photographer seeks mid life crisis "..You have to work out if you want to be Ansell Adams or Erol Flynn...Put the camera down till you work it out...p.s...keep this sort of crap off this site. p.s..I only like my squid BBQ'd with chilli sauce....... |
One mans crap is another mans art... from another site where it has been added to others faves over 100 times... "This is my favorite out of all of the octupus images. It's risque....and for me anyway, is more like a modern macabre. I love the lighting, and the colors as well!" |
10/14/2006 06:09:03 PM |
Originally posted by meow: Down Right Ditasteful!!!! |
From another site... a comment on the same image where it has over three pages of comments applauding it and only three... count 'em, three negative comments... "Clever title and a beautiful image, well done."
What some find distasteful others call art. Sorry to have offended but I didn't force you to view full size and comment. |
10/14/2006 06:05:21 PM |
Originally posted by fotomann_forever: Not the sexiest image in your portfolio that's for sure, but definitely provoked a laugh. I'm not turned off by it, but I'm not gonna lie to you and tell ya I like it. Personally, I think you are going for shock value, but with cheesy ideas. I think it's rather shallow and poorly executed. |
Not meant to be the sexiest image... not even meant to be sexy but it makes people think and it makes people talk. That is what art should be. I'll say it till I'm blue in the face... I am an artist first and a photographer second.
Applauding this work on another site... "I actually like this one best, photographically. It's got interesting composition, color, and the nudity is specific and necessary to the shot. Very nice!" |
10/14/2006 06:00:45 PM |
Down Right Ditasteful!!!! |
10/14/2006 05:58:15 PM |
Originally posted by fotomann_forever: Not the sexiest image in your portfolio that's for sure, but definitely provoked a laugh. I'm not turned off by it, but I'm not gonna lie to you and tell ya I like it. Personally, I think you are going for shock value, but with cheesy ideas. I think it's rather shallow and poorly executed. |
To each neagative comment... a positive comment from another site; "This is probably the most insane picture I've ever seen. Respect for that. Great shot."
Each to their own my friend. What some call crap others call art. |
10/14/2006 05:54:55 PM |
Originally posted by BradP: Just trying to test the waters on this site huh...
I for one find no appeal in this shot.
You have some very nice work in your portfolio, but why this??
Doesn't need to be in our faces imo. Take it off-site please. |
To each neagative comment... a positive comment from another site; "you're right, it's f**ked up like you'd never believe otherwise, and i can understand that your model would be traumatised...but i love it... and I must say that it is a rare artist indeed who could come up with this idea...and an even rare model who would comply! But its awesome!" |
10/14/2006 04:35:52 PM |
Just trying to test the waters on this site huh...
I for one find no appeal in this shot.
You have some very nice work in your portfolio, but why this??
Doesn't need to be in our faces imo. Take it off-site please. |
10/14/2006 04:32:56 PM |
Dude, you have done some good work and now this...Your Biography says " London based photographer seeks mid life crisis "..You have to work out if you want to be Ansell Adams or Erol Flynn...Put the camera down till you work it out...p.s...keep this sort of crap off this site. p.s..I only like my squid BBQ'd with chilli sauce....... |
10/14/2006 02:55:47 PM |
Not the sexiest image in your portfolio that's for sure, but definitely provoked a laugh. I'm not turned off by it, but I'm not gonna lie to you and tell ya I like it. Personally, I think you are going for shock value, but with cheesy ideas. I think it's rather shallow and poorly executed. |
10/14/2006 01:47:43 PM |
O.K. So I've noticed some of your recent portfolio additions and thought you had some talent. Of course going in you MUST have known that you'd get some negative feedback. It's expected... and you did. So now what I think you've done is thumb your nose at everyone and said to yourself... 'I'll show 'em porn'.
Prety much the uncoolest move I've seen here for a while. Think you're trying something new? Buster you're just the next in a very long line waiting to make a statement here and you could have done so in so many better ways. The pic isn't good on any level and if it was, I'D BE THE FIRST TO TELL YOU. But as it is now, I'll be the last to click on your name. You didn't offend me dude. Just offended alot of good people here.
Message edited by author 2006-10-14 13:48:32. |
10/14/2006 01:37:32 PM |
I have a feeling that this one may do you in dude ! |
10/14/2006 09:40:08 AM |
Ewwww... I wasn't expecting to see that! Who does that, really.. i can see that it could be funny and it is in a sick way, but mainly just terrible... |
10/14/2006 09:18:03 AM |
I am not that put off buy it. I think its kinda funny. |
10/14/2006 08:13:54 AM |
Squiddish is more the idea. Pushing the envelope, dude. Way over the top and inappropriate for this site. Shock value - no thanks. |
10/14/2006 08:13:01 AM |
This amazes me, that this has been allowed on this site, as I think it goes much to far.....and it really bothers me, to the point of being sick. |
10/14/2006 08:03:27 AM |
nothing nice about this, colour subject, its porn. the end |
10/14/2006 05:57:23 AM |
O.M.G. I certainly wasnt expecting to see that. Yikes! i'm not sure how this fits TOS rules, its walking a fine line. but you have balls man. and so does whoever let that on thier.....(well you know) I think i'm in shock. lol. cant....stop....loooking. |