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Not Quite Ready to Face the World
Not Quite Ready to Face the World

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Morning (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5400
Location: Lakewood, Colorado - my living room
Date: Oct 14, 2006
Galleries: Portraiture, Self Portrait
Date Uploaded: Oct 14, 2006

The original idea for this was to have a bunch of clashing colors since everything hurts the eyes first thing in the morning, but I couldn't get the composition to work that way so I ditched the chaotic color issues in favor of the sepia. I hope this is a welcome break from the sunrises, sleeping angelic children, coffee mugs and breakfast foods, even if I failed to notice that I'd gotten mud on my eyelashes. At least you can't see the bits I got in my hair.

I wanted to call this "Not Ready for Prime Time" just to see who would catch the reference, but decided against it since "prime time" carries too much of an evening connotation.

There is an inscription on the mug which you cannot see. It says "domestically disabled". Heh.

- Converted to sepia in Nikon View
- Cropped for aspect ratio
- Applied the standard array of adjustment levels
- Dodged coffee mug, my hair, around my eyes in the mirror
- Cloned hot pixels, a couple blemish scars from my neck, my earring holes, some stray mud mask from my ear lobe, and my name off the hand mirror where it is etched into the glass
- Neat Image


I honestly didn't know how this was going to fare, but was very pleased by the very positive response it received. I am especially tickled by the comments left by several photographers whose work I quite admire. It's nice to be notice by those you look up to!

I consider this to be the highest score I've ever received for a photo composed specifically for a themed challenge - Self-Portrait doesn't count since the scores were skewed rather high and the Free Study doesn't count because it was without an actual theme. Not a technical personal best, but a personal personal best, I suppose..? :D

Place: 36 out of 188
Avg (all users): 6.2113
Avg (commenters): 7.7059
Avg (participants): 6.2750
Avg (non-participants): 6.1729
Views since voting: 1501
Views during voting: 413
Votes: 213
Comments: 23
Favorites: 1 (view)

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11/05/2009 04:29:54 PM
This got posted in a nice long reply in a forum thread, and I'm delighted because it's good to see this again! Still marvelous. The thread is here if you're interested.
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11/03/2006 01:14:50 AM
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10/23/2006 07:50:00 AM
ROFL - we girls in our curlers must stick together! Congrats on a high placement in a killer category.
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10/23/2006 06:00:11 AM
Llama llama morning! Congrats on your great score Becky. This is really a cool shot!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/22/2006 11:03:09 PM
Really neat shot - like all four of the faces!
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10/22/2006 02:43:12 AM
SO unbelievably fabulous!!! definite winner for me! 10
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10/21/2006 12:18:51 AM
Love the reflection!
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10/21/2006 12:12:10 AM
I Can relate
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10/20/2006 09:21:10 AM
cool...the cups a nice touch. 8
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10/19/2006 07:46:15 PM
I love this shot, but perhaps you could have used a plainer mug. I find the extra faces slightly distracting.
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10/18/2006 10:24:24 PM
I love the repetition
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10/18/2006 04:26:11 PM
Great lighting...love the cup, almost like a contrast, what you strive to be...not saying the subject is ugly just hard to see under the mask and hair curls...great shot...9
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10/17/2006 08:01:37 PM
The mug was a brilliant addition, but I'm not terribly fond of sepia.
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10/17/2006 02:48:04 PM
Too funny. I swear there have been times I looked just like that. Fun entry, good luck.
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10/17/2006 03:28:43 AM
her look says it all!

I like the duotone processing. looks good overall.
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10/16/2006 11:52:22 PM
I love it! The glamor girl on the cup, the face cream, the reflected eyes stairing at us plaintivlely through the mirror, and the shroud of face cream make this quite interesting.
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10/16/2006 06:14:19 PM
Clever idea. Executed well. 6
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10/16/2006 02:17:38 PM
Meets Challenge - 2
Lighting/Processing - 2
Composition - 1
Overall Impression - 1
"WOW" factor - 0
Score: 6
10/16/2006 12:06:16 PM
Love the three faces: the aspiring one; the real reflection; the desired one. Works very well. 9.
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10/16/2006 11:44:54 AM
thats great.
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10/16/2006 10:27:31 AM
Nice juxtaposition between the glamour face on the mug and the morning face. Slight nitpick is that the cream on the face is a little bright IMO. Still a great shot and it's 8 from me.

Message edited by author 2006-10-27 09:59:17.
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10/16/2006 10:14:22 AM
great use of repetition (three faces) and duo-tones -- they combine well with your story. One of my ribbon picks
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10/16/2006 01:01:28 AM
HEE HEE we had the same idea. ;~D This is hilarious. Love the cold cream. And the diva on the mug. ha ha ha ha
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