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Sweet Home Chicago
1st PlaceSweet Home Chicago

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Urban Landscapes (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: Chicago, Il
Date: Oct 6, 2003
Aperture: f/3.5
ISO: 1600
Shutter: 1/2
Galleries: Cityscape, Landscape
Date Uploaded: Oct 7, 2003

Sigma 15-30 EX, top of the John Hancock Tower in Chicago, Il

Place: 1 out of 279
Avg (all users): 7.7701
Avg (commenters): 9.1270
Avg (participants): 7.7222
Avg (non-participants): 7.8291
Views since voting: 12872
Votes: 261
Comments: 110
Favorites: 50 (view)

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12/24/2005 11:53:10 PM
I just got back from Chicago (my home too). I miss the city already!

Great Job on the photo! I only hope I can make pictures like this soon!

Message edited by author 2006-01-05 18:45:24.
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07/06/2004 04:15:51 PM
All I can say is WOW!!! That is fantastic. I'd kill to see the full size version. Great job.
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03/05/2004 11:29:42 PM
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10/21/2003 11:24:41 AM
way to go pritch, nice picture, good choice on taking it of the best city ever!
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10/21/2003 10:16:42 AM
WOW!! you got this so grain-free with ISO 1600? That Canon body's looking mighty tempting if that's so and you didn't have to do any trickery to tone down the noise. INCREDIBLE! Congratulations!
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10/21/2003 10:11:57 AM
Chicago never looked better. You accommodated the orange glow of the sodium lighting into really beautiful tones.
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10/20/2003 07:41:42 PM
Of course you know by now that this is a great shot :P Nice work!
I personally don't like the stars because they make it look a little messy or dirty... sort of like when I get a swarm of gnats in a shot. I think there are enough little dots with all the lights in the bottom half to clean up the sky but anyhoo. It'd also be cool if you could show more to the left.. more of the shoreline. Definitely worthy of the blue ribbon. Congrats!

Message edited by author 2003-10-20 19:42:18.
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10/20/2003 07:24:21 PM
All I can say is WOW!!
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10/20/2003 08:25:13 AM
Wow! I would be very proud if this was my shot. This is the absolute best photo I have ever seen. This shot rocks! Congrats!
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10/18/2003 09:58:02 PM
Makes me homesick. Great photo.
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10/18/2003 03:17:52 AM
Congrats on your ribbon..well deserved! Iloved this shot
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10/18/2003 01:45:49 AM
comgrats man -- you finally did it :). enjoy it and don't forget to take a screen cap.
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10/16/2003 10:33:49 PM
I love the stars in the sky... it just blows my mind that you were able to capture that. Also - neat to see the 'light pollution' coming off of the city. A beautiful shot.
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10/16/2003 10:19:46 PM
I've said it once, and I'll say it again: This shot is amazing. It fills my belly with joy.
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10/16/2003 09:07:30 PM
I just don't understans how this could have recieved all those votes 4 and below...

Wonderful image. Makes me homesick.
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10/16/2003 06:08:39 PM
Congrats on a fine win.... about time too.
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10/16/2003 06:01:26 PM
I've only been to Chicago twice, but I've seen this very scene. I love the capture here. The composition and perspective is fantastic. I like how you can see the Sears Tower above everything!
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10/16/2003 06:00:38 PM
Josh, I just had comment again: AWESOME!
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10/16/2003 01:08:10 PM
Stunning shot. I've viewed this on my laptop and desktop machine and I can see the stars on my LCD screen but not my CRT. Shame.

So, just in case others can't see them either, there are lots of stars in the sky above the horizon which really makes the composition! Well deserved placing.

Edit: just noticed the scores below the 5 mark. What are these people on? What were they hoping for from this challenge? Nuts!!

Message edited by author 2003-10-16 13:09:48.
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10/16/2003 09:19:42 AM
gorgeous shot ach--well deserving of the blue! congrats! :)
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10/16/2003 03:11:48 AM
No sympathy for the Cubs, but very nice photo - it unquestionably deserved a ribbon. Can't say the Cubs deserve anything :-) I also gotta question the intelligence of anybody who gave this below a 6.

Message edited by author 2003-10-16 03:13:50.
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10/15/2003 11:38:15 PM
nice shot you deserved the ribbion, too bad about the cubs
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10/15/2003 08:16:43 PM
Happy to see my neighbor win,great job!!!!!!! Go Cubs!
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10/15/2003 06:51:52 PM
Achiral - I said it once and I will say it again. This is the best pure image on DPC since the Matrix challenge and "You think that's air you're breathing now?"

Whoever gave this a 2 or a 3 or even a 4 - I would just ADORE you to PM me your reasons. I think you're smoking something. 2? Look again.
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10/15/2003 03:08:55 PM
Congrats Ach!!

I loved the shot and knew it was the winner the first time I saw it..

62 10's-- Amazing..

Well deserved-- Your Curse is over, for the Cubs, we will have to wait until tonight to see--

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10/15/2003 12:51:16 PM
Wow, 7.7! Excellent shot, and congrats on the ribbon, well-deserved, and it's about time!
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10/15/2003 12:29:49 PM
what an insanely great shot! Congrats on the win!
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10/15/2003 08:39:20 AM
congrats ach'! wonderful shot!
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10/15/2003 08:17:18 AM
First of all, thanks to everyone who voted and commented on my photo. I was astounded by the results, and I'm thankful for them. I just uploaded a slightly higher resolution and wider version of the photo to my website. You can view it Here. Thanks again to everyone.
10/15/2003 07:17:30 AM
Congrats Josh, great pic, looks good in blue (ribbon) :)
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10/15/2003 06:56:31 AM
Congrats! This is an excellent shot.
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10/15/2003 05:51:11 AM
Josh, you da man! Your first ribbon! Excellent shot. and at ISO 1600 ... go team 10D !!
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10/15/2003 04:52:51 AM
Congrats Ace, just remember it's the camera not the photographer, lol.
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10/15/2003 03:00:05 AM
Thats a great shot!!
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10/15/2003 01:40:17 AM
Congratulations on your first ribbon! It`s about time!!!
Awsome shot!!!
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10/15/2003 01:19:55 AM
Josh good on ya, your first ribbon! You can be very proud of this one not only is it a bluey but it was won in an extremely tough challenge.
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10/15/2003 12:42:36 AM
awesome shot, josh...i'm so proud for you (and of you!). congratulations on your first of many ribbons to come.

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10/15/2003 12:19:12 AM
Your first ribbon! Now you'll have to change your bio!
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10/15/2003 12:12:14 AM
nice job buddy. as your old college roommate you need to thank me for everything i taught you. just kidding, you've out done me by far and will probably continue to. this won't be your last ribbon i'm sure.
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10/15/2003 12:05:07 AM
WOW! one of the best shots on the site. Good Job! congrats on your first ribbon (more to follow) and It is time for the Cubs to Win too.

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10/15/2003 12:04:44 AM
Amazing photo! A well deserved ribbon! Congrats!
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10/15/2003 12:03:06 AM
Yup, above all..... congrats!
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10/15/2003 12:01:21 AM
Beautiful shot! Be proud! Truely above the rest!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/14/2003 10:23:59 PM
This is a beautiful shot. By far my favourite for the challenge. It's nice to see a night shot that is properly done. Most of the other ones have too much haze or were overexposed. There does seem to be some noise in the sky, but you could pass that off as stars. Excellent work. Keep it up!
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10/14/2003 09:50:10 PM
Winner!!! HANDS DOWN!!
Where do I start? Its perfect, the exposure, the view of almost an entire city, I'm Stunned!
This is a postcard! One of the best images Ive seen in a long time ,including some very tough competition in this challenge included..

Where did you take this picture from to get this amazing view!

I wish I could give it a 20, but a HUGE 10 will have to do!
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10/14/2003 06:20:08 PM
Beautiful capture, spot on with the exposure. Pains me to say it but it looks like I'll have to settle for second place ;)
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10/14/2003 05:10:04 PM
It looks a bit bigger than Chorley (pop. 100,000) that's for sure ; )
Awesome. Breathtaking shot. Would love to see the detail in it at full resolution as I have a feeling that 640 pixels just doesn't do it justice.
Has to get lumped in with all the other 10s I'm afraid, but only because I can't give it 11.
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10/14/2003 03:43:48 PM
Interesting image. I would like to know how this was done. I see the moon rising, but are the white specks in the sky stars? If so, I don't recognize any constellations. Never saw a night shot in a big city that shows so many sky objects. An excellent night shot.
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10/14/2003 02:00:29 PM
Great night shot, I like the lights, good colors.
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10/14/2003 05:01:34 AM
Stunning photo. I think that every light in Chicago has been turned on for this shot. Superb.
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10/13/2003 10:43:25 PM
I sure hope when the challege is over, that you submit this to a somewhere for a large dollar amount! Truely what one thinks of when they think of urban landscape. Great work! 20 if I could, but 10 is all I can! -danny
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10/13/2003 02:02:03 PM
base 1: 1/1; challenge: 3/3; technical: 2/3; aesthetics: 2/3; total: 8
I would have cropped it lower by about 1 cm or so. Lovely balance of light and colors -- incredible sharpness.
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10/13/2003 01:27:03 PM
This picture is beautiful Perfect like a postcard Is that stars in the sky? Great job - 10
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10/13/2003 08:31:43 AM
Are the white pixels in the sky stars or just noise?
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10/13/2003 01:05:10 AM
Impressive view!
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10/13/2003 12:24:20 AM
wow, you actually got the stars in the shot, how long was the expsosure?
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10/12/2003 11:52:59 PM
WOW!!!!!!! This is so impressive overall! The colors, the sharpness, the clarity is amazing! The only thing to me is that there are so many lights it almost makes the picture look noisy! ;)
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10/12/2003 08:50:33 PM
Wow! 10
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10/12/2003 08:01:16 PM
Very nice! Love the glow on the horizon.
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10/12/2003 06:31:16 PM
WOW! Just found my favorite so far. Nice job!
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10/12/2003 11:44:04 AM
Lovely photo of Chicago, makes me so glad I moved rural from here : ) Ugh! Well done. 8
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10/12/2003 01:36:18 AM
wow...what an awesome capture of all the buildings and the lights! Simply stunning.
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10/11/2003 10:34:52 PM
wow. this is superb. what a mass of light! very pretty, but what a hell of light pollution. a very very nice shot. I like how it has such clarity that you can even see the stars too. sweet.
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10/11/2003 09:50:15 PM
wow. My only 10.
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10/11/2003 05:31:02 PM
Holy shiza! This one made me pee my pants. Absolutely amazing! You even managed to get some stars in their. I can't believe just how breathtaking this is. I'm giving you a 12. This better win, cause it's much better then the rest of the shots I've seen so far. CONGRATS!
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10/11/2003 12:37:28 AM
WoW damn that is a nice pic how in the world did you get this shot. Awsome nothing more to say but 10! 10!
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10/10/2003 05:21:42 PM
This could certainly be a contender! Chicago is beautiful from the air -- I remember being in awe as I flew into there once! I may have panned down just a little bit to get a little less sky, but this is certainly a great shot, and may easily wear a ribbon by the end of the weekend!
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10/10/2003 04:09:16 PM
Nice sense of the city at night - the lights show the city's pattern without being overdone.
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10/10/2003 03:54:31 PM
simply awesome! i love the stars, too! excellent photo.
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10/10/2003 01:12:21 PM
Breathtaking shot! Now this is an Urban Landscape in the real sense of the word.
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10/10/2003 11:49:54 AM
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10/10/2003 09:05:39 AM
the density of this is very interesting, certainly gives the appropriate feel for the challenge 8
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10/10/2003 04:05:40 AM
Incredible aerial shot. Lovely evening colour. But the photo is very pixelated and grainy. It almost looks like a shot of a poster. The horizon is only slightly above the vertical centre of the image, so maybe positioning it either hiher or lower would have worked well. Extra points for bravery - this must have been shot either from a plane or some kind of tower. I would be wuzzy by now.
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10/10/2003 01:05:24 AM
This is a very nice night shot. Very well done.
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10/09/2003 11:39:27 PM
Fantastic! Postcard shot if I ever saw one, well done!
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10/09/2003 11:32:39 PM
Gorgous shot!!! I love the lights absolutely beautiful, also like the frame with this one, it looks like a postcard...but what are the speckles in the sky...stars?
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10/09/2003 10:18:41 PM
Wow - that's cool. It's obvious where the lake is :-) There appears to be some spots at the top of the picture, but now I'm just picking... Nicely done.
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10/09/2003 05:38:54 PM
One of the most beautiful night shot in this challenge. Very well done with a great angle.
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10/09/2003 01:21:11 PM
WOW!!!!!!! How did you get this kind of a picture. Absolutely Wonderful!!!! I wish I could of given this a 20.
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10/09/2003 11:38:48 AM
What a wonderfull image. The warm colors are just wonderfull and the details are terrific. My favorite pic so far. Jacko. 10
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10/09/2003 10:04:11 AM
Beautiful shot from Hancock !
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10/08/2003 08:39:01 PM
Stunning skyline, great exposure and colours. 10
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10/08/2003 08:30:12 PM
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10/08/2003 08:05:56 PM
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh That is totally cool. Just a tad overblown in the highlights but still a super cool picture. Is that through glass or on top of a building???? I wonder. Very nice shot. 10
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10/08/2003 05:24:30 PM
I really like this shot. The buildings have just the right amount of light, and can see the outline of the lake clearly.
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10/08/2003 03:29:20 PM
Cubbies will hook the fish!! Lovely shot, and a great poster. My husband grew up right by Wrigley Field. Winning shot.
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10/08/2003 02:59:10 PM
Magnificent shot, nicely framed, I'd like to see more - makes me feel like im actually there.
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10/08/2003 02:56:19 PM
gangstas rule, and so does this shot. 10
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10/08/2003 02:35:04 PM
wow what a city... 10/10
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10/08/2003 01:05:14 PM
Definitely has a Wow effect! No negative criticism to offer. Perfect!
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10/08/2003 01:04:13 PM
Beautiful work... This is good as any postcard shot I have ever seen of the windy city. Kudos = 10
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10/08/2003 01:02:49 PM
This is one of my favorites yet. Nicely captured, sharp, good framing, and spectacular image. Sorry, I have nothing I can say to help you improve.
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10/08/2003 12:12:42 PM
Nice night time image. The lights are great.
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10/08/2003 11:15:19 AM
WOW - very nice! 10
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10/08/2003 10:26:06 AM
Now this one will ribbon. It is simply beautiful, something I'd like as a poster to hang on the wall. Excellent exposure 10 10 10.....
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10/08/2003 10:09:09 AM
Great scene, particularly with the dark lake off to the side.

Very good entry. From the Hanncock Building ? If I had to make suggestions - maybe slightly earlier in the evening so the sky wasn't totally black, but I don't know then if hte lights are on and maybe a touch less sky/ more pointed downwards if you could ? A very strong entry for the theme.

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10/08/2003 09:14:49 AM
Very nice photo of a great city. I live here! (but the traffic sucks)
Where did you shoot this from? It looks as though you are almost as high up as the top of the Hancock building.

I would have liked a slightly wider angle to see more lake and still keep the Sears Tower in the photo.
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10/08/2003 08:36:02 AM
OMG this is a gorgeous shot! This is one of my favorites by far. Great job, you have just the right amount of contrast to keep the noise level down.. this is wonderful. Great job10
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10/08/2003 07:55:21 AM
absolutely top notch. meets the challenge perfectly, with wow to spare. postcard ready!
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10/08/2003 06:27:04 AM
Great details
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10/08/2003 06:00:25 AM
wow!!perfect shot!!u deserve to win!! I give you a ten!!!
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10/08/2003 04:18:49 AM
Excellent Shot, so lucky to have a shot like that to take/ = 10
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10/08/2003 04:05:03 AM
Great work, fits the theme well. 8 Morgan
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10/08/2003 03:31:48 AM
super height & super shot
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10/08/2003 03:23:28 AM
Great photo. I like the tones. It looks very urban to me!
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10/08/2003 02:27:06 AM
Great photo of Chicago.
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10/08/2003 01:56:47 AM
nice nice! 8
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10/08/2003 01:32:18 AM
Perfect! a 10 from me!
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10/08/2003 12:56:00 AM
Winner. 10+
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10/08/2003 12:45:43 AM
Thats awesome !
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