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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Trains & Railroads (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D2Xs
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED
Location: Litchfield, IL
Date: Oct 20, 2006
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/800
Galleries: Abstract, Transportation
Date Uploaded: Oct 20, 2006

Roadbed, Railway Ties and Spikes, selective DoF.
BNSF-NS Junction Loop, Litchfield, IL

Post processing:
white balance, color, saturation, etc in Adobe Lightroom - save as TIF

Selective Burn
PK Sharpen
Nik Color effect layer for old BW grain
Downsize w/ Bicubic Sharpen
Save to JPG.

Place: 182 out of 196
Avg (all users): 4.5907
Avg (commenters): 4.7273
Avg (participants): 4.4706
Avg (non-participants): 4.6991
Views since voting: 885
Views during voting: 520
Votes: 215
Comments: 30
Favorites: 0

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10/30/2006 03:35:53 PM
Well, not to be rude, but I wouldn't blame the voters here. They've got to call it like they see it. You've got to ask yourself - if lots of folks took the time to tell you that focusing on the rock was a bad idea, maybe you should learn something from that.
10/30/2006 10:21:47 AM
As I would have guessed, the voters here at DPC completely bombed my photo. Everyone assumed that I had made a mistake and incorrectly chosen where I wanted the DoF and Focus to be. My layout and choices for this photograph WERE intentional. Rocks and Roadbed provide the foundation for the ties, spikes, and rails. As such, the title is appropriate, as is the focal point.

Just goes to show you that doing something abstract doesn't sit well with any voters here. While I'm happy with the large number of comments and the lack of 1 votes, I sincerely wish that people would have a little more of an open mind when it comes to voting. Seems that if you want to produce art or take abstract shots, you shouldn't be wasting your time at DPC.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/28/2006 11:57:26 PM
The lack of focus nowhere in the picture is distracting, the subject is good and if at least one or more of the main cleats were in focus limited DOF would have made this a much better picture for me.
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10/27/2006 04:34:51 PM
Interesting depth of field. I think it needs maybe to be a teeny bit sharper in the middle, it looks a little bit soft, like the focus is pulled really just in between the two planks. I still like it.
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10/27/2006 10:19:36 AM
The sharpest focus appears to be a rock and a bit of weed.
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10/26/2006 02:53:56 PM
DOF is too extreme for my tastes but I like the composition.
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10/25/2006 11:09:19 AM
I like the idea very much, but this would have been better if the focus was more clearly on one of the sleeper-ends. As it is, the eye is drawn straight to the rock on the left, which is presumably not the intention.
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10/25/2006 09:23:27 AM
The focus appears to have been made on the rock to the left rather than the railroad spike in the middle. I would have prefered the spike be in focus and then the DOF kick in.
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10/25/2006 05:57:01 AM
Not exactly out of the box approach, but at least is well done. A nine from me. Keep up with the good work
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10/24/2006 10:15:31 PM
As I suspect you intended, the rock is what draws the eye first, then the second tie. Very appropriate to your title and I'm assuming your intentions, though I suspect most will be put off by the very shallow DOF.
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10/24/2006 09:54:37 PM
only the rocks are in focus - sorry
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10/24/2006 08:42:12 PM
Very cool DOF, I just wished it were more focused on the rail stake (tie? I can't remember what they're called) rather than the rock/grass.
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10/24/2006 05:36:10 PM
I think this is a creative shot. But the problem I see is that the sharpest focus is on the rock - a background element - instead of one of the spikes.
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10/24/2006 10:59:28 AM
DOF is just too shallow for me. It would be better if the next nail were in focus too. Otherwise good compo.
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10/24/2006 10:06:56 AM
Too shallow a DOF IMO
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10/24/2006 06:33:06 AM
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10/24/2006 05:45:20 AM
this DOF is too shallow IMO; the only thing that is tacksharp is a small portion of one stone, and you didn't even manage to have a nice bokeh
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10/24/2006 03:14:19 AM
Good idea, however, your DOF is just too narrow and I think it missed your intended target of that one spike and got the ballast instead.
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10/24/2006 01:39:13 AM
A very good idea here. I think the image would be a lot stronger if the focal plane (since you've gone with the real narrow dof) did not fall between ties. To me it seems like the sharpest object is the rock at left middle of frame edge, and thus very strongly draws my eye right to it, and I'm pretty sure your shot is not about that rock? :-) I keep trying to focus on the tie and spike head to the upper right of the rock..but, bam!, my eye just goes right to the rock.
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10/23/2006 11:09:11 PM
The DOP may be a bit too narrow. You seem to be focussing on something somewhat irrelevent. I think the focus is on the rock.
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10/23/2006 06:56:48 PM
Good idea, but I feel like the thing that is in most focus is the rock on the left side.
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10/23/2006 06:49:33 PM
There is a focus issue here. The rocks are the only thing that comes close to being in focus. It may have come out better if the first rail road tie was in focus rather then the rocks.
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10/23/2006 06:37:39 PM
Oh, this would have been really special if you had gotten that second spike in sharper focus. Nice try, though.
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10/23/2006 03:54:49 PM
Should have focused in on the 2nd spike and not the rock.
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10/23/2006 02:10:55 PM
Could have been good - but focus seems to be wrong (on the rock and not on the bolt)
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10/23/2006 12:03:11 PM
I like the picture but i the focus is on the rocks. If the focal point was moved to the peg I think the picture would be much better.
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10/23/2006 11:45:12 AM
Nothing quite in focus, as regards the spikes. But I like it.
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10/23/2006 11:07:19 AM
I hope this is a retired track or that you're a real fast runner! Nice creative out of the box thinking here with the ultra-low perspective. I think the narrow depth of field would be better suited if the second spike and rail were the focal point though, the little bit of rocks and the plant aren't quite enough to be a subject or to hold one's interest for too long. Just my two bits, meant to be constructive.
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10/23/2006 12:45:37 AM
Perhaps this was intentional, but your focus is off here. You have your sharpest focus on the rocks in between the spikes. It would have been more effective if you'd have made the focus on one of the spikes.
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10/23/2006 12:38:44 AM
It would be nice to see at least one of the bolts in focus, since that seems to be the subject of repetition. Nice idea though!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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