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Steam Engine on Ice
Steam Engine on Ice

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Trains & Railroads (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Vivitar ViviCam 5385
Location: Lake Sutherland in NW Washington State
Date: Oct 21, 2006
Galleries: Landscape, Transportation
Date Uploaded: Oct 22, 2006

This photo was taken with the train sitting on the top of a glass plate. The glass was placed on the edge of the dock, trnsitions with the water and displays the appearance of ice. The actual water and outside temperature was over 50 degrees. The photo was taken mid day in the shade to enhance the reflection.

Place: 193 out of 196
Avg (all users): 3.8889
Avg (commenters): 4.0000
Avg (participants): 3.5102
Avg (non-participants): 4.2294
Views since voting: 1299
Views during voting: 465
Votes: 207
Comments: 21
Favorites: 0

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10/31/2006 02:23:46 AM
This was one of my favorite entries. It's a shame it did so poorly. However, the issues in which it fails are easily resolved. The composition was nicely done.

Removing the number. And also make sure you save the image at a higher quality setting as there are noticeable "compression artifacts".
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/28/2006 08:08:19 PM
Not a bad pic but must either change program on your camera so time/date stamp doesn't show, or digitize it out of the finished pic.
10/27/2006 09:19:28 AM
Nice composition, but a bit fuzzy and I think I'm seeing sharpening artifacts around the edges of the train. Shame about the date being on it.
10/27/2006 12:39:00 AM
too oversharpened, which has caused a halo effect.
10/26/2006 09:13:40 PM
Um, this would have been great....EXCEPT FOR


Which, you could have cloned out in advanced editing. ;)

I am sure you've received tons of these comments...haven't you. Well I'll hold my finger over the bottom and score as I would have without it. ;)
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10/26/2006 11:31:02 AM
Definitely taking advantage of the maximum allowed filesize (150k) would help in the future, to avoid the pixelated look.

I like the composition and concept of this shot.
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10/25/2006 05:23:23 PM
You just know when you enter a shot with a date stamp on it you're likely to end up somewhere in the bottom end of the results. Please consider turning it off for challenge shots. In fact, you could even turn it off full stop. In digital shots, the date of the photo is recorded in the image's exif data anyway (file-properites-advanced on a jpeg straight out of camera in windows). Aside from that, I think you've got a great concept, mostly let down by what I think is data loss during saving (probably low quality jpeg save) or other resizing issues that have caused blockiness throughout. Either that or it's a low megapixel camera.
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10/25/2006 09:23:12 AM
The challenge was definitely met, but the image is very pixelated. It looks as if the photo setting on the camera was too low (for compression) and thus the image comes out pixelated/grainy/slightly out of focus.
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10/25/2006 01:55:56 AM
So cool!!! EXCEPT - I'm sure a whole gang of folks have told you. (The file information will give you the date)!! Nice shot though! 9
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10/24/2006 11:00:47 PM
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10/24/2006 05:44:04 PM
This is going to score low because of the harsh JPEG compression visible: in the blue of the ice, there are blocky JPEG artifacts. Around the datestamp (probably not a popular option to leave turned on) there is a lot of JPEG noise.

On the up side, the composition seems pretty nice, though the train may be just a touch dark.

I assume that you have a low end camera, so I feel your pain. I had a cheap Kodak point-and-shoot for a long time which produced very blocky looking images. I hope you can get a better camera soon!
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10/24/2006 06:55:50 AM
sorry I like this image but 4.
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10/24/2006 05:54:22 AM
I recomend you to remove the date stamp in future challenges. In this one you could have removed it in PS.
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10/23/2006 08:12:35 PM
Are you kidding me? You didn't notice the date stamp? Too bad I can't give less than a 1.
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10/23/2006 04:56:27 PM
the date's gotta go.
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10/23/2006 03:51:07 PM
So much potential in this shot, it really looks beautiful if I squint...only two things wrong with it and I'm sure you've heard them already.
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10/23/2006 12:06:23 PM
Great shot, but the time stamp ruins it for me!
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10/23/2006 09:44:58 AM
Dood! you may get hammered for the Datestamp!
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10/23/2006 07:39:23 AM
Ahhh, you're going to get slaughtered for the date showing :( the idea is quite good but it does show a toy train and that won't go all too well down with voters...welcome to DPC, your score is going to be low but don't loose interest, there's always the next challenge..
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10/23/2006 01:51:54 AM
you'll be disqualified for the date...sorry, better luck next time...rules state you cannot include text in your images
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/23/2006 12:11:24 AM
oh dear
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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