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No More Peanuts & Cracker Jacks
No More Peanuts & Cracker Jacks

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: After the Game (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D80
Lens: Tokina AF 12-24mm f/4.0 AT-X Pro DX
Location: Chase Field Phoenix, Arizona
Date: Oct 22, 2006
Aperture: f/4
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/160
Galleries: Sports, Architecture
Date Uploaded: Oct 22, 2006

Chase Field in Phoenix, Arizona. I looked but I did not see a soul in the park except for some birds. I waited for them to fly off before I took the shot. 640 does not do this image justice.

Shot from the restaurant Fridays Front Row which is open 365 days a year. I did not crop this image. I wanted to get as much of the ball park in the frame as I could.

Opened in NX set color point on the sky and adjusted curves. Opened in photoshop brightness and contrast, USM, re-size and save for the web.

Place: 30 out of 82
Avg (all users): 5.5086
Avg (commenters): 5.9333
Avg (participants): 5.3265
Avg (non-participants): 5.5385
Views since voting: 1103
Views during voting: 510
Votes: 348
Comments: 21
Favorites: 1 (view)

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11/01/2006 11:48:53 PM
Bitchin' way cool shot with a lousy average score, although score is irrelevant if you like the picture. I can indeed see that 640 can't do this justice.
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11/01/2006 04:19:17 PM

Message edited by author 2006-11-05 21:28:33.
11/01/2006 04:02:08 PM
Boring - technically a very good photo, but dead boring. There's nothing to hold one's attention here.
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11/01/2006 07:38:26 AM
Still a good finish. Nice and clear.
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11/01/2006 01:31:34 AM
Sorry I never did get around to the comment, but I had rated this much higher than it placed, believe me!
It's weird.... I can't put my finger on just why I like it... I just know I do :D
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11/01/2006 01:20:11 AM
Pretty cool image, Erick. I wonder whether it'd be possible to lighten the shadow some?
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/31/2006 01:26:16 PM
Just my observations - take what you need and bin the rest...
Bit of a literal interpretation, in the sense I don't feel any emotion here... maybe that was your point, end of the game and all the emotion has drained out.
The composition widthwise feels good - the structure is nicely balanced and the eye flows around the stadium - I'd consider cropping up from the bottom about 50% of the shadow area though - it's kinda dead space and it's draining the impact of the structure for me.
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10/31/2006 12:27:09 AM
Meets Challenge - 2
Lighting/Processing - 2
Composition - 2
Overall Impression - 2
"WOW" factor - 0
Score: 8
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10/28/2006 08:41:35 PM
The stadium looks too clean to be after the game
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10/28/2006 01:56:17 AM
Good meeting of the challenge, especially given the lighting conditions. I think that a tighter crop to show less of the park in shadow would help, as the brighter section clearly dominates over the shadowed section. Lovely colors.
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10/27/2006 09:15:55 PM
Great place for a shot for this challenge. I wish the shadows weren't so harsh because you lose a lot of the great details in the venue.
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10/27/2006 03:31:49 PM
Great opportunity here...in an empty stadium. The shadow adds interest which wouldnt normally exist in such a vast stadium: 6
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10/27/2006 04:57:13 AM
10/26/2006 04:54:40 PM
NIce perspective. Good job of toning down the highlights. Looks like you sued a polarizing filter to darken the sky?
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10/25/2006 08:07:46 PM
Good title. A different cropping to eliminate most of the shadows could also be interesting. (or was on my monitor, anyhow)
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10/25/2006 07:59:26 PM
Well shot picture. I have no idea what connections you'd need to get access to a major stadium when no one's around :-) Lighting-wise, I find the shadow across the field distracting, although I understand that was probably not in your control.
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10/25/2006 06:49:21 PM
Meets Challenge: 5
Lighting/Processing: 5
Composition: 5
Overall Impression: 3
"WOW" factor: 2

Average Score: 4.0
10/25/2006 06:06:52 PM
nice way to get a 7
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10/25/2006 05:56:29 PM
Beautiful panoramic. I can feel the breeze...
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10/25/2006 05:26:48 PM
the image seems have a strange perspective, but a good image.
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10/25/2006 01:29:18 PM
0-2 meets challenge = 2
0-3 creativity = 3
0-3 technical merit = 3
0-2 biased wow factor = 2
Total = 10
I like to POV, light/shadow here - nicely done.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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