Author | Thread |
11/10/2006 11:52:59 PM |
Oh this one's great too! That was a tough call between your incredible deer photo and this one -- but it sure seems like the deer one is a huge hit with everyone doesn't it!
But great job on this too. That little water drop is perfectly focused, making that bokeh type background all the more interesting!
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
11/07/2006 11:40:08 PM |
Very nicely exposed and that one drop is all this needs. Great color her too. It's all perfect :) |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
11/07/2006 10:59:48 AM |
I like the colours & focus here. just the composition could be made a bit more interesting by using the rule of thirds |
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11/07/2006 09:31:38 AM |
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11/05/2006 11:14:05 PM |
nice colour composition and DOF. |
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11/05/2006 05:06:00 PM |
Beautiful clarity and detail here. Colors and lighting are spot on. Love that the background nicely contrasts with the subject color. I might suggest extending the subject out to the right a little more--or cropping off some of the frame on the right hand side to achieve a similar effect. |
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11/03/2006 12:09:54 PM |
Very clear, good clean background. Drop might be a bit too centered |
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11/03/2006 05:49:20 AM |
Cool shot...I like the droplet... |
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11/03/2006 05:08:20 AM |
Love the inverted image withing the water drop, i would have been tempted to crop closer in to show a little larger what was within the drop. |
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11/02/2006 12:27:55 PM |
Love the focusing of this shot, very neat Idea. |
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11/01/2006 08:59:00 PM |
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11/01/2006 01:45:13 PM |
Why the choice to put the drop almost directly in the center? For this I'm not sure I agree with all the empty space on the right. |
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