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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Exposed (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Location: Kitchen Counter
Date: Oct 12, 2003
Aperture: F 5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/4 s
Galleries: Still Life, Macro
Date Uploaded: Oct 12, 2003

Not very creative, but still testing out the limits of the new camera.

Last minute entry. Shot on my kitchen counter at 10:45. Lit by my trusty flashlight to get direct light from above, creating a few shadows. Then very slight levels, a little extra green in saturation, resize, USM and border.

Place: 24 out of 110
Avg (all users): 5.9214
Avg (commenters): 7.0000
Avg (participants): 5.7647
Avg (non-participants): 6.0694
Views since voting: 1164
Votes: 140
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/19/2003 10:08:19 AM
This is a good idea and I like the angle you used. Frame enhances the photo. Composition is good. I would like this a little better if the whole pepper were lit.
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10/16/2003 11:51:53 PM
Great contrasts.. In this one, the frame fits .. Nice shot.
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10/15/2003 05:11:56 PM
Ah, the lovely green pepper, chopped many of these when I worked in a Subway. I really like the concept but the lighting leaves me a bit cold per say. The top and upper side just seems a bit too dark to go with the rest of the shot. Starting with a 7 on this one because the clarity and color of the rest of the shot make up for the light ;)
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10/14/2003 08:25:09 PM
10/14/2003 04:23:09 PM
Good technical quality. Well set up. Nice lighting.
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10/13/2003 09:19:56 PM
Nice and crisp. Looks like I could reach out and snag a bite for myself. Needs a little more light towards the top. Great Job!
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10/13/2003 02:48:56 PM
Excellent job with creative lighting here. The detail in this image is excellent. For what it's worth, I think a red or yellow pepper would create better contrast and visual impact against the dark background :)
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10/13/2003 02:17:37 PM
This photo has good composition and very well centerd in the frame. Its a little to dark for me towards the stem. Im not a fan of borders but this on fits the photo well. Great Capture all the way around!!!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/13/2003 11:11:55 AM
The lighting is good/bad. A few areas look over sharpened or fried. However the top portion of the pepper where the seeds are look great. Your composition is very good, as is the framing and color. Spot on for the challenge also.
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10/13/2003 09:58:20 AM
Good Points:quite crisp, like the water drops.
Bad Points: too dark in most places, and too overlit in others. Try using a softer light it's a bit too narrow i feel
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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