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Russian Countryside
Russian Countryside

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Landscape in Portrait Orientation (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Kodak DC240
Location: Penza, Russia
Date: Oct 30, 2006
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/250
Date Uploaded: Oct 31, 2006


Place: 290 out of 308
Avg (all users): 3.8673
Avg (commenters): 4.1143
Avg (participants): 3.6951
Avg (non-participants): 3.9653
Views since voting: 907
Views during voting: 316
Votes: 226
Comments: 38
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/07/2006 02:57:47 PM
Beautiful photo that would only be more beautiful by cloning out the black dot(on lens?) and removing the distracting reflection(not sure if that would be legal).
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11/07/2006 11:44:15 AM
the reflections from the window (or whatever it is) is kind of distracting
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11/06/2006 09:29:18 PM
I can see this was taken from a moving train, not an easy task. Being an advanced editing challenge, you could've cloned out that spot though.
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11/06/2006 07:24:00 AM
Back to comment: This image is much smaller than what is allowed for a challenge. The longest side of your image should be 640 pixels. When your image is this small, it is hard to see the details and judge the quality of the image. Because of that, many people will give a low vote and move on without really looking. I like the scene you choose but would have like to have seen all of the tree on the right side of the image to help balance the composition.
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11/05/2006 11:59:53 PM
through the glass of the train makes for some challenges with the image. The compostion is wonderful, the reflections and the dust spot is very distracting.
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11/05/2006 11:25:06 PM
What's the black spot in the sky....?
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11/05/2006 10:28:24 PM
Composition is nice. Focus is good considering it was taken from what I presume is a moving train. Reflection of the windows is distracting. Read the tutorial on how to resize for challenges. Please clean your lens so the spot is gone. (you could have cloned it out under the advance editing rules)
Keep at it, you obviously have a decent eye for what looks good.
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11/05/2006 12:23:06 PM
The reflections of the windows on the opposite side of the train (I̢۪m assuming train) have spoilt this picture. You need to get the lens as close a possible to glass when photographing through it to avoid reflections like these. I find it best to place one hand on the glass and press the camera firmly against my fingers so as to avoid contacting the lens with the window, yet still getting it very close.
Other than the above, you did very well to get this image from a moving train. It is a nice composition and I would like to see what you could have achieved if you had be able to get out and take your time.
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11/04/2006 11:23:08 PM
Shot inside a vehicle?
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11/04/2006 06:27:15 PM
Taken from a car or train window that had a spot on it?... It's a bit small. But it is a landscape and it is in portrait mode... composition is okay, focus could be more crisp but you were moving after all so that's the reason it isn't I guess.
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11/04/2006 10:42:38 AM
too small and out of focus
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11/04/2006 03:59:33 AM
please read the tutorial on going bigger.

nice photo, bit too small
also you have sensor dust.

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11/03/2006 11:35:03 PM
Did you take this through a window? There seems to be a strange reflection up in the sky, otherwise I'd give this picture a 9 easy.
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11/03/2006 08:17:17 PM
It is a beautiful scene and well framed. The reflections from the (train?) window are a bit of a distraction though.
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11/03/2006 01:22:26 PM
I see a reflection or something in the top portion of the image. It is distracting from the photo.
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11/02/2006 07:00:59 PM
Good picture, reflections in sky are a distraction, but a good job taking the picture under the circumstances. Good framing. Just a little soft, probably due to taking the picture through the glass. If you can crop out the reflections and sharpen just a little, it will be a great picture for your collection.
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11/02/2006 06:09:28 PM
taken from a train or car?
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11/02/2006 02:30:35 PM
bad reflection going on
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11/02/2006 01:58:05 PM
Even thou it's so small and the refletions in the sky are weird...I hope it does well. Is it really Russia? I've always wanted to go there.
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11/02/2006 10:15:45 AM
too bad about the reflections on the window and the spots. Otherwise, with a little work, this photo would have scored high.
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11/02/2006 08:39:03 AM
Nicely composed scene. I'd like to see it a little larger and without the window refections.
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11/02/2006 02:05:15 AM
Inside a train? I don't like the dust its distracting, but I do like the window reflections, they are complimenting and curious. 7
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11/02/2006 12:40:03 AM
Nice image! I always picture myself traveling thru Russia aboard a train. I like the nice, soft colors.
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11/02/2006 12:36:35 AM
Not a good idea trying to take photos through a dirty window from what looks like a moving train
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11/01/2006 09:14:11 PM
reflections :(
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11/01/2006 07:05:03 PM
The window reflections in the sky are distracting.
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11/01/2006 06:07:49 PM
The picture is very small and there is a window reflection.. nice try..
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11/01/2006 05:37:27 PM
Very nice composition. The reflection is a bit distracting.
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11/01/2006 05:19:36 PM
It's a lovely scene. I like the composition and the colors. I would like it better without the window reflection and the dark spot in the sky.
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11/01/2006 04:14:38 PM
This would be a lovely shot if it were bigger and if you could get rid of the reflections in the window you were shooting through.
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11/01/2006 03:33:06 PM
photo appears to be shot from inside a vehicle some kind of glare on the lens or window plus power lines also on the small size
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11/01/2006 02:59:51 PM
From the inside of a train or something? Window reflections!
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11/01/2006 11:55:58 AM
You probably ought to at least get out of the car to take a shot the next time :)
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11/01/2006 11:48:19 AM
The reflection really hurts this image.
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11/01/2006 11:25:42 AM
great idea & comp.
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11/01/2006 04:45:46 AM
What is the reflection? Also, you could clean your sensor once in a while. :)
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11/01/2006 03:49:52 AM
OK - so you shot this from inside a moving train or bus? - the reflections, the dirt in the sky and the general unsharpness of the image do not help this image. Also see the tutorial about resizing for DPC
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11/01/2006 12:56:12 AM
ok, so it looks like you may have been in a bus, so I can understand not rolling down the window or getting out altogether...hell, this may even be near Chernobyl, so you wouldn't have wanted to do either...but I don't understand why you didn't clone out the dust bunny.
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