Greetings from the Critique Club: I have been assigned your photo to critique and here are my thoughts:
Personal Reaction: My initial reaction when I saw this was, “Oh, not another airplane window shot!” But almost instantly I regretted that initial prejudice. While I didn’t vote on this challenge, I would have given it a 6 or maybe a 7.
Composition: The composition is strong. You have nice leading lines along the wing edges. The lines of the engines force the eye into the photo. The reflection is superb. The background has a hidden treasure of ground under the clouds. Very well done!
Technicals: Color, focus, DoF, sharpness, and contrast are excellent. I don’t think I’d change anything.
Conclusions: So why the 5.7 score? Part of my reaction comes from the fact that I am an aviation enthusiast. I liked the photo, in part, because of my affinity for your subject and the out-of-the-box point of view. Most folks who fly don’t look out the windows, and aren’t fascinated with cloudscapes. In prior challenges, there have been lots of airplane-window-cloudscapes. It may be that for most voters the subject just didn’t hold that much interest. There may also have been a slight DNMC element to the voting: cloudscapes aren’t “real landscapes” after all. I’m not sure.
In the end, I feel this is a very worthy photo. You took some risks, which I like, and you got a very nice result. I hope you’re proud of this fine image!
As always, this is my personal opinion. Feel free to PM me if you’d like further dialog.