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Icy Gaze
1st PlaceIcy Gaze

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Portrait in Landscape Orientation (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM
Location: Kleivarvatn, Iceland
Date: Oct 28, 2006
Aperture: 2.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Fashion, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Oct 31, 2006

This is Ornella, she has modeled for me before, in the DPC Cinema challenge.

Anyway, this is not shot for this challenge but I thought it fitted pretty well so I decided to enter it, mainly just to get my quota this year over 52 and to get warmed up for the WPL3 season, I like this shot but don´t think it´s "wow" enough to do really well in the challenge. Only lighting is a silver reflector to her left, we took this shortly before sunset so the ambient light was very good.

As usual, Henny came along but this time she didn´t do the makeup, we were pressed for time and Ornella is pretty good doing her own makeup so we let her do it but Henny held the reflector so she was a big help as usual :)

Only processing was WB adjustment and contrast in raw, curves, brightened up her eyes and sharpened after resizing.

Edited after the challenge: Well this just goes to show you that you should always submit when you like the shot as you never know, most of my ribbons, all of them actually, come from shots that I like but wasn´t sure were going to do well so just follow your gut feeling and go for it...

As for the comments about the dark backround in the upper corners, I disagree that the photo looks better with it cropped out, I actually experimented with different crops without it in the post processing steps but I felt the photo lost it´s three dimensionality when I did that and felt very "studio like" so I didn´t bother. Seems at least a few of you still thought it was a studio shot, it´s taken on location, outdoors.

Place: 1 out of 271
Avg (all users): 7.4491
Avg (commenters): 8.1053
Avg (participants): 7.3626
Avg (non-participants): 7.4943
Views since voting: 18450
Views during voting: 578
Votes: 265
Comments: 77
Favorites: 54 (view)

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11/13/2006 07:27:27 AM
Laurus on a roll again!
Love this shot.
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11/12/2006 11:59:19 PM
Beautiful... I keep coming back to this shot. Simply stunning. Congratulations.
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11/10/2006 05:15:07 PM
Þessi er alveg spot on hjá þér Lárus. Samsetning sem getur ekki klikkað flott stelpa og góður ljósmyndari!
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11/10/2006 04:59:24 PM
Þetta er rosalega flott mynd hjá þér einsog vanalega .
til hamingju
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11/10/2006 06:47:01 AM
Fantastic Larus! You're rock buddy!
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11/10/2006 04:12:40 AM
Congrats - Like she's giving the Bond look, James Bond
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11/10/2006 01:21:16 AM
beautiful eyes
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11/09/2006 08:00:25 PM
Frábær mynd - til hamingju.
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11/09/2006 06:54:03 PM
what a gorgeous and artistic photo. it doesn't hurt that the subject is smoking hot.

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11/09/2006 05:43:58 PM
You have truely mastered the art of portrait photography.
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11/09/2006 02:17:35 PM
Lovely portrait, congrats on winning the blue ribbon!
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11/09/2006 09:07:41 AM
What a beautiful photo (and model). Well done!
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11/09/2006 07:49:14 AM
Fantastic photo - what beautiful, captivating eyes she has!!!!
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11/08/2006 05:27:59 PM
Great picture congrats on your blue Lárus.
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11/08/2006 05:17:34 PM
Im so happy this photo won! When I was scanning through this challenge that picture caught my eye right away. Great shot!
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11/08/2006 05:12:09 PM
Congratulations on Your Blue with this stunning portrait! Absolutely Captivating! Fantastic work as always!
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11/08/2006 02:27:36 PM
Great photograph Lárus, congrats on your blue!
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11/08/2006 12:59:19 PM
Congrats on your blue. Your title really sums it up.
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11/08/2006 09:56:36 AM
I knew you were in my favorites for a reason!
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11/08/2006 09:40:53 AM
Congratulations, fantastic shot of a stunning model!
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11/08/2006 09:37:11 AM
Nice comeback Sir, and a very nice(read hot) girl. :)) Congrats for the blue.
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11/08/2006 08:34:01 AM
You get an unfair advatage with all these amazingly hot models...
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11/08/2006 08:17:57 AM
var alveg viss um að þessi væri frá þér. Til hamingju með sigurinn, frábær mynd
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11/08/2006 07:49:03 AM
Congrats on the blue with this truly wonderful portrait.
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11/08/2006 07:45:42 AM
Fantastic picture and worthy of the blue. I can't believe 2 people actually gave 1's. As if there were further need of proof that trolls exist. Congrats.
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11/08/2006 06:13:30 AM
yap. the lips and the eyes. ... oh yes, congratulations !
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11/08/2006 05:05:57 AM
Wow Lárus, great picture... Congrats AGAIN on the ribbon :o)
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11/08/2006 04:45:02 AM
congrats larus! beautiful shot
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11/08/2006 04:33:33 AM
yeh yeh ..... not bad :p but i bet you cant put a fruit pastel in your mouth without chewing..
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11/08/2006 02:54:24 AM
This has all the quality marks of the master. Magnificant! Congrats, Lárus.
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11/08/2006 02:52:56 AM
Here he goes again! Congratulations Lárus! Another fabulous shot..
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11/08/2006 01:56:49 AM
A masterful capture wherein the model's face seizes the very moment and holds it with that gaze. Outstanding work, Larus! Congratulations on your BLUE.
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11/08/2006 01:45:26 AM
Those eyes!!!!!!!!!!... Okay and those lips... Wow!!! s'all I have to say.

Congrats on the blue.. well deserved.

Message edited by author 2006-11-08 01:46:31.
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11/08/2006 01:39:20 AM
You didn't think it was wow enough, hm? Well the voters sure showed you! :-D
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11/08/2006 01:32:15 AM
Larus...I thought you were taking a break! Congrats on the blue...this is going in my favourites for sure
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11/08/2006 01:25:23 AM
Wooohooot !

Knew it was yours - just knew.
Cracking shot, exceptionally beautiful model.
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11/08/2006 01:02:11 AM
congrats on 1st place!
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11/08/2006 12:33:49 AM

Message edited by author 2006-11-08 05:04:22.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/07/2006 09:32:39 PM
Love this one!!! perfect 10!
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11/07/2006 12:29:51 PM
nice but over edited
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11/07/2006 11:44:56 AM
Nice capture, I would have prefered to have a bit more definition in the hat, but I suppose then you would clip the hair completely into a black void.
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11/07/2006 04:28:18 AM
i would prefer it without the dark side at the top... still a great shot!
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11/06/2006 10:51:01 PM
Can anyone say 'picture perfect'? This is probably what dreams are made of... Here's 10!
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11/06/2006 09:49:25 PM
Absolutely should be a winner in my opinion! Very exotic! I love her eyes, (she is very beautiful) and how they contrast against the softness of the fur! I love it!
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11/06/2006 09:27:35 PM
Great lighting and tone in the face. I don't like the background so much (it's not perfectly horizontal as-is, but I might have also preferred solid color, or a real-but-blurred background.) Still, excellent work!
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11/06/2006 09:25:54 PM
Stunning! Excellent lighting. Her eyes look amazing.
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11/06/2006 05:30:26 PM
I really love the look she's giving me – erm, you. Ve-ry beguiling.

Having cropped this with my hand I absolutely need to see this without that dark, wonky band at the top. When it's gone she really zings and her eyes are so much stronger. I also think that perfect symmetry here would have been good, so losing that hand may have been better, or rather including the other one to accentuate what she's wearing. This does work well for landscape in my view, but probably would be more potent with as tighter crop.
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11/06/2006 02:25:26 PM
this strikes me as a fashion shot, not a portrait.
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11/05/2006 02:14:23 PM
Lovely portrait. The coat, hood and white background really draw my attention to the face and particularly the very intense eyes. I'm impressed. Bumped to 10.
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11/04/2006 11:05:23 PM
great portrait, definetly one of the best in the challenge... good luck Larus ;)
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11/04/2006 05:12:21 PM
very nice detail. the eyes are especially compelling.
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11/04/2006 01:52:39 PM
Master of the eyes--good shot 10
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11/04/2006 12:23:57 PM
Yikes! Now that's eye contact!! Great model.
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11/03/2006 10:48:41 PM
Well done and the hungry look in her eyes is a great touch. Love the coat.
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11/03/2006 09:23:01 PM
This is really an eye catching shot. Not crazy about the backdrop where the line intersects her head, but it works.
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11/03/2006 08:10:21 PM
Just don't scratch my eyes out like that other girl in the challenge. Great focus!
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11/03/2006 04:13:20 PM
Meets Challenge:2
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11/03/2006 11:50:45 AM
Beautiful photograph of a beautiful and striking model. I'm particularly fond of the contrast between the face area and the rest of the picture. Good job!
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11/03/2006 05:43:15 AM
nice but She has firey looks..
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11/02/2006 10:45:09 PM
I know everyone is busy judging/voting on the other contest but for what it's worth, I thought this deserved at least someone's comments- this is a GREAT shot. The color, the eyes, the framing, everything is superior. Congrats- I have something to shoot for. 10.
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11/02/2006 06:00:18 PM
What an evil look. Very cold, indeed.
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11/02/2006 12:47:38 PM
Just amazing. In addition to the furry coat, she'll be wearing a ribbon at the end of the week, I'm sure!
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11/02/2006 10:43:51 AM
simply stunning!
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11/02/2006 08:25:29 AM
wow! great pic!
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11/01/2006 07:59:41 PM
Very very good!
Just a bit of a lower angle and I'd say perfect! so it's still a 9!
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11/01/2006 04:56:51 PM
outstanding~ like the contrast with the skin tones
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11/01/2006 03:12:54 PM
Beautiful. Arresting ! My top pick for this challenge.
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11/01/2006 01:28:27 PM
Absolute stunning eyes!
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11/01/2006 01:06:44 PM
Nice contrast without overdoing it.
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11/01/2006 11:45:02 AM
I really like this but I find the eyes a bit too white! Well done!
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11/01/2006 10:37:08 AM
very nice choice of model (facial symetry, myterious eyes, coat seems to have been made for her)
gets one of my two 9s
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11/01/2006 09:17:33 AM
great color contrast, but it should be more "landscapy"
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11/01/2006 07:47:56 AM
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11/01/2006 07:46:10 AM
wow, beautiful model and pose!
would have liked to see her hair a little brighter and maybe you could have cropped off this distracting brown background.
an 8 though
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11/01/2006 06:39:59 AM
looks like a Bond girl...this is fabulous...has gto be a 10 from me as I cannot fault it...superb 10
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11/01/2006 05:57:52 AM
gimme some of that there turkish delight
well done!7
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11/01/2006 02:08:54 AM
Beautiful. Looks like this is right out of a magazine.
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