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What's Up  Father & Son
What's Up Father & Son

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Collection: Family & Friends
Location: Boardwalk at Coolum Beach Sunshine Coast.
Date: Oct 28, 2006
Galleries: Family, Emotive
Date Uploaded: Nov 2, 2006

Viewed: 2177
Comments: 44
Favorites: 18 (view)

Revised edition of my image that I accidental entered into the wrong challenge, re this family landscape portrait.

The story behind the image;

As you know from an earlier thread, my wonderful husband Peter, had been diagnosed with prostrate cancer.
It is still contained, and has not as yet spread to his bones.
We was told that it was to serious to operate, so we found this news devastating.
After many more tests, we have hope that a new specialist is seeing us next week will give us some better news.
There is a slight chance that he may be able to operate, as he is one of the best cancer specialists in Australia.

We hope this is good news, and anxiously await to this appointment in Sydney.

UPDATE: Peter is unable to have the cancer removed by surgery, as it is to far advanced. The good news is that there is a new treatment, which they can do called "Brackie Therephy", where they insert needles into the prostrate cancer, and this allows direct radiation treatment to the cancer, and no where else.

This is being done on the 12th. February, 2007 (Peters birthday) at Saint Vincents Hospital Sydney.
We will have to live in Sydney for two to three months.
It will be so worth it, if we get the 40% recovery as predicted.

We only have two sons, Ryan who is 34, who is happerly married to Lauren, and they are expecting thier first child early 2007.

Our other son Blake is 24, and has always been especially very close to his Dad. This is Blake in this image with his Dad.

Both boys live in Melbourne, which is a long way from us. Both of them were just devastated, when we found out their Dad had cancer. Both now need to spend as much time as possible with their Dad, so thats why Blake came up for five day recently.

When the challenge was announced, I though of this exact pose would be such a wonderful way to have a image of them both together.
That was the easy part, as both wern't that keen of having there photo taken, especially in this special way, so after many many tries, finally got this one, that I was happy with.

What do I do then, accidently entered it into the wrong challenge.
Thank you all for your support and wonderful comments, as it means the world to both Peter and I.

1/8/2008 UPDATE; So far, we have been so fortunate to say that Peter is doing really well since all the cancer treatment. His blood count in normal. He now has some 'side effects', from all the treatment, as it has aged his bones, and causes more pain, but the cancer is still clear for now.

Here are some precious 'family' photos that beings so much joy to our lives.

In February 2009, two years later, we will have a two year update, and hopefully he will be completely free of the cancer, and in remission.

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12/08/2012 07:23:53 AM
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12/08/2012 06:51:34 AM
The story makes the photo so poignant
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05/01/2012 12:53:09 AM
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08/27/2011 08:40:43 PM
THANK YOU for all your comments on this photo which means the WORLD to ME.....
Peter is now in REMISSION but NOT a day goes by without both of us realizing how LUCKY we ARE.....
He get really down each year when his check up is DUE but when it comes BACK CLEAR re are so HAPPY for another twelve months.....
I am so BLESSED to have had our FAMILY & FRIENDS LOVE and SUPPORT, especially my cousin MARCUS for PETERS TREATMENT as he may not be here today without it....

THANK YOU ALL for enjoying this image as much as I SO..... from shez

Message edited by author 2011-08-27 20:45:13.
08/23/2011 11:41:08 AM
I don't think any shots =on here are filled with so much real life as yours. No pretense, just laying it out there. Thank you for that honesty and emotion.
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10/25/2008 03:34:49 AM
I REALLY love this shot Shez, its so poetic and strong, and reading your comments made it even more powerful. I hope your husband is ok - sounds as though there's enough love to keep you all going there for a good while longer.
Trish x
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09/20/2008 06:11:06 PM
im glad he's doing well. i really like this photo too, ive stumbled across it a few times but haven't commented. looking forward to the 2 year update
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09/01/2008 10:32:50 PM
You certainly captured the special bond between father and son in this image!
Wishing for all of you that the 09 update will be the best.
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08/02/2008 11:31:33 AM
This is SUCH an emotionally powerful image!! Its fantastic in every way.
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07/13/2007 12:34:07 PM
I love the contrasting differences between the Father and son yet the similarities. Really great photo!
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06/24/2007 11:00:21 AM
Great profile, great no distraction background, and a great B&W shot overall. I hope that the treatments remain effective.
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02/12/2007 08:33:47 AM
Just checking in to wish all the best to you and to all who's important to you. And happy birthday to Peter. You know, we are with you.
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02/06/2007 09:09:31 PM
A most splendid b/w portrait. The communication between the two of them speaks volumes. I really like your idea for the composition and the b/w treatment looks great.
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01/25/2007 03:24:17 AM
Thank you for sharing with us this so personal picture.
I love so much this kind of pictures that have stories
to tell.

Even without, your explanations in the post it's clear that this one represents a strong moment

I belive in science and sincerely wish that this new treatment will succed
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01/24/2007 02:19:25 PM
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01/20/2007 04:51:25 AM
Excellent photo, and touching story. It takes a lot of courage to put that in writing. My thoughts are with you and your family. Take care.
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12/30/2006 07:06:17 PM
My prayers are with you and your family.
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12/13/2006 11:37:46 AM
Hi Sherpet--just looking through your portfolio, and I must say--this is a beautiful photo, I love it, really great..and the thanks for telling your story--I hope all goes well, my thoughts are with you and you family ;-)
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11/24/2006 07:38:40 AM
This image is just so outstanding. My heart sinks for you that it was accidentally entered in the wrong challenge as I feel it had incredible potential (could always go with a "best of" challenge). Fortunately, the pic has so much more to offer than just a score on DPC. Beautfully captured and edited - perfect in b&w. Adding to my favorites.

Message edited by author 2006-11-24 07:39:09.
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11/24/2006 04:48:19 AM
Very cool expression, cool photo!
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11/23/2006 01:59:23 AM
I did see this in the challenge before you dq'd yourself, I knew it yours and have been meaning to come back and comment on it.

Wow Shez, this is such a beautiful photo which will be treausured always! My thoughts are with you and your family.
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11/05/2006 03:10:14 PM
What a great image. You don't have to have a ribbon from us to know that you have a winner. My blessing with your faimily through this time.
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11/03/2006 10:19:56 PM
A very powerful image and wonderfully captured. Thanks for sharing such a personal story and know that you're in our thoughts.

Message edited by author 2006-11-03 22:20:46.
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11/03/2006 09:37:40 PM
the emotion is apparent without knowing the background....wonderful shot!
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11/03/2006 03:34:33 PM
Sherryl...Just magic..you get the gold medal girl...Absolutely love the shot, even with out your comments the pic tells a strong emotional story. Thank you for sharing
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11/03/2006 03:24:33 PM
Great shot Shez! Love the profiles, expressions, caps, and the underlying story. Thanks for your photography and for sharing. Blessings and prayers to you all in the precious days ahead.
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11/03/2006 12:59:31 PM
What a wonderful personal image of the two of them...face to face...father and son...the present and the future...it was wise to use the b&w, since color was totally unnecessary...all that matters is who they are...I think your Peter has a lot of courage and will do well, especially since the tumor is contained in the prostate; all the best to you; let your love for your family and photography buoy you up during these difficult times...

Message edited by author 2006-11-03 12:59:57.
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11/03/2006 12:53:04 PM
It's a beautiful photograph. Thanks for sharing your story. Keep the faith. You have lots of people praying for you.
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11/03/2006 12:30:43 PM
Challenges and contests apart, you have captured a real winner in anyone's book! Many Blessings to you & yours
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11/03/2006 10:57:45 AM
Wonderfully well done.
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11/03/2006 03:55:02 AM
Such an intense and outstanding image, Shez.
Now one can understanding so much going on there, as we read its behind the scenes story.
Who cares about the challenge? You've got the real "blue ribbons" right there with you, and that's what matters in life.
God bless you all!!!
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11/03/2006 02:57:20 AM
I love it Sherryl. This is definately a treasure photograph!! Maybe its better that it wasn't in the challenge because if it got a lower score than it deserved you would be dissapointed. This way it will always and forever be your blue ribbon!!
Your friend.
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11/03/2006 02:21:05 AM
You know with a portrait like this for your family album - you are already a winner! WOW!

This is SO PRECIOUS - I only hope there comes a time when I can capture such a moment between my son and my husband.

Peace and blessings to you during your VERY trying time.
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11/03/2006 02:07:14 AM
I can see how this shot would be very personal. You have it now for yourself to enjoy, In a way it could be for the best that it didn't go in to the challenge - how would you know what score you would expect for it? Sometimes it's best not to assign a number. :)
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11/03/2006 01:33:49 AM
Your kids are the same ages as mine, only I have two girls. Wonderful shot, even though they didn't want you to take it. It will turn out to be a treasured photo for years to come.
Keep thinking positive thoughts and I'll keep you in my prayers.
Everyone has a cross to bear. There was a reason that you entered this one in the wrong challenge. It will be viewed by WAY more people this way than in a challenge.
I give it a 10!
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11/02/2006 11:58:13 PM
What a wonderful intimate portrait. Shez, this is so beautiful.

My prayers and thoughts with you and Peter as you travel to see the specialist.
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11/02/2006 08:34:13 PM
That is darling. Love the contrast and depth of emotion. TOO BAD it's good.
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11/02/2006 07:57:55 PM
Shez, you already know this is a wonderful image. What I truly love about it is the viewer doesn't even need to read your story to see the affection and love that these two men have for each other. Your camera and your processing shows us that completely. An image you can be very proud of and one I'm sure you'll want to print and frame - two copies - one for you and Peter, and one for Blake.
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11/02/2006 07:54:02 PM
Wonderful photo. The fact that you took it is far more important than the challenge.

I hope you have some good news to report soon.
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11/02/2006 07:41:08 PM
What a fantastic image! Full of wonderful emotion. You can feel the bond between father and son in this capture. Shame that it ended up in the wrong challenge. My thoughts are with you and your family in this difficult time.
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11/02/2006 07:02:51 PM
Fantastic shot! Very riveting... Makes me think of my own dad. I should call him. =) Thanks!
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11/02/2006 06:57:58 PM
Ahh too bad. This is quite nice actually. So many metaphors. The viewer can start guessing all sorts of backstories, history and thoughts on this one.
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11/02/2006 06:56:48 PM
A moment in time that speaks so much. A wonderful and intimate portrait.
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11/02/2006 06:26:02 PM
What a beautiful portrait. Lovely tones and composition all the way around. Again, very emotive especially when reading the story behind it. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
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