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11/23/2006 03:58:40 AM |
Love the shot, and find the comments you have gotten very interesting. There is a lot to learn here on dpc, not the least about people and how they think. Luckily, there is the saying: Each to his own :)
Some of the best photographers in the world would never ever score high here on dpc, never get a ribbon. I have a feeling they would not care for high scores or ribbons. For them, photography is not about that, it is about art. The same goes in many fields. A good cook can make a gorgeous dinner out of almost nothing and does not need the "best" pots and pans to succeed.
Of course it is fun to score high, and most of us feel how it tickles our self-esteem. I was happy when my became a PB and later I got a ribbon, but in my opinion that shot is a bit boring. In fact my lowest score, my brown ribbon, is one of my favourites.
Keep up the good work, you are an excellent photographer and your learning curve is like a Boeing just after take-off. I wonder why?
Edit: Got to do something about my splellign...
Message edited by author 2006-11-23 04:18:42. |
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11/15/2006 12:03:09 PM |
Til hamingju með háu einkunnina.
Nú ætla ég að vera oggulÃÂtið leiðinlegur, en bara pinkulÃÂtið. Mér finnst þetta mjög skemmtileg pæling en þessi flass lýsing er eitthvað svo leiðinleg. Ég hef tekið eftir þvàað þú notar oft flass beint á myndefnið sem skapar þennan leiðinlega flass glama og harða skugga. Ég mæli með að þú kaupir þér þráðlausan sendi, regnhlÃÂf og stand og kannski eina bók um lýsingu úr þannig búnaði. Þegar þú ert komin upp á lagið með þann búnað átt þú pottþétt eftir að taka muun betri myndir. Þú gætir lÃÂka búist við hærri einkunnir fyrir það. Ef þú nennir þvàekki gætir þú lÃÂka farið að nota hið undursamlega sólarljós (sem þú hefðir samt ekki getað gert àþessu myrkri). Það er hægt að taka magnaðar myndir með sólarljósinu, maður verður bara að finna góðar aðferðir til þess.
Ég vona að þetta skilaboð komir þér einu skrefi nær heimsfrægð : ) |
11/13/2006 09:28:22 AM |
One of the best in the challenge for me.
I love the light and also the contrast between the skin tones and blue of the water.
Has the look of a magazine pic.
In trying to work out why this didn`t finish in the top ten, I can only assume that some voters have concentrated on the title as your look seems to be one of concentration rather than enjoyment.
A minor point which should not have detracted from a truly excellent shot.
Well done. |
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11/12/2006 04:52:18 PM |
very nice photo, well done Ragga |
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11/12/2006 01:11:02 AM |
I knew this one would finish strong! This is beautiful Ragga! Looks like a magazine ad! :)
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
11/11/2006 10:15:29 PM |
Very nice lighting and color. Lovely portrait. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
11/10/2006 10:45:04 PM |
beautiful. cinematic. wet. 10 |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
11/10/2006 03:18:24 PM |
Pretty cool shot. Seems a little "hot" on the forehead. |
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11/09/2006 10:24:02 PM |
I like the high contrast in this photo - very dramatic. |
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11/08/2006 11:13:23 PM |
Lighting is just a touch harsh, imo. Great colors and composition. I'm thinking that I'd prefer it if you had been looking right at me. Still one great shot. |
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11/08/2006 08:31:26 PM |
cool shot, but it doesnt look like you are enjoying it!! :-)
love the light!! |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
11/08/2006 04:02:15 PM |
very nice picture. Good bokeh to the background water. Hot spot on the forehead is a bit distracting and only a personal issue I'm sure.
As for the title, not sure it fits as it looks more like you're swimming in tears by the look on your face. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
11/07/2006 11:58:19 PM |
great lighting, one of my favorites
9 |
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11/07/2006 09:48:10 PM |
Great Portrait! Rich blues! :) |
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11/07/2006 07:48:12 PM |
Great pose. Nice colors. Light maybe a bit harsh on the face (not much though). Lovely model. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
11/07/2006 02:34:14 PM |
Excellent choice for water as a background. Good composition. Bump. |
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11/07/2006 02:04:16 PM |
great shot but I think it is a little too bright which makes it seem a bit harsh |
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11/06/2006 07:29:10 PM |
I would really like this shot if you were looking up into the camera but everything else, was exaclty the same |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
11/06/2006 07:10:43 PM |
Classic and lovely. Excellent color in the water. |
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11/06/2006 05:48:33 PM |
the effect of the water is nice, and you look very pretty! not quite enjoying, more like dreaming. |
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11/06/2006 05:38:29 PM |
really nice photo, looks like an ad
not sure u look too much like you're enjoying it tho' :) ? |
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11/06/2006 01:55:55 PM |
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11/06/2006 01:10:47 PM |
Great character capture of a poker face! The pretty head with its pensive look shows not the enjoyment of the moment but rather an unresolved preoccupation. I take it as enjoying the water to facilitate contemplation. With this viewpoint the image takes a special light! 7 |
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11/05/2006 10:27:46 PM |
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11/05/2006 03:02:39 PM |
You are SOOO GORGEOUS! :) This is a stunning portrait! I love those blues from the water and how it compliments your gorgeous complexion and eyes! Beautiful job! 10 |
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11/05/2006 02:35:38 PM |
Nice photo, though the expression doesn't seem to match the title. I like the way the light plays on the water around your shoulder. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
11/05/2006 10:45:06 AM |
Great photo - I love the water in the bottom right but the model doesnt look like they are " enjoying " the water much !
7. |
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11/05/2006 09:07:12 AM |
congratulations on your Blue Ribbon. |
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11/05/2006 06:55:51 AM |
wow! love the co,plementary colours in this and the pose as well...good luck 9 |
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11/05/2006 05:58:50 AM |
By the looks of it you aren't quit enjoying it.. but nice tones though! 7 |
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11/05/2006 05:52:31 AM |
Don't drop the camera in the water!!! Nice lighting and expression ... |
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11/05/2006 01:34:33 AM |
This in no way looks like a self portrait. I can't really figure out what sort of mindstate would make someone take a selfportrait that would look like this and that's what I like about it plus beautiful ladies in water never hurt |
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11/05/2006 01:24:43 AM |
I like this pose, unpretentious but a little serious.. |
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11/05/2006 01:15:31 AM |
I think I may have liked this better if the chin was a bit raised. Other than that... perfect!! |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
11/05/2006 12:14:20 AM |
Great lighting and I like the colors. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
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