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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Self Portrait V (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
Location: Home
Date: Nov 4, 2006
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/100
Galleries: Portraiture, Self Portrait
Date Uploaded: Nov 4, 2006

Obviously the clay mask is a bit cliche. However, I have a very unphotogenic face and this sort of thing is necessary. I really do wish I had more to work with, but what can I say, we are who we are. This ugly mug is a major reason why I started photographing nature all those years ago. I just didn't feel good about my photography when I did self portrait work.

I'm slightly ashamed to admit it, but I didn't specifically go out and buy a clay mask. I already have a clay mask, and I wear it at least twice a week. Part of an I'm-getting-old skin care regiment that I've been on for about six months. I've never had good skin, so every little bit helps. I did apply some face paint to my lips here to brighten them up from their usual pasty bland tone.

Ah yes, I'm a pretty one...

Post Challenge - I got a bit heavy-handed with my eyes here. Otherwise I'm happy with my shot and certainly with the final score and placement.

If you voted 4 or lower, please explain.

For everyone else, thank you so much for your great and sometimes interesting comments.

Place: 37 out of 193
Avg (all users): 6.3055
Avg (commenters): 7.5333
Avg (participants): 6.2743
Avg (non-participants): 6.3272
Views since voting: 1508
Views during voting: 536
Votes: 275
Comments: 20
Favorites: 1 (view)

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11/12/2006 01:26:27 AM
Hey, not a bad finish for a mud-pie, right? Course I would have placed it alot higher, but knowing how hard this crowd is on portraits, you did good!

I really love this photo too :)

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11/12/2006 01:25:16 AM
Well, hopefully this won't reinforce your earlier impression of me heheh.

I voted 4 or lower so here comes my opinion:

- the eyes are pretty whacked out. Particularly the right one where the whiting out has given your iris some straight edges.

- the composition. Given that those white eyes are the real poppers in this shot against all the darkness, I thought they could have been placed for much better effect. Maybe you were going for a different sort of look here and that's cool, but to me it looked like you were just slightly out of frame when you took the shot.

- the negative space. this is part of the composition, but it's worth addressing separately. far too much pointless deadspace above your head that doesn't add anything to the photo. I liked the band of lighter gray (black?) to the right of your face and I think were you centered in the frame that would have added a nice highlight around you and given the darkness above and below some impact.

- the concept. My own submission was pretty cliche, so I didn't specifically ding this one for being another painted face shot. However it does keep one from getting really psyched about the image when the first thing that comes to mind is 'another xyz shot'.

Anyway, I just bitched about wishing people who voted 4's on my shot would have left a note so turnabout is fair play. Also, having obviously read your write-up for the shot, I'm betting what's under the mask would make for an interesting shot. Hard as it might be to put it out there, seeing something unusual in a challenge full of average looking mugs might just work in your favor.

Good luck, I'll crawl back under the bridge now.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/11/2006 09:39:21 PM
Spooky.. Nice affects...
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11/11/2006 05:08:38 PM
is that mud or did you get this result in photohop? your eyes are a bit too white, but the rest looks neat! great colors.
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11/10/2006 01:25:36 PM
Like out of the swamp! Good presentation. Bump.
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11/07/2006 01:52:16 PM
Scary but good too
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11/07/2006 10:58:11 AM
This is great, I love the high contrast with the eyes.
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11/06/2006 06:50:08 PM
Your eyes are little too over done for me.... but it works for the picture. 8
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11/06/2006 12:22:01 AM
yanko? 8
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11/05/2006 05:24:57 PM
Cool!!! I imagine this will place high! I like the tones in the skin, the eyes and the lips..
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11/05/2006 04:52:19 PM
Certainly draws attention to the eyes. Creative.
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11/05/2006 04:17:47 PM
Startling brilliant and interesting.
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11/05/2006 04:14:56 PM
Now this is just brilliant.
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11/05/2006 02:43:15 PM
AWESOME!!! The torment in those eyes looks like mine would look having to enter a self-portrait :) This is great tho: artistic, creative, I like it!
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11/05/2006 10:38:12 AM
wow, this is powerful. not sure how you did this, which is always a good thing in photography. awesome job! 9
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11/05/2006 08:15:57 AM
very complelling. good luck.
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11/05/2006 02:15:13 AM
This is disgusting and that's perfectly ok
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11/05/2006 12:59:41 AM
This is flippin' awesome. Love the concept and the way your eyes just POP out. Terrific.
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11/05/2006 12:46:20 AM
Thse eyes are awesome and so scarey mate..... great self portrait.....
An "8" from me.....
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11/05/2006 12:45:51 AM
wheres the flaw? :p
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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