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Halfway there.
Halfway there.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Black & White III (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1
Location: Flat toilet.
Date: Nov 8, 2006
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/5
Galleries: Fashion, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Nov 12, 2006

My favorite of my grunge and flat series.
Kind of seedy and suggestive. Without being perverse.
High ISO of course. Not cropped composed perfectly how i wanted it. Contrast tweaked. Sharpened.

Place: 422 out of 424
Avg (all users): 3.6182
Avg (commenters): 3.5000
Avg (participants): 3.4587
Avg (non-participants): 3.9286
Views since voting: 1089
Views during voting: 240
Votes: 165
Comments: 19
Favorites: 1 (view)

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11/28/2006 08:27:05 AM
I like this image. Its real life the way it really is. Real. This is something I've never seen before, particularly from this angle. Had I voted in this challenge, it would have gotten at least a 7. I've seen enough neat imaged, saturated pretty girls and landscapes on this site to do me for a lifetime. I want raw and real. For those of you that find it unappealing, well, much of life is that way. The composition is excellent, the DOF works for the image (and situation), the toning also works well for the subject. Well done!
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11/26/2006 03:13:33 AM
Why thankyou. This is my most successful image thus far.
11/26/2006 12:54:01 AM
Hey...I just stumbled in on this. I give anybody credit that can stretch our delicat sensibilities just a little without resorting to raw porn. I laughed when I first saw it...congrat's on your score!
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11/22/2006 10:39:29 PM
I think I went a bit off theme on my last post. My original purpose was simply to differentiate between your shot and the polka-dot panties shot. I didn't even vote in the B&W competition. And your shot didn't even offend me. So I'm not sure what sent me off on that tangent. Sorry about that. Yes, Oman is an interesting place. If I can just improve my photography skills, I hope to be able to put up some interesting shots. I'm still quite the amateur/beginner.
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11/22/2006 08:14:54 PM
If only I had such a hairy belly, the model would not have been necessary ;)
No warts, the focus was grunge. Not sexual health.
As for the public arena and what is acceptable. This didn't break any law nor any rules on this website. But as you said, personal taste is just that, personal.

Definitely not offended.

(p.s Oman must be a fascinating place to live. Interesting shots.)
11/22/2006 08:52:26 AM
Sorry about the negative comment about your hairy belly. I considered deleting it but decided to be bold at the risk of offending you (as you were similarly unconcerned with the risk of offense by publishing this shot in a public forum.) I just think shots suggesting urination are gross and in bad tastein a public forum. However, if you must do a urination shot, I suppose an old/dirty toilet is more appropriately gross and consistent with your theme than a new/clean one. Same with a hairy belly vice a smooth one (though that's personal taste). Why not go the rest of the way and use a model with a huge beer gut and warts?
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11/22/2006 05:34:11 AM
This is fantastic.

Although my model does not have a boner :P
The toilet is not so much dirty but 50+ years old. But had it been cleaner appropriate measures would have been taken (sans actually being gross) until the desired aesthetic had been attained, or an appropriate loo found.

Items such as a naturally hairy belly offend?
Natural is ugly, there is a thought.
Superficiality appears more disgusting(although arguably this is just as natural to the philosophical)!

Photoshop is well equipped with clone, liquefy, airbrushing etc... This can be put to good use, removing sensor dust and promoting unnatural stereotypes :D

Negativity yes. Negative no. No one said "its quite boring...".

11/22/2006 01:59:41 AM
Originally posted by aliqui:

It's funny how many people hate this photo for its content. There's a simular photo in the spots challenge right now that features a female. I bet it's doing pretty damn well. Granted it doesn't have the dirty looking toilet, heh.

I have to disagree with you aliqui. This is nothing like the "similar" picture in the spots competition (which shows a frontal view of a woman's jeans unzipped to reveal spotted panties). I mean, if the fact that they both show frontal views of unzipped blue jeans and underwear beneath makes these photos similar, well, I disagree. Look at what you've got in this picture, a hairy belly, a half hard-on, and the clear message that he's about to pull out his penis and take a piss in that dirty toilet. The mental picture is not pretty. Now compare that to the picture of the polka dot panties. No nasty belly hair, no filthy toilet, no suggestion of urination. Take that same shot with a man and you might have something that heterosexual woman or gay men would find sexy. Moreover, the polka-dot panty picture is taken from the perspective of someone who seems to be kneeling in front of the woman and therefore suggests that the viewer has opened the jeans for his or her own purposes. (Though I admit that as a heterosexual male, I may find this more appealing/enticing than a heterosexual female or a gay male). Contrast that with the perspective of this picture where it is clearly the subject of the picture that is exposing himself for the viewer to see. This one has a "flasher" aspect to it that is exacerbated by the filthy toilet. At base, I think that you could have taken that polka-dot panty picture with a man, instead of a woman, and not have had the negative results that Patmania got with this one. Similarly, you could easily make a picture of this type with a woman about to take a piss and I think you'd get similarly negative results.
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11/20/2006 05:34:19 AM
Haha. True. The pleasing female form even gets the prudes(You all know who you are!).
11/20/2006 01:06:54 AM
It's funny how many people hate this photo for its content. There's a simular photo in the spots challenge right now that features a female. I bet it's doing pretty damn well. Granted it doesn't have the dirty looking toilet, heh.
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11/20/2006 12:12:01 AM
Bravo to self on the second lowest score in competition. Anyone read Vice magazine? hahaha
 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/17/2006 04:08:44 PM
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11/16/2006 06:22:46 PM
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11/16/2006 05:58:29 PM
Sorry but I just find this image distasteful.
11/14/2006 11:01:22 PM
why, dear god, why?
11/13/2006 07:20:46 PM
sorry , I don't like the shot. It is kind of a disturbing angle with a lot of distracting elements
11/13/2006 03:39:05 PM
Not sure I find appeal anywhere in this shot. ?Unsure of what your trying to relay here.
11/13/2006 10:23:30 AM
I am sure you were trying to capture something differet but it just doesn't work for me, maybe because the lighting is a little flat without enough highlights and shadows. Hope you don't mind me saying so.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
11/13/2006 12:29:23 AM
thanks for stopping halfway!

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