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Absolut Spots
Absolut Spots

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Spots (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 24-105mm f/4.0L IS
Location: Studio, Vancouver, WA
Date: Nov 14, 2006
Aperture: f/6.3
ISO: 400
Shutter: 30
Galleries: Advertisement
Date Uploaded: Nov 14, 2006

Yes, if this were advanced I would certainly have brought the label out more in the bottle. I tried and I tried every trick I could think of in either lighting or basic-legal PP to do it, but I couldn't. The best trick was to use the channel mixer on monochrome at 200/0/-100 and fade it to 20%. This was the best overall picture of about 60 attempts.

For those who aren't in-the-know, this is a take-off of a very popular series of ads for Absolut Vodka. I saw a book of them in the bookstore on Sunday and I think that is what subliminally gave me the idea.

Place: 4 out of 175
Avg (all users): 6.8538
Avg (commenters): 7.2414
Avg (participants): 6.5075
Avg (non-participants): 6.9741
Views since voting: 3292
Views during voting: 450
Votes: 260
Comments: 45
Favorites: 0

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11/25/2006 06:32:45 AM
Well that pretty much makes us two the "kings of the 4th place" this year now doesn´t it :)
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11/22/2006 05:23:19 PM
Nicely done as usual Jason. Very unique take on the challenge and pulled off wonderfully.
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11/22/2006 02:30:41 PM
Congrats on the 4th place. Excellent shot!
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11/22/2006 09:48:03 AM
Doesn't get much cooler than that! And it looks pretty flawless to me! Congratulations on a most striking photo!

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11/22/2006 08:42:51 AM
Great - I love it.
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11/22/2006 03:26:14 AM
Nice one Jason, so close to that ribbon, congrats on your 4th!
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11/22/2006 02:27:34 AM
A well-deserved placing for this shot I think. With editing like you say I think in an advanced challenge you would have been probably in top spot.
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11/22/2006 01:55:55 AM
A great fun shot! Congratulations on your 4th place.
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11/22/2006 01:19:47 AM
Very cool shot, doc. Just for the record, I had you until the last voters today. Can't believe someone would give you a 2 or 3, but, as they say, there's no accounting for taste.
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11/22/2006 01:03:11 AM
Congrats. Ya, basic editing should let you do minor spot editing like brightening the label.

Message edited by author 2006-11-22 01:03:55.
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11/22/2006 12:49:29 AM
I voted your photo a 10 and I can't believe you didn't ribbon on this one!!!! But, congrats on running a super race!
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11/22/2006 12:39:08 AM
4th! Nice job, Jason! Great shot!
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11/22/2006 12:27:10 AM
Well done Doc...
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/21/2006 09:12:27 PM
I thought that would be what you see after you drink it! :}
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11/21/2006 01:45:46 PM
Cool shot!!
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11/21/2006 09:17:32 AM
very creative, and very well done
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11/20/2006 09:22:26 PM
Very cool. Great lighting and composition.
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11/20/2006 12:05:31 PM
10 for the concept! However, the final image is a bit dark for my taste. The whole picture seems like it could have been lighted better. Nice job!
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11/20/2006 05:44:05 AM
interesting idea. that would make for a great bar trick!
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11/19/2006 07:12:56 PM
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11/19/2006 06:43:19 PM
Very creative and original. For that reason, 'bump up' it goes.
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11/19/2006 05:10:56 PM
I can't honestly say I really understand this photo. I still like it though.
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11/19/2006 04:42:42 PM
I think you should have left a couple of Smarties, er M&Ms or whatever in the bottle...
But Gorgeous fun shot, I smell a ribbon....
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11/19/2006 04:17:10 PM
good layout..creativity points.
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11/19/2006 02:49:10 PM
very clever. i like the way you have done lighting to hide the curve on the backdrop. nice work.
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11/19/2006 10:18:26 AM
Very creative!! Excellent composition and lighting - Nicely done!!
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11/19/2006 04:56:04 AM
Wins points for creativity for sure. I could see this doing well. It has very good quality to it. However, something about it just isn't quite right for me to get that really top mark, I'm not sure what it is exactly, maybe the background making the photo so dark.
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11/18/2006 11:50:58 PM
0-3 met challenge = 3
0-2 creativity = 2
0-3 Lighting/Comp = 2
0-2 Viewer Appeal = 1
My Vote = 8
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11/18/2006 07:02:53 PM
0-2 meets challenge = 2
0-3 creativity = 3
0-3 technical merit = 2
0-2 biased wow factor = 0
Total 7
Nicely done!
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11/18/2006 06:29:09 PM
Very clever.
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11/17/2006 09:22:39 AM
Really nice effort -very creative - The lighting could be a little better on the vodka bottle, but otherwise really well done.
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11/16/2006 09:30:32 AM
Cool image!
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11/16/2006 08:48:59 AM
The lighting could be improved I think, or maybe the shot could have been on a white background instead...cause I think the objects don't stand out enough.
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11/16/2006 08:23:40 AM
very cute idea.. nice composition..
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11/16/2006 07:58:17 AM
Love the idea and composition - I think it could have done with a bit more brightness to give it some added umph. Nonetheless, a solid 6.
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11/16/2006 02:53:26 AM
Very clever. Nice clarity & lighting.
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11/15/2006 09:15:53 PM
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11/15/2006 06:37:39 PM
Looks like some sort of seriously weird ad for Skittles and vodka!
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11/15/2006 01:23:53 PM
You've got WAY too much time on your hands! :D
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11/15/2006 12:24:34 PM
Well done and great idea...
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11/15/2006 04:55:06 AM
crikey theres lots of time and effort gone in here!That company should pay you!
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11/15/2006 04:49:32 AM
This has to be DrAchoo. I recognize that glass. Great shot!
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11/15/2006 04:34:40 AM
m&ms are placed too regularly IMO, the gap above the glass could have been avoided. very nice idea though -7
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11/15/2006 03:06:29 AM
no vote ;-) obviously a blue ribbon winner
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11/15/2006 12:30:58 AM
Great job, great imagination.
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