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Passing time
Passing time

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: All Alone (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-D60
Location: Bowness Park
Date: Oct 18, 2003
Aperture: 5.3
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/640
Galleries: Family, Emotive
Date Uploaded: Oct 18, 2003


Place: 29 out of 319
Avg (all users): 6.0591
Avg (commenters): 7.3684
Avg (participants): 5.8960
Avg (non-participants): 6.2411
Views since voting: 1335
Votes: 237
Comments: 20
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/27/2003 07:11:29 PM
Good use of DOF.
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10/27/2003 04:44:21 AM
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10/26/2003 07:55:31 PM
Beautiful warm Fall colors. Perfect DOF and composition.
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10/26/2003 09:04:53 AM
The tree trunk on the left not only helps frame the model, but accentuates the feeliing of aloneness. Great focus yet nicely soft. Slightly overexposed.
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10/25/2003 11:14:59 PM
Gorgeous colors and nice focus. Fits the challenge in general, not sure I get a lonely or solitude feeling from it. May be the warm lighting. The lighting is good, though it seems a little harsh on the shirt and shoes. A lovely image all the same. 7
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10/24/2003 02:16:07 PM
Just curious did you try shooting this with the little girl up against the tree? Just feel like there should be something in between her and the tree. Nonetheless its cute. 7
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10/23/2003 10:44:54 PM
adorable...normally I would like to see the subjects face..but this works nicely. 9
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10/23/2003 09:10:57 PM
sad. but meets the challenge. nice color
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10/23/2003 01:11:44 PM
good setting
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10/23/2003 05:31:33 AM
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10/22/2003 09:59:22 PM
This is beautiful! The warm golden tones of the background make an awesome contrast with the girls clothes. I think the angle that she is sitting is perfect. If you could see her (most likely) face glued to what ever she is looking at it would take some away from the feeling of solitude! The tree does an awesome job of helping to naturally frame the shot. Wonderfull shot. One of my faves so far...
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10/22/2003 09:57:31 PM
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10/22/2003 07:35:47 PM
sweet image and meets the challenge nicely..(good title, too) her hair and the leaves have the same tonal value and the shirt and shoes balance nicely6
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10/22/2003 11:25:57 AM
The shoe is a little hot, but the overall image has a nice feel to it.
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10/22/2003 10:10:24 AM
well done. the use of the tree works well.
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10/22/2003 10:08:49 AM
Looks more like a Time Out! LOL I like this a lot. You've got her in a great pose for this challenge and the fact that she's facing towards the tree instead of with her back to it gives her a more isolated feeling. Nice lighting and fall colors.
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10/22/2003 09:29:13 AM
Cute! Good capture, all the leaves on the ground give this image a mellow feeling. I like it.
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10/22/2003 05:11:28 AM
I love this picture, the emotions of the little girl have been captured really well. There's a couple of things that detract for me though. I don't like the burnt out highlights on her left foot, and there's not enough contrast between her hair and the autumn leaves in the background. I'd have underexposed the shot slightly, and raised the gamma in Photoshop to solve the slight overexposure here.6
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10/22/2003 05:01:51 AM
ggrrreat photo ;) 10.. this because as a child.. my time alone with my imagination was the most important time i could spend. i envy this girl :)
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10/22/2003 12:34:02 AM
lovely... even though I can't see the face, I can imagine it.
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