*critique club*
Hi, Renee,
Certainly, you've met the challenge head on. Just the slight intrusion of the vase (?) base on the right impedes a completely shadow-based photograph.
Compositionally, you've presented a strong line running from the lower right to the upper left. The close cropping works well. Indeed, photographically, this shot shows a great deal of control.
The shadow, unfortunately, isn't stable throughout its range. The upper left area is noticably weaker than the bottom right. There is a strange brightness halfway up the right-hand side, too. Besides these flaws, there is an imperfection, a cut in the paper?, a tear in the wallpaper? in the upper right quarter.
These problems are not that important. I feel that the main reason your score didn't get much above 5 was that it wasn't that special. You've got a good base idea. Perhaps you could use a different lighting setup to intensify the drama? Or juxtapose the queen with another object?
Best wishes,