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Jesus is Life
Jesus is Life

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Life II (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
Location: Oxford St, London
Date: Dec 2, 2006
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/750
Galleries: Candid, Photojournalism
Date Uploaded: Dec 4, 2006

Oxford Street in London Saturday 2nd December. This street was closed to traffic for the day and was a sea of people going about their Christmas shopping.

Walking in the middle of the street was this very determined man bearing his own cross with the words as seen on the cross.

**post challenge comment**

Thank you everybody who took the time to vote on my second challenge entry. 12 out of 161 is a great result.

However......I am very interested how someone could place a score of 1-3 without constructive criticism? Granted, there was some over exposure in the sky as I used spot meter on the central character's face and there is some distraction with the foreground figures which I could have avoided if I stopped the foot traffic for a moment longer to compose the shot better, but unless there was a major technical failure, I could not post such a low score on someone.

This was a candid street shot which I enjoy doing (please check out my pbase account if you like this kind of thing at //www.pbase.com/arjay.

Place: 10 out of 163
Avg (all users): 6.5127
Avg (commenters): 8.0833
Avg (participants): 6.6515
Avg (non-participants): 6.4588
Views since voting: 2034
Views during voting: 360
Votes: 236
Comments: 37
Favorites: 10 (view)

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12/17/2006 05:20:05 PM
Great photojournalism entry! Congratulations on your 10th place.
12/16/2006 08:01:41 PM
WOW! What a great image glad I got to see it. Nice placing though I think it should have done much better but that's no surprise. There are people out there that have a knee-jerk reaction to some things and if they thought you were preaching that may have been why you got nailed (pardon the pun) with a few 3's.

Message edited by author 2006-12-16 20:03:04.
12/14/2006 07:26:02 AM
Excellent score - though I sure wish it had made top ten. Keep up the good work!
12/13/2006 08:56:47 AM
Originally posted by philup:

One of my fav's on dpc! Should have been in the top 5!

Agree with Philup. This should have placed higher. It's an amaaaazing shot. I gave it a 10. I'm favoriting it now too. :)

*edited to add... congrats on your high placing!

Message edited by author 2006-12-13 08:57:38.
12/13/2006 05:44:35 AM
Wonderful photo composition. You got a 10 from me.
12/13/2006 02:00:41 AM
Ack, you just missed out on the front page. Good shot.
12/13/2006 12:21:16 AM
One of my fav's on dpc! Should have been in the top 5!

Hey, top 10 now! Congratulations

Message edited by author 2006-12-16 13:25:45.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/12/2006 08:19:43 AM
Very nicely captured. My top pick for the challenge. You may have cropped a bit off the top and still had a good composition - would have removed some of the brightness. But overall excellent. Oh yes - and He is! Back one more time. I want to see this image on the front page pretty bad. Bumping up to a 10 and adding to my faves. Well done!
12/11/2006 10:08:48 PM
Great job on this! Congratulations
12/11/2006 02:59:49 PM
I love how the words just seem to materialize out of the image. 10
12/11/2006 11:35:53 AM
I love it
12/10/2006 10:09:50 PM
being a Christian Pastor, I love this image for its photojournalistic qualities...an awesome image, great in b and w and great for the challenge...all the best with this 10
12/10/2006 10:03:24 PM
This is the type of photos and scenes I search for. The only remark I have is about the boy to the right of the sign man,being too prominent. If he was more out of focus or in the back it would be just perfect. But you don't get to choose all the time.
12/10/2006 11:28:49 AM
First of all I like this because I am a Christian and I fully believe that He is life. Luck probably played a role in this, but the different facial expressions are just great. I like the black and white option. In colour the photo was probably too busy. I see the streetlights are slightly slanting to the right. Use your software and rotate the image one or two degrees to the left. Then just crop sightly to get it square again. Good luck
12/10/2006 05:23:56 AM
very good candid shot, a sign of life amoung the masses.
12/09/2006 11:29:36 PM
Awesome! 10! Looks like it could be in time magazine.
12/09/2006 10:58:38 PM
I find it interesting that the man holding the sign seems to be the most lifeless thing in the frame.

nice work 9
12/09/2006 09:40:41 PM
So true..great DoF
12/09/2006 10:47:29 AM
Wow, great capture. I love this. 9
12/08/2006 05:52:40 PM
like the photo-journalism take on the challenge -- one of my ribbon picks
12/08/2006 03:53:55 PM
i like this photo.. however the blur on the right side is too much for me.... distracting me from the center of the picture where i should be looking...
12/08/2006 03:06:18 PM
Assuming that this wasn't staged, it's a lovely bit of street photography. Bumping up.
12/08/2006 02:37:05 AM
Love the composition - terrific DOF and sense of crowds.
12/07/2006 10:15:22 PM
I can't begin to tell you how powerful this picture is. It really belongs in magazines and in churches and on billboards. Great job. 10
12/07/2006 09:24:01 PM
Probably going to get hammered but I really like the image. You really took a chance by entering this (religion, politics and America aren't usually high scorers) but this shot evokes emotion and was technically done well. 9 from me.
12/07/2006 03:04:54 PM
12/07/2006 11:15:50 AM
This is FANTASTIC. ONe of my faves from the challenge.
12/07/2006 06:12:26 AM
hum hum
12/07/2006 03:05:07 AM
A really exceptional photo. The focus and depth of field is a wonder.
Briliantly singled out.
Perfect in black and white.
Really, really good photo.
12/06/2006 10:51:50 PM
12/06/2006 10:23:21 PM
Nice composition, however I have difficulty gazing upon an image that is preaching to me.
12/06/2006 02:08:18 PM
Very good candid, perfect DOF. ~8
12/06/2006 01:38:49 PM
great sense of depth and the crowd. Excellent use of DoF to isolate the subject, though would prefer maybe without the person directly to his front/ left.
12/06/2006 05:43:41 AM
awesome candid man. hope it ribbons. 9
12/06/2006 05:23:17 AM
I disagree with the statement but this is a great photo
12/06/2006 01:49:06 AM
There are a lot who will vote this down simply because it is religious. Before I even looked at one life or death photo I had already decided to to add 3 points to whatever the score would have been if it had a religious theme (in order to offset those who vote it down just for the same reason).
12/06/2006 12:47:11 AM
this was a 10 for me, has fantastic appeal.

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