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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Pet Portrait II (Advanced Editing V*)
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-80mm f/3.3-5.6G
Location: Glendale, CA
Date: Dec 10, 2006
Date Uploaded: Dec 12, 2006

My English Bulldog, Chubbs. Snapped this at sunset on the front porch.

Place: 19 out of 378
Avg (all users): 6.6388
Avg (commenters): 7.8077
Avg (participants): 6.5821
Avg (non-participants): 6.6977
Views since voting: 1958
Views during voting: 385
Votes: 263
Comments: 30
Favorites: 6 (view)

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12/20/2006 01:20:41 AM
I love this!! If you ever need a pet-sitter, feel free to send him/her my way. :-)
12/20/2006 01:11:10 AM
Superb! Congratulations on your top 20 finish.
12/20/2006 12:49:24 AM
Love the character of this photo congrats on a great finish
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/19/2006 09:26:01 PM
Great angle and adorable face! I'd like the other eye (dog's right) to be better lit.
12/19/2006 06:19:48 PM
12/19/2006 11:47:35 AM
That face cannot get less than a 9.
12/18/2006 04:32:58 PM
Great perspective and I love the B/W. Feels like I'm about to get a sloppy kiss!
12/17/2006 05:21:50 PM
This is awesome! Love the perspective and that face...who couldn't love that face! Bumping up.
12/17/2006 01:07:09 AM
nice angle
12/16/2006 11:55:58 PM
Fantastic shot!!! The desat works awesome with this picture.
12/16/2006 08:52:15 AM
Love the pup and the shot! Good, differnt perspective!
12/15/2006 10:21:52 PM
Cute!Nice B and W conversion.
12/15/2006 03:45:44 PM
Good pose for such a dog. (Highlights a bit blown)
12/15/2006 11:25:09 AM
Can't go wrong with that face.
12/15/2006 06:34:12 AM
8 - Very good. Just Chubbs' right eye.. wish the light was there too. nice composition and the toning works well here.
12/15/2006 12:23:02 AM
Lovely capture! 7
12/14/2006 10:46:13 PM
Bull dogs... gotta love them!... Great picture, the black and white conversion is very good, and I particulary love this kind of angles.It is also very well exposed, and sharp. I gave you a 9, why not a 10?, I just think that maybe a vertical crop with the dog not so centered would have made it perfect, but it is so good that I wouldnt be surprised to see it in the front page, so good luck!
12/14/2006 08:47:00 AM
I love this image - Chubbs is adorable, the composition works well, and I like the B&W effect. 9
12/13/2006 09:50:00 PM
fantastic ... great sharpness and lighting
12/13/2006 06:33:08 PM
Love this perspective! GREAT photo! Love the color and lighting!
12/13/2006 03:08:01 PM
Great shot! Perfect angle for this chunky little dog. Love the pose and the slight glimpse of a tooth coming thourgh. If you had been able to have that one lower tooth showing fully over his lip you would have gotten an extra point off me right away. A bit blown on the highlights but it really doesnt affect my opinion and like of this shot - and I am not a dog person int he least. 8 for now.
12/13/2006 02:04:52 PM
Beautiful shot! Love the clarity. Reminds me of an old boss I once had. Show me the money! *smile*
12/13/2006 12:35:53 PM
wonderful use of contrast - i don't even mind the blown out section on the side of teh face - great expression too!
12/13/2006 11:37:05 AM
B&W works well. Excellent focus!
12/13/2006 10:19:52 AM
that brought a smile to my face ... the bg greatment is right on it for me ... congrats on a great capture
12/13/2006 09:27:12 AM
Terrific. I like the grid of the sidewalk as a natural frame. The added leaves make for a nice textural touch. I love that you did it in black and white.
12/13/2006 08:13:05 AM
Adorable! I love the b&w. Lighting is excellent.
12/13/2006 07:19:56 AM
very very nice. love the angle and pose. what a face 9
12/13/2006 04:46:44 AM
lights are blown. composition is too centered, potrait orientation had been the better choice IMO
12/13/2006 01:33:35 AM
great name and perspective, excellent as a b and w...wish we could see the other eye better...8

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