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new building
new building

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Something New (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 995
Location: Cleveland Ohio
Date: Aug 9, 2002
Aperture: f 6.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/354
Galleries: Cityscape
Date Uploaded: Aug 11, 2002

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland Ohio.

Place: 65 out of 168
Avg (all users): 5.2201
Avg (commenters): 6.1364
Avg (participants): 5.1496
Avg (non-participants): 5.2879
Views since voting: 1128
Votes: 259
Comments: 22
Favorites: 2 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/18/2002 08:27:00 PM
There's nothing in the photo leading me to believe this building is new....Maybe it's an old building.
08/18/2002 01:52:00 AM
This is a very nice angle. I like how there are curved lines and straight lines and how you can see through the windows. The extreme whiteness of the building definately makes it look new and I love the color of the sky. I even like the fact that there are no clouds in it. The title could use a little work, but this isn't the "best title challenge" and it gets it's point across, so New Building, it is. Nice shot and good luck in the challenge.
08/16/2002 10:39:00 AM
Nice strong angles, good color.
08/15/2002 09:14:00 PM
Love the lines!
08/15/2002 12:31:00 PM
Ok, I am certainly no expert, but I just love this photo...The building frames the sky beautifully! Very nice pic :)
08/15/2002 06:41:00 AM
More "new sky" than "new building" :-) The arrangement jars a little since there's no natural place for your eye to sit. Interesting shapes though.
08/13/2002 11:59:00 PM
Interesting, effective composition. No one should question that it's a new building.
08/13/2002 09:19:00 PM
Technical Aspects6
08/13/2002 06:08:00 PM
Something new.
Composition - quite good, one minor distraction in reflection at lower right
Technical Aspects - very good. Great sky
Meets Challenge - yes
Visual Impact / Originality ΓΆ€“ quite good
Jim msp
08/13/2002 03:11:00 PM
Really like the color of the sky against the buildings. Nice.
08/13/2002 01:49:00 PM
A little too much sky in the picture. Great angles, though.
08/12/2002 08:04:00 PM
interesting but the main focal point to me seems to be a big blue sky...perhaps from another angle?
08/12/2002 07:32:00 PM
Interesting lines.
08/12/2002 06:39:00 PM
Is that the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame? I've photographed that spot before -- what a cool design! I like this composition.
08/12/2002 05:46:00 PM
Nice composition. I love the variety of lines: descending, ascending and rounded. I give it a 8.
08/12/2002 05:28:00 PM
Lovely. Toooo much sky for me though.
5, Kavey
08/12/2002 04:42:00 PM
Nice composition and form. 7 md
08/12/2002 03:11:00 PM
Abstracts are always nice. Good contrast and positioning.
08/12/2002 12:25:00 PM
Nice picture, but too much sky.
08/12/2002 12:12:00 PM
nice composition...
08/12/2002 03:44:00 AM
looks nice, but if you increased the contrast a little, it would look better in my opinion.
08/12/2002 03:28:00 AM
I like the different diagonals you have going in this picture,

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