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Computer Programmer
Computer Programmer

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Your Occupation II (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Pentax K100D
Lens: Pentax DA 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 AF
Location: Huntington Beach, California
Date: Dec 21, 2006
Aperture: f/22
ISO: 1600
Shutter: 1/15 sec.
Galleries: Abstract, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Dec 22, 2006

Created a page of binary numbers with Word. Printed it on a piece of overhead transparency film. Taped it to a piece of glass. Stood the glass on end and shot the mouse through the glass.

Shot in RAW, processed in ACR, NI, and PS.

Inspired by lisae

Post-challenge comments:
Thanks everyone. This image did better than I thought it would.

Some voters took a while to figure out it was a mouse. The mouse was just a prop and not intended to be the subject. The subject was binary, not source code. Anyone can use a mouse, but not anyone can read and write in binary.

Place: 57 out of 105
Avg (all users): 5.7137
Avg (commenters): 6.0556
Avg (participants): 5.6111
Avg (non-participants): 5.7433
Views since voting: 1298
Views during voting: 557
Votes: 241
Comments: 20
Favorites: 0

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01/02/2007 05:03:35 PM
I agree with juliboc that this was underrated. Thought it would finish above 6.5 and possibly in top 10. One of most creative entries in challenge, and great composition.
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01/01/2007 02:04:56 AM
I thought this was terrific and I gave it a 9. Sorry the rest of the voters didn't appreciate it as much.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/31/2006 07:29:28 PM
Might have workede better with lines of source code, rather than just a stream of binary.
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12/31/2006 09:01:11 AM
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12/31/2006 01:48:34 AM
Not sure where you're going here. Cool shot but message isn't clear.
12/29/2006 10:07:26 PM
yep nothing but a bunch of 1's and 0's. cool shot
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12/29/2006 09:36:11 AM
Neat! I like everything about it.
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12/28/2006 12:43:09 PM
Very good entry. ~9
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12/28/2006 11:22:44 AM
Is the red spot blood dripping out of your eyes? LOL.
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12/27/2006 01:37:09 AM
I really enjoy this image. Very nicely done. Maybe just a touch more contrast on the mouse, but very nice all the same.
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12/26/2006 10:57:31 PM
sorry, I dont get the red object! You dont really read binary do you? Nice composition
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12/26/2006 07:01:27 PM
good take on the challenge
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12/26/2006 06:55:38 PM
I think this would be much more effective it the binary were not so prominent. It overpowers this photo and caused me to struggle to figure out that there is a mouse in this shot.
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12/26/2006 05:46:47 PM
Sorry, this just doesn't work for me. The 1's and 0's would have to be totally aligned and very sharp to make it work.
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12/25/2006 07:16:22 PM
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12/25/2006 06:20:43 PM
This picture would have been better if the binary was more transparent. I had to concentrate to realize it was a mouse (maybe my brain not working).
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12/25/2006 01:11:14 PM
Happy Holidays! 7
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12/25/2006 08:53:56 AM
This is not good. Maybe if the binary would be in the background somehow. But it is just crowded and distracting. Sorry for the low grade but that is how it goes. The photo is just not good.
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12/25/2006 03:48:49 AM
I like this. I mean, being a programmer is never going to net you the most exciting of images, so I like what you've done with this shot.
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12/25/2006 01:04:51 AM
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