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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Something New (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G2
Location: Kitchen
Date: Aug 11, 2002
Aperture: F/5
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/250 sec.
Date Uploaded: Aug 11, 2002

The blood sucks, but the shot was last minute and I mixed up some crazy concoction.

Place: 97 out of 168
Avg (all users): 4.8145
Avg (commenters): 5.8929
Avg (participants): 4.5920
Avg (non-participants): 5.0407
Views since voting: 894
Votes: 248
Comments: 31
Favorites: 0

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08/21/2002 11:26:00 AM
I am shocked at the amount of people that didn't get this. The newness jumped right out at me. Maybe from my personal experience with new knives. lol. I personally think you did a great job with this.
08/19/2002 01:30:00 AM
Thanks to everyone who commented. "New Knife" was the concept of this photo. I figured new knives cut people. I really like Jim's suggestion of the title "New Cook" or "New Chef". That would definitely have fit as well.

Anyway, as you can see by my description of the photo, I knew the "blood" was bad. I could have sworn I had some fake blood around, but I couldn't find it. I shot this at like 10pm Sunday night and we didn't even have any food coloring. I believe the final concoction was a mix of Caro Syrop, Ketchup, and Hershey's Chocolate Syrup. Definitely didn't come out good on the knife, but I don't think the rest is too bad.

Anyway, thanks again.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/18/2002 06:11:00 PM
Love those Henkels. Nice colors
08/18/2002 02:02:00 AM
I like the way you composed your shot.
Where did the "red" come from? It doesn't seem to fit in.
I don't understand what is new about this picture.
08/17/2002 10:08:00 PM
Good picture ... very nice .. nice colors ( I love the green of the pepper) ....
08/17/2002 07:44:00 AM
Excellent. The detail is superb. The cropping is spot on as is the lighting.
08/17/2002 06:10:00 AM
I love this photo, very colourful and high contrast, really emphasising the sharpness of the knife and the red colour of the "blood". It looks a lot more like tomato sauce/catsup, but a fun idea :)
08/16/2002 07:13:00 PM
Very funny! I Love it. I'd be interested to see if eliminating the pepper from the upper left improves the photo at all. Great job! 9 md
08/16/2002 11:30:00 AM
I get the point behind this. new knife. At first, the seeds bothered me, but then when I pictured it without the seeds, it looked boring. So the seeds are important to the photo. As I sit here reviewing it, I notice the word "sharp" on the knife and I like that too. It seems to be a little too bright. The vast majority of the photo is just fine, but toward the top right it gets a bit washed out. The substance used to resemble blood looks great, however where it had been put on the knife, it looks grainy and almost seasoned. Overall affect is very good. Good luck with the challenge!
08/15/2002 11:20:00 PM
Good photo but, I can't quite put this with the challenge topic. New knife? Newly sliced pepper? New cut from a new knife slicing a new pepper? My mind keeps going in different directions on this one.
08/15/2002 04:09:00 PM
Great color and lighting.
08/15/2002 09:36:00 AM
Hmmmâ€Â¦ Has great bad taste, yuck value. It's a superb shot, I can't fault it technically; my only gripe – and I may be missing the point – is that it doesn't meet the challengeâ€Â¦ New knife perhaps, still a bit weak, Sorryâ€Â¦
08/15/2002 07:59:00 AM
New knives or new salad? It looks interesting...I suppose I can make an association with the image. It's visually appealing and makes me hungry. Original as well...
08/14/2002 08:44:00 PM
08/14/2002 08:32:00 PM
08/14/2002 02:51:00 PM
08/14/2002 02:49:00 PM
Looks too posed. Where did the red come from, and what is it supposed to be?
08/14/2002 02:36:00 AM
This is probably the most disturbing vegeatable shot I have seen in some time. Creative. Excellent contrasts in color and tone. Moody in a clinical sort of way. And thank you, but I prefer creamy french.........
08/13/2002 08:38:00 PM
Technical Aspects5
08/13/2002 06:11:00 PM
Something new.
Composition - quite good
Technical Aspects - quite good - except for the cutting skills ;-)
Meets Challenge - yes
Visual Impact / Originality – quite good
Maybe the title should be "New Cook"
Jim msp
08/13/2002 03:42:00 PM
No sacrifice too great for art!
08/12/2002 10:17:00 PM
very vibrant colours
08/12/2002 09:25:00 PM
I won't look at bell peppers in the same way.
08/12/2002 05:03:00 PM
Looks more like ketchup.
08/12/2002 01:11:00 PM
08/12/2002 01:06:00 PM
I like the idea and lighting. the blood is a bit fake you should've done it for real, no? just kidding. good photo... : p
08/12/2002 09:20:00 AM
The colors are visually appealing, but a little too much of a setup. Barbeque sauce?
08/12/2002 07:27:00 AM
It would be much better without the red juice
08/12/2002 06:26:00 AM
08/12/2002 03:50:00 AM
New???? Nice image though. It looks rather contrived because I suspect the ketchup is only there for photographic effect.
08/12/2002 01:32:00 AM
This would have worked much better without the fake blood

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