Author | Thread |
06/03/2009 11:48:51 AM |
Amazing image Robert. Had I taken the shot though, I would have used a duck! ;-) |
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03/18/2009 10:49:26 PM |
The aspect I love most about what you've done here, is that the birds have become a part of the scene. They're not just flying across the sky and water, but they are the sky and water. |
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02/02/2007 03:03:01 PM |
if its an consolation i fit the challenge by actually creating an illusion of speed. in other words simulated motion panning. mine also got clobbered, but i sort of figured it would.
outside of the border - i like this image quite a bit. |
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02/02/2007 02:28:01 PM |
Wonderful photograph, simply wonderful. *point* *click* *fave* |
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01/31/2007 05:32:00 PM |
As a child I used to occasionally have dreams that I was really flying. The wind would just swoop me up, and off I would go with my arms outstretched, soaring along the air currents. It was the most thrilling feeling. For me, this image captures something of that sense, and I'd like to add it to my favorites so that I can look at it every so often and remember. |
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01/31/2007 02:46:53 PM |
A wonderful artistic version of the challenge. I love the flow and the coolness of the colors. Great shot! |
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01/25/2007 06:48:42 AM |
Man...a 5.2??!! I love the flowing movement of this image. Your commenters are closer to the score this should have received! |
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01/24/2007 04:14:44 PM |
Absolutely beautiful! And of course, lost on the majority of this audience. I normally don't like frames but the thin white one is a nice touch here. Not overbearing. Everything in this presentation just works perfectly! |
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01/24/2007 03:41:28 PM |
Geez. What do voters know anyway. I gave it a 10, beautiful image. |
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01/24/2007 03:14:39 PM |
Very cool abstract. This reminds me of a favorite photo of mine Impression: Flight. While not the same I felt both shots captured the "essense" of birds and flight. It's a shame this scored so low but obviously you must know it was destined for it.
We would all learn so much more if the priorities of the voters were reversed in that the whole of the image weighted first and then technical aspects and challenge relevancy second. To rate the technicals and challenge theme first to me robs you of "seeing" the photo and the photographer's intent.
Message edited by author 2007-01-24 15:15:39. |
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01/24/2007 01:08:37 PM |
I thought this picture was going to be at least top 10. |
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01/24/2007 10:38:53 AM |
Simple and beautiful, the tone mapping is very effective. |
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01/24/2007 09:02:45 AM |
I think it was quite successful, don't you? |
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01/24/2007 07:58:25 AM |
Wow, I didn't see this image before (only had time to do a partial vote during the challenge). I love the dreamy quality to it. I can see where some might not get the "panning" because of the quality of the background. But still, this is a *very* nice image and probably would have scored much higher outside of the panning challenge.
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01/24/2007 07:06:22 AM |
This is a gorgeous, ethereal image! It's dreamy and hypnotic;) |
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01/24/2007 04:08:51 AM |
Great shot. I love it. This is what photography is about. Sadly so often we are too concerned with 'the science' and forget about 'the art'. Will make a wonderful large print. The calming blues and the freedom of flight keeps me staring at this image. Congratulations this is one of my favorites. |
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01/24/2007 03:47:35 AM |
Had no idea this was yours when I was voting, until I saw the title - it was like a bear_music Neon sign...
Quite a departure from your normal Robert - I like the effect and tone.
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01/24/2007 02:50:19 AM |
dreamy, like a fantasy. motion panning is there, tho not exactly obvious. you can see this if you pay attention that there is one bird which is the clearest/darkest, and also, the water patterns.
maybe you're right, maybe the voters wanted more illusion of speed, as mentioned in the descriptions. but i've always thought people dont read those anymore.
you got lucky with a shaky hand, havent you? ;p
crayon |
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01/24/2007 12:50:23 AM |
"Dreamy" was exactly the word that hit me as soon as I saw it, Robert. I think it's terrific! |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
01/23/2007 07:52:04 PM |
Great colors and feeling of flow. Very nice shot. Back to bump you up to 8. |
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01/23/2007 04:49:32 PM |
This is a really interesting image to look at, though I don't see the use of the motion panning technique in it (marked it down for that, sorry); I am very curious how it was done, and I like the constant shade of blue that runs throughout it. |
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01/23/2007 03:40:41 PM |
nice abstracty looking the blue |
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01/23/2007 11:55:28 AM |
Something about this picture is very intriguing. I could see this printed on a texture. I like the colors and framing. Although others may not like it - I think it is a 10! |
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01/23/2007 01:50:14 AM |
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01/22/2007 12:01:02 PM |
Beautiful idea, but motion panning is the make the foregraound crisp and the background blurry is it not? |
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01/22/2007 10:14:15 AM |
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01/21/2007 09:00:55 AM |
There is something ethereal and lovely about this photo, though it looks almost more abstract than like panned motion. The gulls look like scarves blowing in the breeze. 7. |
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01/21/2007 05:10:15 AM |
although the image looks interesting, this is not motion panning... |
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01/21/2007 12:24:04 AM |
I don't think this is what the challenge was looking for but...GREAT shot!! 7 |
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01/20/2007 11:50:35 PM |
a lovely music of forms. 8 |
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01/20/2007 11:21:39 PM |
not really sure what this is, but is kinda nice anyways |
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01/20/2007 05:13:06 PM |
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01/20/2007 03:07:36 AM |
I love this photo, the gulls make such smoke like patterns. |
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01/19/2007 11:31:47 PM |
an absolute masterpiece, probably wasted on this audience. |
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01/19/2007 09:00:20 PM |
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01/18/2007 09:29:50 PM |
Nice work! Seems like an airbrushed abstract painting. |
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01/18/2007 07:42:50 PM |
lovely shot... nice use of mismatch in speed... |
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01/18/2007 07:41:51 PM |
this is great, love to border and the colours, it's just so peaceful |
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01/18/2007 03:15:00 PM |
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01/18/2007 08:44:05 AM |
this does not appear to be motion panning, but rather, long exposure with a stationary camera. I love the image and give the benefit of the doubt. |
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01/18/2007 08:42:50 AM |
I am not sure if this would be considered motion panning as most everything is ot of focus. But it is a cool shot none the less. Has a surreal painting like feel to it. 7 |
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01/17/2007 07:07:32 PM |
this is really quite creative! |
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01/17/2007 04:50:26 PM |
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01/17/2007 04:18:20 PM |
What a great picture. One gull sharp would have taken you all the way. 6 counting the dream-like extra |
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01/17/2007 01:10:53 PM |
Funky! To me, this is all about the wavy lines. Nice piece of art. |
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01/17/2007 12:40:33 PM |
This is absolutely lovely! ~10 The gulls look like they have veils. It almost looks like a multiple-exposure. |
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01/17/2007 12:37:37 PM |
Beautiful - I really like the effect you've created here. And the colours are great... |
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01/17/2007 11:15:48 AM |
love the abstract nature of this one |
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01/17/2007 07:36:50 AM |
the foreground isn't steady. |
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01/17/2007 06:52:15 AM |
i like the effect of the flying birds |
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01/17/2007 06:21:56 AM |
Could help form the corporate image for a toilet roll company.
Actually very very good in cool tones |
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01/17/2007 01:42:09 AM |
I think the colours are beautiful. |
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01/17/2007 01:18:32 AM |
This is really nice to look at, but I'm not sure it meets the challenge quite well enough for a high score. |
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01/17/2007 01:08:49 AM |
The subject in this case is blurred and the background is in focus. I really liket this but it doesn't meet the challenge. Sorry :( |
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01/17/2007 12:33:05 AM |
Interesting subject and shot. I like it. Van |
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01/17/2007 12:27:22 AM |
How beautiful. Like floating ribbons. |
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