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grimm fairy tales
grimm fairy tales

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Book Titles (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: salt lake city
Date: Nov 10, 2003
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 800
Shutter: 1 sec
Galleries: Portraiture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Nov 11, 2003


Place: 194 out of 231
Avg (all users): 4.6264
Avg (commenters): 5.8000
Avg (participants): 4.4621
Avg (non-participants): 4.7801
Views since voting: 885
Votes: 273
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/18/2003 03:15:04 PM
Sorry, but this doesn't do it for me. I like the basic idea, but I don't think your execution of the idea does it for me. Thanks for sharing it though.
11/17/2003 08:26:19 AM
wish this had been in color
11/14/2003 08:54:38 PM
love it, 8.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
11/14/2003 09:37:49 AM
I don't understand what you are trying to say. You say grimm and I expect to see something grimm, whereas if you said grimm's I would have thought this would fit better. I have too many questions but no information in the picture to answer them. Sorry.
11/13/2003 09:40:57 PM
I love the "grim" expression on your princess here. I liike the composition of her leaning out at the viewer, looking up - creates a nice oval shape, very contained in the black background, and frames the face well,. I wish her crown weren't cropped so tight at the top, and I might add a little black space to the left and above, for her to be looking into - the diection of the story kind of...I think it woud work better less grainy too - I don't mean to sound so critical I just REALLY like what you've done here and It has inspired me to see a few more details I's change. 8
  Photographer found comment helpful.
11/13/2003 04:15:24 AM
Great shot, the expression on the model is priceless. Love it. I used to have a friend who would dress this way before informing people she was "queen of the f**king universe". :)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
11/12/2003 11:55:44 PM
love the grain, and the look. I wonder if I contact would have made the photo more exciting.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
11/12/2003 04:29:32 PM
hmmm.... I'm trying to connect the dots but am a little slow today. It's a nice but disturbing shot, not sure if that was what you were aiming for. Did you add some grain to it? It seems as if you did or maybe it is noise. Either way, it makes for a nice effect.
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11/12/2003 01:51:08 PM
lol.........the outfit and the look. Oh just wonderful humor. The over head view is also excellent.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
11/12/2003 12:22:23 PM
this is a picture representing the content of the story, not a picture of the title.

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