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Shadow and Light
Shadow and Light

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Pencil (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 995
Location: Wadsworth, OH
Date: Aug 17, 2002
Aperture: f 7.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/4
Date Uploaded: Aug 18, 2002

Used this week's challenge to experiment with my camera's exposure bias settings, and also shutter priority mode. I'll probably get some comments about this photo being overexposed, but I like the range between the bright white and shadow areas in this photo. Exposure bias setting was -0.70 for this capture. Used Photoshop channel mixer to create the black and white version, also crop and sharpen in Photoshop.

Place: 39 out of 185
Avg (all users): 5.8902
Avg (commenters): 6.3333
Avg (participants): 5.8939
Avg (non-participants): 5.8864
Views since voting: 1213
Votes: 264
Comments: 25
Favorites: 0

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08/26/2002 12:24:00 PM
Thanks for all the great comments. The blemish in the top center is a pencil marking on the paper backdrop. Over the course of the week I had taken approximately 200 pencil photos on this paper work-area. Some of my experiments used many pencils (40+), so by the end of the week the paper had several light pencil lines. My submitted photo was taken very late at night. I should have placed a new sheet of paper down, but didn't think of it till the next day when I noticed this marking in the photo. It was a very faint marking on the paper, but brought out in the final image because of the over-exposure (the over-exposure was intentional).
 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/25/2002 11:54:00 PM
I like this...maybe a bit oversharpened...but I still like it.....
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08/25/2002 10:05:00 PM
I re-looked at this photo at 10pm Sunday night. Good thing some of us are addicted to this site, huh? I originally scored it quite low because the idea simply doesn't appeal to me (actually for some reason it bugs me), but in reviewing my votes for the week, this stood out as one that was not really fairly judged. The lighting is quite well done. It's obvious that that was your intent and you deserve to be judged for the artistic merit. i particularly like the shadow on the pencil. I've changed your vote to a 6.
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08/25/2002 09:35:00 PM
This photo is my favorite of the "Pencil" challenge. If it weren't for the blemish in the top center (hair? anomaly in the paper?), I'd have given this a 10. I like it so much I might have even let that go, except the picture speaks strongly to me on the concept of "pristine," and I was compelled to be a stickler.
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08/23/2002 03:48:00 PM
Realizing that this photo is called shadows and light, I will only say that excessive shadow and bright spots don't appeal to me, however, for your purpose, you did a very good job with it. I love the angle of this and how the pencil kind of jumps up and smacks us in the face. great focus and overall nice photo. Good luck with the challenge.
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08/23/2002 06:47:00 AM
Nice strong contrast, love the apple skin dots. I find this very striking in composition.
7, Kavey
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08/22/2002 08:03:00 PM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background7,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing8,
Challenge: Does your entry meet it?10,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 4,
Total Averaged Rating7. Autool
08/22/2002 02:31:00 AM
great black and white. the highlights are blown out and i kinda like it that way, makes a nice visual. i dont think it would have the same appeal if it was toned down. well done. (6) ~mcmurma
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08/22/2002 01:37:00 AM
a classic
i think you sharpened it too much
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08/21/2002 11:56:00 PM
Simple image. B&W really works for this image. Nice concept and shadows and shades really bring this out.
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08/21/2002 12:44:00 PM
Unique - different - not something I thought of! Perhaps I don't quite understand the point (no pun intended) - but, I very much like this. The use of light and shadow is excellent in such that is displays so many tones (ref to A Adams). It has a drastic value to it (extra exposure), yet is also a little subtle. Be interested to know if this was accomplished w/in the camera, or was a little tweaking necessary. Great work and effort 8
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08/21/2002 10:44:00 AM
great composition and greyscale
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08/20/2002 03:48:00 PM
Great lighting and shadows.
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08/20/2002 03:38:00 PM
I love the fuzzy shadows and how the light rings the apple. The overexposure and grainy feel work well.
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08/20/2002 02:55:00 PM
How funny, one of my attempts at the challenge was to stick a pencil in an orange. :-) I wish the top of the apple didn't disappear, but maybe you did that intentionally. Still, a good shot. 6
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08/20/2002 12:39:00 PM
I like the use of the light in this photo to produce the sharp contrasts with the shadows... good work! = 8 - jmsetzler
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08/20/2002 12:14:00 AM
This is cool. After looking at so many illustrations, I was really expecting that the apple would be a drawing. Works well with the overexposure - adds drama.
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08/19/2002 09:35:00 PM
a bit too overexposed, so you've lost all the more interesting textures on the top side. Could do with some fill/ reflected light to lighten the shadows too, possibly
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08/19/2002 06:28:00 PM
isn't the other way arround? fist light then... just kidding. I like the composition.
08/19/2002 05:41:00 PM
You and I are the only person that I have seen that stuck a pencil in a Vegtable. Great minds think alike I guess!!! I really like the shadows, (8) NormW
08/19/2002 12:12:00 PM
next time do your conversion to B&W before downsixing the image and it wont be so baded in the gradient area.
08/19/2002 10:48:00 AM
this is really nice! i wish the eraser had been including in the frame (at least i think i do)...there's a tiny bit of blowout on the top side of the apple..not too bad though. great lighting! Lisa
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08/19/2002 06:05:00 AM
good shoot, u just needed to have a litle less light on the top of the apple
08/19/2002 05:17:00 AM
HOT SPOTs are not your friend and deffenantly not in this shot
08/19/2002 02:05:00 AM
The poor apple!!!!

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