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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Pencil (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5000
Location: home
Date: Aug 18, 2002
Date Uploaded: Aug 19, 2002


Place: 106 out of 185
Avg (all users): 5.1969
Avg (commenters): 5.6154
Avg (participants): 5.0373
Avg (non-participants): 5.3680
Views since voting: 985
Votes: 259
Comments: 13
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/25/2002 06:21:00 PM
Very good photo! Good composition, lighting and focus. Very creative!
Only flaw I see is that there is a pencil right in the middle which is not like the other yellow ones (not not the blue one of course ;-)) It reflects the light differently and therefore sticks out one somehow destroys the uniformity of the yellow pencils.
08/23/2002 06:38:00 AM
Nice shot, and like that the blue is a third of way down. Would like it better if more accurately horizontal and if all pencils were at same angle. The one 8th up keeps destroying the repetitive pattern, for me.
6, Kavey
08/22/2002 07:53:00 PM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background4,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing5,
Challenge: Does your entry meet it?10,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 4,
Total Averaged Rating6. Autool
08/22/2002 12:57:00 PM
Great contrast between the blue pencil and the yellow ones. The lighting is good. I wouldn't want the glare on the right side to be any brighter though. The angle is great, but the framing is a slight bit off. Being the type of photo it is, even the very small bit it is off, it is very noticable and would have to go perfectly straight across the top and bottom to not be distracting. I like it, it has a very nice pattern to it. Good luck in the challenge.
08/21/2002 08:44:00 PM
From my perspective:
Meets challenge:Yes
Comments:Good luck in the challenge.
08/21/2002 11:53:00 AM
Well done. Focus is good. Lighting is good. Meets the challenge.
08/20/2002 07:35:00 AM
Almost modern art. That one pencil that's partly turned halfway down looks out of place to me. Im guessing it was deliberate but I dont think it adds much. Overall interest is lacking a little - maybe another sharpened pencil laid across the top at a diagonal would have helped.
08/19/2002 06:37:00 PM
interesting pattern... It would've help if all the pencils were exactly the same way. There's one in the middle thats a bit turned... also the fact that the blue one is round also distracts from the idea. Maybe could 've paint a pencil so you wouldn't loose the same sahpe... MHO
08/19/2002 06:27:00 PM
I REALLY feel like this is a nitpicking comment... but that one pencil about halfway down needs to be rotated so the same edge as all the others is out. It's still a very visually striking image. 6 -lennier
08/19/2002 03:28:00 PM
Looks like wallpaper, it is a great shot thoug (6)
08/19/2002 02:15:00 PM
The pattern in this shot is excellent. I really wish the pencil that's about halfway down did not stand out so much. It's a little distracting and takes away from the blue pencil.

Great concept...I love it!
08/19/2002 02:02:00 PM
Nice idea but it gets a little boring if you look at it for a bit. Although there is that one blue pencil, the overall image lacks tension to sustain my interest. The focus is also very soft but that may reflect the quality of your camera. 5 Journey
08/19/2002 01:20:00 AM
I wanted to find this picture intersting, and it was close, but in the end I needed more that the one blue to break the redundancy of yellow. Good attempt.

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