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1st PlaceSplash!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Surprise! (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-1D
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Date: Nov 23, 2003
Aperture: F/2.8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/500 sec.
Galleries: Emotive, Action
Date Uploaded: Nov 23, 2003

Model: Pall Eirikur Kristinsson
Watergirl: Brynja Bjornsdottir

Place: 1 out of 57
Avg (all users): 7.5743
Avg (commenters): 8.1795
Avg (participants): 7.2444
Avg (non-participants): 7.7184
Views since voting: 21797
Votes: 148
Comments: 76
Favorites: 25 (view)

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12/17/2007 07:13:48 PM
wow very creative :)
01/04/2005 10:21:36 AM
Talk about taking one for the team!
Wonderful shot. :D
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12/07/2003 02:47:04 PM
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12/05/2003 10:01:52 PM
nice image but- he knew this was coming- his shirt is soaking wet and the water didn't land yet.... must have been one or two throws before this one?
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12/04/2003 05:10:18 PM
Knew this was a winner from the moment I saw it - the best by far IMO! Well done indeed, congrats aplenty - crack open the champagne (just don't aim it at him again - looks like he's had enough!)
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12/02/2003 02:58:37 PM
Flottur :)
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12/02/2003 12:46:54 PM
Til hamingu, flott mynd hjá þér =)
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12/02/2003 05:49:22 AM
Bravo for the excellent capture. bravo. Congratulations.
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12/02/2003 04:47:47 AM
Vissi að þú værir vinner þegar ég sá myndina á síðunni þinni...
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12/01/2003 07:59:57 PM
Já góður!
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12/01/2003 02:51:17 PM
arnit--yet another awesome shot from you. i love the contrast and clarity of the water against the background--and his reaction couldn't be more perfect. congrats on a well deserved ribbon!

Message edited by author 2003-12-01 14:52:44.
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12/01/2003 02:11:18 PM
Blue Ribbon for the photo and Gold Medal for the model. =)
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12/01/2003 01:16:30 PM

I just wanted to add to the chorus and say this is the hands down best image of this challenge. I only wished I had said this before the challenge closed. You did a terrific job.
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12/01/2003 12:18:27 PM
Way to go! Not to brag, but I predicted this 2 minutes after the challenge voting began! :)
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12/01/2003 10:20:52 AM
Way to go, Arnit! Congrats.
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12/01/2003 10:15:38 AM
Very fun! Really super shot, Arnit!
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12/01/2003 10:11:41 AM
Til lukku, datt í hug að þessi væri þín.

(congrats, I thought this was your shot)

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12/01/2003 10:00:18 AM
Sure winner, the others never had a chance.
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12/01/2003 10:00:05 AM
Congrats on the win Arnit.
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12/01/2003 08:57:57 AM
Congratulations on the blue ribbon, a lively and enjoyable image.
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12/01/2003 08:17:23 AM
Congrats on your blue ribbon! :-)
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12/01/2003 07:35:06 AM
Congrats on the blue ribbon arnit - another great shot, as always :-)

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12/01/2003 07:29:11 AM
Cha ching! Knew it! Congrats! :D
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12/01/2003 06:43:06 AM
No Question about everyone's favorite of this challenge. Great Job.
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12/01/2003 05:19:55 AM
My absolute favorite.
I hope that you are going to have a big party with your model:-)
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12/01/2003 12:14:17 AM

Message edited by author 2003-12-01 00:59:48.
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12/01/2003 12:05:34 AM
Well you did it! congrats on the blue.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/30/2003 11:59:48 PM
wicked shot.... hope he wasn't too mad......lol....... should be a top ten. 10
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11/30/2003 11:55:59 PM
Looks like this took a few tries from the wet t-shirt. I think the expression is "That's enough".
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11/30/2003 11:26:53 PM
LMAO-- has to ribbon great shot- 10
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11/30/2003 08:56:33 PM
Great stop action! Your lighting/exposure/DOF/etc are all perfect! Clean, crisp black background is very nice for this shot! His shirt looks too wet for this 'stage' of the splash. Makes me wonder how many shots to get it the way you wanted it! I can't think of anyway to improve, you have done it all so well. Good luck in the challenge!
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11/30/2003 07:14:28 PM
My favorite so far in this challenge. Excellent idea, well executed. Like the lighting and composition. Well Done - 10 :-)
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11/30/2003 06:07:17 PM
Well, to me, it matters little with an image like this, whether the light (underside of right arm) appears to orignate from an artificial light source (when compared to the daylight (?) evident on the subject's face), nor can I hold my attention long enough to consider any details of composition or length of exposure (which would effect the preception of the water -jet-).

It's a great timed capture and a wonderful snapshot with good focus, good lighting for the purpose and without any distracting or redundant inclusions. The moment is banned perfectly and hilariously.

It ain't art, but certainly a wonderful fun shot, any fine arts photographer would be a fool to pass up! ;-)
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11/30/2003 05:55:50 PM
One of my highest rated, I like this very much in spite of the fact that it seems "set up". I was kind of looking for "real" surprises, but this is just so good. Composition, lighting, and general overall look are great, and it does get the point of the challenge across.
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11/30/2003 05:51:44 PM
ALRIGHT! NICE JOB! I can almost feel the splash! 10
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11/30/2003 04:48:55 PM
great photo, captures the moment and the theme
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11/30/2003 03:51:50 PM
Great shot Ãrni. 8
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11/29/2003 11:36:50 PM
This must have been fun to do 38 takes of ...
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11/29/2003 05:03:31 PM
Thats a neat idea! Well executed, the look on his face is natural.
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11/29/2003 12:07:42 PM
wonderful capture of water - how many times did your poor subject have to dry off and change clothes? Or cold yo possibly have gotten this in one take? The guesture o the hands is such a natural one, it doesn't even look posed. And perfect against the black background. teeny bit sharper maybe? 9
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11/28/2003 01:46:00 PM
Great stop action, and the model does seem surprised. I think the photo would be more effective if the shirt was dry.
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11/27/2003 06:52:50 PM
Good shot. His shirt shouldn't already be soaked in the front. Should have changed shirts between shots.
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11/27/2003 06:34:31 PM
Let me join the masses. How could this not win! 10
I do feel that he should have changed tees after every attempt! Seeing that his shirt is wet, but the water is just barely hitting him sorta destroys the illusion. But that isn't trying to take anything away from the shot. It's perfectly excellent.
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11/27/2003 07:49:13 AM
hehehe, magnað ! Lýtur samt allavega út fyrir að þetta hafi ekki verið fyrsta tilraun.
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11/26/2003 08:58:45 PM
Nice surprise shot, expression and all. Nice focus. I like how the water streams in and splashes on his face. 7
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11/26/2003 06:46:04 PM
It is a good stop motion shot, however it would be better if the shirt wasnt already soaked. I must admit though that they must really love you if they put up with the retakes.
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11/26/2003 03:44:44 PM
Great capture, obviously you had to do this more than once! You have a good friend to let you do this to him. 8
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11/26/2003 01:53:29 PM
That is a great capture, but the shirt should be dry. It's clear that this wasn't the first try. Next time bring a dozen of shirts and keep trying :)
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11/26/2003 07:26:24 AM
Great action freeze. Well composed. Love the simple background. However a touch of colour somwhere in this image could make it even more fun. Maybe a different colour t-shirt. Still great shot. 10
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11/26/2003 02:51:10 AM
Nice job capturing the action. Good surprise shot. 7
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11/26/2003 01:09:42 AM
You certainly captured the surprise element well done!
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11/25/2003 06:35:36 PM
lol.. this is too funny :) = 10
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11/25/2003 06:26:16 PM
Great timing...
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11/25/2003 05:51:18 PM
Very nice shot - great timing.
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11/25/2003 01:57:23 PM
Great shot... for sure you should have many other pictures like that... i wonder if there you have some other with some blue or yellow reflections in the boy´s shirt...i am a painter and i love this kind of pictures it has a lot of plastic qualities sorry for my verry bad inglish but i am spanish... well see you.
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11/25/2003 11:19:07 AM
Obviously not the first take! Nice shot.
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11/25/2003 08:45:08 AM
Poor guy - from the looks of his shirt he underwent this shot a few times. I like the black background. Good capture of the impact = 8
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11/25/2003 08:42:07 AM
Absolutely awesome!! The wet tee shirt says this is not the first try. It was worth how ever many tries it took. This can't be improved upon.
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11/24/2003 11:31:58 PM
Wow, extremely well done picture. Very nice!
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11/24/2003 11:05:26 PM
Its a great picture. Being outside may have made it a bit more natural. Still an awesome photo. 9
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11/24/2003 10:22:28 PM
We all know that feeling. Not the best way to be surprised. Like the action, the water in air.
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11/24/2003 10:04:58 PM
Perfect! I'm guessing from the soaked t-shirt that is wasn't the first take? You have a very understanding model there! A 10
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11/24/2003 05:16:11 PM
I hope you only had to do this once!! :)
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11/24/2003 05:14:03 PM
Supurb capture!
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11/24/2003 01:03:32 PM
I have been staring at this photo and it's driving me nuts.
1st off let me say, this is an excellent capture. Lighting is good, white balance, focus, the whole 9 yards. Wonderful.
Now, here is what I cannot seem to figure out. You have a near complete black background. This does not look like harsh flash, and I KNOW you where not tossing water buckets around your studio... Please share how you got such rich true color.
Lastly, I see from his hair that this was most likely not staged. Good Job.
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11/24/2003 12:44:16 PM
The motion of the water is beautifully captured and the long snaking curve of it makes for quite a dynamic composition. Poor soul!
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11/24/2003 11:28:27 AM
Excellent capture - 10! (Next best image got an 8) Not that it bothers me, but the subjects shirt looks like this is splash no. 2. Would imagine that this kind of shot would need a few go's. Nice job on the background. Hope you win.
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11/24/2003 10:11:27 AM
All I can say is excellent. You depicted the challenge very well. The composition is right on, clarity is very good and I think this is wonderful.
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11/24/2003 08:12:05 AM
Very good action shot. Definitely satisfies the challenge. Poor guy. Hope you didn't have to have too many retakes to get this one. One of my favorites of the challenge.
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11/24/2003 07:12:45 AM
Great photo! I'm sure your model was glad when it was done!
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11/24/2003 05:21:10 AM
hehe cool
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11/24/2003 04:28:06 AM
I don't need to look further. I know who is the winner. Congratulations! Great photo, by the way!
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11/24/2003 03:43:27 AM
Wonder how many shots that took to get right, the poor victim looks soaked already. The water "flow" is amazing, very well taken indeed. The plain black background is also very effective.
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11/24/2003 03:01:15 AM
This looks like the second attempt? The wet t-shirt spoils this a wee bit. Nice high shutter speed to catch the water droplets. 8
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11/24/2003 01:30:04 AM
Super stop action shot! and I must say the young Man does look surprised. I also like how the background is dark...makes your image pop! good luck.
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11/24/2003 12:02:29 AM
It's only 12:02 a.m., but I'm going to predict a ribbon for this one already! :) Super shot!
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