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Postmaster R2D2
Postmaster R2D2

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Pop Culture (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Nikon D80
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR II
Location: Nashville, TN
Date: Mar 23, 2007
Aperture: F/16
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/100 sec
Galleries: Still Life
Date Uploaded: Mar 24, 2007

For those of you who were wondering, this was shot in downtown Nashville, TN. The R2D2 look-alikes were a teaser promotion for a new set of StarWars themed postage stamps being released by the United States Postal Service.

Place: 9 out of 102
Avg (all users): 6.4973
Avg (commenters): 7.5000
Avg (participants): 6.1702
Avg (non-participants): 6.6087
Views since voting: 2393
Views during voting: 354
Votes: 185
Comments: 23
Favorites: 3 (view)

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04/11/2007 06:31:05 PM
This is so cool ! lol.
04/02/2007 09:51:22 PM
perfect match for the challenge..well done...
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04/02/2007 10:33:53 AM
congrats I would have liked to see this one do better..I have no idea how it did not.
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04/02/2007 09:01:26 AM
ahaha. we have those in texas =D
04/02/2007 12:08:09 AM
Congratulations on making the front page.
Told ya it was good...
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/01/2007 09:51:18 PM
Excellent work..it just works really good.
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03/31/2007 08:23:06 PM
How creative! I wish I thought of that.

This one is crisply shot. Technically, the only flaw I see is the ground
on both asphalt and red brick are overly bright. The stores in the background
should not be thought of as distractions as they add to the natural
look of a small town downtown street.
May the force be with you and your entry.
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03/30/2007 01:00:30 AM
whoa.... (drooling) where can i get one for myself?
03/29/2007 07:40:05 AM
hahaha where is this? I wish people would do this around our town.
03/29/2007 03:41:18 AM
Is this a real post box ??
03/28/2007 09:29:23 PM
what the - this just popped up on my screen and I wasn't even on-line â€Â¦ bizarre â€Â¦ what web-site is this? - but seriously -well, that was serious (the first part) - the lighting and clarity here gives this a convincing animated look. Quite striking to see at first - of course that's their artwork I suppose - the fact that the sky is nice and blue works well - it does come off as a bit slanty but still niiiice.
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03/28/2007 04:40:36 PM
This is awesome! Where is that thing??
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03/27/2007 08:50:39 PM
Kind of a disappointing challenge overall, but with a few bright spots. This is definitely one of them. My number one.
Congratulations, wherever you place.
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03/27/2007 01:09:30 PM
The sky is beautiful!
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03/27/2007 11:10:09 AM
Now that is cool! Nifty find, and I like the picture. Glad you added some background to show it's really out there somewhere and not in a museum or something.
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03/27/2007 05:18:15 AM
Really doesn't lift my heart to see this picture. Shame, that, because the picture quality and the fact that it addresses the challenge right between the eyes gets you 8 anyway :)
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03/26/2007 06:02:01 PM
thats cool. I think the background is a bit distracting though, and I feel that you could kick up the saturation a bit- that way it would bring out the blue more on the main subject.
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03/26/2007 11:58:08 AM
thats so fun!
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03/26/2007 11:57:56 AM
You nailed this one! Where is that thing?! Hahaaa!
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03/26/2007 10:49:07 AM
Universal Studios? Nice catch for the theme. Nice POV too.
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03/26/2007 10:44:56 AM
very cool subject, bg a little distracting.
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03/26/2007 07:48:11 AM
That's funny! :)
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03/26/2007 12:59:57 AM
the mailbox and sky is so sharp and perfect, wish the background buildings were different
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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